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man upsshutdown(8)
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upsshutdown(8)            BSD System Manager's Manual           upsshutdown(8)


     upsshutdown -- UPS emergency low power shutdown script


     upsshutdown is a script that runs automatically when the system performs
     an emergency UPS low power shutdown.  The script is run before
     shutdown(8) is invoked.  upsshutdown only runs if one of the three shut-
     down rules is enabled and true: "percentage remaining," "time remaining,"
     or "time since loss of power."  These settings can be changed using
     pmset(1) or Energy Saver in System Preferences.

     The system administrator may modify upsshutdown.  The script should only
     contain commands that must run in the case of an emergency UPS shutdown.
     It should not contain any commands that would otherwise be executed dur-
     ing a normal shutdown since the normal shutdown procedure follows invoca-
     tion of upsshutdown.




     pmset(1), ioupsd(8)

Darwin                         October 25, 2005                         Darwin

Mac OS X 10.6 - Generated Thu Sep 17 20:26:29 CDT 2009
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