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man watchdogtimerd(8)
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watchdogtimerd(8)           System Manager's Manual          watchdogtimerd(8)


     watchdogtimerd -- Mac OS X Server automatic reboot daemon (hardware
     watchdog tickler)


     watchdogtimerd [-d | -n | -R] [-i interval] [-c count] [-L facility]

     watchdogtimerd [-h | -v]


     watchdogtimerd is indirectly responsible for rebooting the server hard-
     ware if the machine hangs or panics. When watchdogtimerd runs on sup-
     ported hardware, it periodically resets the hardware watchdog timer.  If
     the timer ever expires, the power management unit forces a hard reboot.
     Automatic reboot is disabled when watchdogtimerd quits cleanly, so it is
     imperative watchdogtimerd be terminated by sending a termination signal
     (SIGTERM), NOT a kill signal (SIGKILL)!

     watchdogtimerd is typically launched at boot time under the control of
     launchd(8) using the job label


     The following options are available:
     -c count
     --cycles=count       Reboot the machine if the timer has not been reset
                          for count intervals. This option is primarily used
                          when debugging.  Valid range of values is 3 through
                          480. Default is 10 with most configurations, result-
                          ing in a reboot within five minutes after failure.
                          If the kernel's boot-args contained the "_panicd_ip"
                          directive to enable panic dumps (as noted in the
                          referenced Tech Note below), the default is raised
                          to 30, resulting in a reboot after fifteen minutes
                          to allow enough time for the kernel to send the dump

     --debug              Print log strings to the terminal.

     --help               Print usage summary and exit.

     -i interval
     --interval=interval  Reset the watchdog timer every interval seconds.
                          This option is primarily used when debugging.  Valid
                          range of values is 1 through 30. Default is 30.

     -L facility          Enable logging to syslog(8) using the specified
                          facility.  The following values for facility are
                          supported: daemon (the default), user, local[0-7].
                          (See syslog.conf(5) for their meanings.) This is
                          equivalent to --syslog.

     --no-run             Print log information to the terminal and quit after
                          validating the hardware watchdog timer.

     --reboot             Force a hard reboot by initializing the watchdog
                          timer to (count * interval) seconds and terminating.

     --syslog=facility    Enable logging to syslog(8) using the specified
                          facility.  The following values for facility are
                          supported: daemon (the default), auth, user,
                          local[0-7].  (See syslog.conf(5) for their mean-
                          ings.) This is equivalent to -L.

     --version            Print build version and exit.


           -   daemon
           -   launchd(8) configuration file.


     The watchdogtimerd utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.
     The following table lists possible exit codes, their equivalent constants
     in sysexits(3), and their corresponding failure condition.

           code    constant          failure condition
           64      EX_USAGE          invalid arguments
           69      EX_UNAVAILABLE    automatic reboot timer unavailable
           77      EX_NOPERM         insufficient permissions

     Could not access automatic reboot timer.  The executing machine does not
     support a hardware watchdog timer.

     Invalid interval.  Valid intervals range from 1 to 30.

     Invalid number of cycles.  Valid cycles range from 3 to 480.

     Unable to raise process priority.  watchdogtimerd was unable to raise its
     priority. This may result in inadvertant reboots if other (typically
     real-time) processes consume all available cycles.

     watchdogtimerd must be executed as root.  Because watchdogtimerd controls
     system-wide resources, it must be executed by the root user.


     sysexits(3), syslog.conf(5), launchctl(8), launchd(8), syslogd(8)

     Apple's technical note TN2118: Kernel Core Dumps <http://> describes how to set up
     a crash dump server and how to send dumps from panicked  machines.  These
     instructions allow a site to record kernel panics for debugging or analy-
     sis  while  leveraging  the  higher  service  availability  provided   by
     watchdogtimerd.   This  approach is recommended for most sites instead of
     increasing the time before forcing a reboot. (As  noted  in  the  OPTIONS
     section,  the  minimum reboot time is extended if such dumping is config-


     None identified at this time.


     watchdogtimerd replaces the hardware watchdog timer servicing of

     The pressing question used to be, "Who watches the watchmen?"  Now we
     know: launchd(8).

Mac OS X Server 10.6             May 12, 2008             Mac OS X Server 10.6

Mac OS X 10.6Server - Generated Thu Apr 15 07:13:23 CDT 2010
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