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man fblocked(n)
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fblocked(n)                  Tcl Built-In Commands                 fblocked(n)


       fblocked  -  Test whether the last input operation exhausted all avail-
       able input


       fblocked channelId


       The fblocked command returns 1 if the most recent  input  operation  on
       channelId  returned  less information than requested because all avail-
       able input was exhausted.  For example, if gets is invoked  when  there
       are  only  three  characters  available  for  input  and no end-of-line
       sequence, gets returns  an  empty  string  and  a  subsequent  call  to
       fblocked will return 1.

       ChannelId must be an identifier for an open channel such as a Tcl stan-
       dard channel (stdin, stdout, or stderr), the return value from an invo-
       cation  of  open or socket, or the result of a channel creation command
       provided by a Tcl extension.


       The fblocked  command  is  particularly  useful  when  writing  network
       servers,  as  it  allows you to write your code in a line-by-line style
       without preventing the servicing of other  connections.   This  can  be
       seen in this simple echo-service:

       # This is called whenever a new client connects to the server proc con-
       nect {chan host port} {
           set clientName [format <%s:%d> $host $port]
           puts "connection from $clientName"
           fconfigure $chan -blocking 0 -buffering line
           fileevent $chan readable [list echoLine $chan $clientName] }

       # This is called whenever either at least one byte of input #  data  is
       available,  or  the  channel  was  closed by the client.  proc echoLine
       {chan clientName} {
           gets $chan line
           if {[eof $chan]} {
               puts "finishing connection from $clientName"
               close $chan
           } elseif {![fblocked $chan]} {
               # Didn't block waiting for end-of-line
               puts "$clientName - $line"
               puts $chan $line
           } }

       # Create the server socket and enter  the  event-loop  to  wait  #  for
       incoming connections...  socket -server connect 12345 vwait forever


       gets(n), open(n), read(n), socket(n), Tcl_StandardChannels(3)


       blocking, nonblocking

Tcl                                   7.5                          fblocked(n)

tcl 8.6.0 - Generated Tue Jan 8 18:30:08 CST 2013
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