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gdk_bitmap_create_from_data, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_bitmap_ref, macro in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_bitmap_unref, macro in Bitmaps and Pixmaps


gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap, function in Cairo Interaction
gdk_char_height, function in Fonts
gdk_char_measure, function in Fonts
gdk_char_width, function in Fonts
gdk_char_width_wc, function in Fonts
gdk_colormap_change, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colormap_get_system_size, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colormap_ref, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colormap_unref, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colors_alloc, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colors_free, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_colors_store, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_color_alloc, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_color_black, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_color_change, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_color_white, function in Colormaps and Colors
gdk_cursor_destroy, macro in Cursors


GdkDestroyNotify, user_function in Input
GDK_DISPLAY, macro in X Window System Interaction
gdk_display_set_pointer_hooks, function in GdkDisplay
gdk_drag_context_new, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drag_context_ref, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drag_context_unref, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drag_find_window, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drag_get_protocol, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drag_motion, function in Drag and Drop
gdk_drawable_copy_to_image, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_clip_region, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_data, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_display, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_image, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_screen, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_size, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_get_visual, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_ref, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_set_colormap, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_set_data, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_drawable_unref, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_arc, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_drawable, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_glyphs, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_glyphs_transformed, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_gray_image, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_image, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_indexed_image, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_layout, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_layout_line, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_layout_line_with_colors, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_layout_with_colors, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_line, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_lines, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_pixbuf, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_pixmap, macro in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_point, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_points, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_polygon, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_rectangle, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_rgb_32_image, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_rgb_32_image_dithalign, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_rgb_image, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign, function in GdkRGB
gdk_draw_segments, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_string, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_text, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_text_wc, function in Drawing Primitives
gdk_draw_trapezoids, function in Drawing Primitives


gdk_event_get_graphics_expose, function in Events
gdk_exit, function in General


GdkFillRule, enum in Points, Rectangles and Regions
GdkFont, struct in Fonts
gdk_fontset_load, function in Fonts
gdk_fontset_load_for_display, function in Fonts
GdkFontType, enum in Fonts
gdk_font_equal, function in Fonts
gdk_font_from_description, function in Fonts
gdk_font_from_description_for_display, function in Fonts
gdk_font_get_display, function in Fonts
gdk_font_id, function in Fonts
gdk_font_load, function in Fonts
gdk_font_load_for_display, function in Fonts
gdk_font_lookup, macro in X Window System Interaction
gdk_font_lookup_for_display, macro in X Window System Interaction
gdk_font_ref, function in Fonts
gdk_font_unref, function in Fonts
GDK_FONT_XDISPLAY, macro in X Window System Interaction
GDK_FONT_XFONT, macro in X Window System Interaction
gdk_free_compound_text, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_free_text_list, function in Properties and Atoms


gdk_gc_copy, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_destroy, macro in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_get_colormap, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_get_screen, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_get_values, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_new, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_new_with_values, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_offset, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_ref, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_background, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_clip_mask, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_clip_origin, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_clip_rectangle, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_clip_region, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_colormap, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_dashes, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_exposures, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_fill, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_font, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_foreground, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_function, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_line_attributes, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_rgb_bg_color, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_stipple, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_subwindow, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_tile, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_ts_origin, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_set_values, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_gc_unref, function in Graphics Contexts
gdk_get_display, function in General
gdk_get_program_class, function in General
gdk_get_use_xshm, function in General


gdk_image_destroy, macro in Images
gdk_image_get, function in Images
gdk_image_get_bits_per_pixel, function in Images
gdk_image_get_bytes_per_line, function in Images
gdk_image_get_bytes_per_pixel, function in Images
gdk_image_get_byte_order, function in Images
gdk_image_get_colormap, function in Images
gdk_image_get_depth, function in Images
gdk_image_get_height, function in Images
gdk_image_get_image_type, function in Images
gdk_image_get_pixel, function in Images
gdk_image_get_pixels, function in Images
gdk_image_get_visual, function in Images
gdk_image_get_width, function in Images
gdk_image_new, function in Images
gdk_image_new_bitmap, function in Images
gdk_image_put_pixel, function in Images
gdk_image_ref, function in Images
gdk_image_set_colormap, function in Images
gdk_image_unref, function in Images
gdk_input_add, function in Input
gdk_input_add_full, function in Input
gdk_input_remove, function in Input


gdk_mbstowcs, function in Fonts


gdk_net_wm_supports, function in X Window System Interaction


gdk_pango_context_set_colormap, function in Pango Interaction
gdk_pixbuf_render_pixmap_and_mask_for_colormap, function in Pixbufs
gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable, function in Pixbufs
gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable_alpha, function in Pixbufs
gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_create_from_data, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d, function in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_ref, macro in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
gdk_pixmap_unref, macro in Bitmaps and Pixmaps
GdkPoint, struct in Points, Rectangles and Regions
gdk_pointer_grab, function in General


gdk_region_polygon, function in Points, Rectangles and Regions
gdk_region_rect_equal, function in Points, Rectangles and Regions
gdk_region_shrink, function in Points, Rectangles and Regions
gdk_region_spans_intersect_foreach, function in Points, Rectangles and Regions
GdkRgbCmap, struct in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_cmap_free, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_cmap_new, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_colormap_ditherable, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_ditherable, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_find_color, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_gc_set_background, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_gc_set_foreground, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_get_cmap, macro in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_get_colormap, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_get_visual, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_init, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_set_install, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_set_min_colors, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_set_verbose, function in GdkRGB
gdk_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb, function in GdkRGB
GDK_ROOT_PARENT, macro in X Window System Interaction


gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap, function in GdkScreen
gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual, function in GdkScreen
GdkSelection, typedef in Selections
GdkSelectionType, typedef in Selections
gdk_selection_owner_set, function in Selections
gdk_set_locale, function in General
gdk_set_pointer_hooks, function in Windows
gdk_set_sm_client_id, function in General
gdk_set_use_xshm, function in General
GdkSpanFunc, user_function in Points, Rectangles and Regions
gdk_spawn_command_line_on_screen, function in GdkScreen
gdk_spawn_on_screen, function in GdkScreen
gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes, function in GdkScreen
gdk_string_extents, function in Fonts
gdk_string_height, function in Fonts
gdk_string_measure, function in Fonts
gdk_string_to_compound_text, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_string_to_compound_text_for_display, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_string_width, function in Fonts


GdkTarget, typedef in Selections
gdk_text_extents, function in Fonts
gdk_text_extents_wc, function in Fonts
gdk_text_height, function in Fonts
gdk_text_measure, function in Fonts
gdk_text_property_to_text_list, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_text_property_to_text_list_for_display, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_text_property_to_utf8_list, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_text_width, function in Fonts
gdk_text_width_wc, function in Fonts
gdk_threads_mutex, variable in Threads


gdk_utf8_to_compound_text, function in Properties and Atoms
gdk_utf8_to_compound_text_for_display, function in Properties and Atoms


gdk_visual_ref, macro in Visuals
gdk_visual_unref, macro in Visuals


gdk_wcstombs, function in Fonts
gdk_window_copy_area, macro in Windows
gdk_window_foreign_new, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_window_foreign_new_for_display, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_window_get_colormap, macro in Windows
gdk_window_get_deskrelative_origin, function in Windows
gdk_window_get_size, macro in Windows
gdk_window_get_toplevels, function in Windows
gdk_window_get_type, macro in Windows
gdk_window_lookup, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_window_lookup_for_display, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_window_ref, macro in Windows
gdk_window_set_colormap, macro in Windows
gdk_window_set_hints, function in Windows
gdk_window_unref, macro in Windows


gdk_x11_drawable_get_xdisplay, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_font_get_name, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_font_get_xdisplay, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_font_get_xfont, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_gc_get_xdisplay, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_gc_get_xgc, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_x11_set_sm_client_id, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_xid_table_lookup, function in X Window System Interaction
gdk_xid_table_lookup_for_display, function in X Window System Interaction
gdkx_colormap_get, function in X Window System Interaction
gdkx_visual_get, function in X Window System Interaction
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