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Overview — a quick tour of GooCanvas.
Simple Canvas Example — how to create a simple canvas.
Model/View Canvas Example — how to create a model/view canvas.
Underlying Architecture — how the canvas fits together.
Coordinate Spaces and Limits — how coordinates are used.
Creating New Items — how to create new canvas items.
WYSIWYG Printing — how to use the canvas to create accurate printed output.
Core Objects
GooCanvas — the main canvas widget.
GooCanvasItem — the interface for canvas items.
GooCanvasItemModel — the interface for canvas item models.
GooCanvasItemSimple — the base class for the standard canvas items.
GooCanvasItemModelSimple — the base class for the standard canvas item models.
GooCanvasStyle — support for cascading style properties for canvas items.
Standard Canvas Items
GooCanvasGroup — a group of items.
GooCanvasEllipse — an ellipse item.
GooCanvasGrid — a grid item.
GooCanvasImage — an image item.
GooCanvasPath — a path item (a series of lines and curves).
GooCanvasPolyline — a polyline item (a series of lines with optional arrows).
GooCanvasRect — a rectangle item.
GooCanvasText — a text item.
GooCanvasWidget — an embedded widget item.
GooCanvasTable — a table container to layout items.
Standard Canvas Item Models
GooCanvasGroupModel — a model for a group of items.
GooCanvasEllipseModel — a model for ellipse items.
GooCanvasGridModel — a model for grid items.
GooCanvasImageModel — a model for image items.
GooCanvasPathModel — a model for path items (a series of lines and curves).
GooCanvasPolylineModel — a model for polyline items (a series of lines with optional arrows).
GooCanvasRectModel — a model for rectangle items.
GooCanvasTextModel — a model for text items.
GooCanvasTableModel — a model for a table container to layout items.
GooCanvas Types — types used in GooCanvas.
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