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GtkSymbolicColor — Symbolic colors
GtkGradient — Gradients
Resource Files — Deprecated routines for handling resource files
GtkStyle — Deprecated object that holds style information for widgets
GtkHScale — A horizontal slider widget for selecting a value from a range
GtkVScale — A vertical slider widget for selecting a value from a range
GtkTearoffMenuItem — A menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu
GtkColorSelection — Deprecated widget used to select a color
GtkColorSelectionDialog — Deprecated dialog box for selecting a color
GtkHSV — A “color wheel” widget
GtkFontSelection — Deprecated widget for selecting fonts
GtkFontSelectionDialog — Deprecated dialog box for selecting fonts
GtkHBox — A horizontal container box
GtkVBox — A vertical container box
GtkHButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons horizontally
GtkVButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons vertically
GtkHPaned — A container with two panes arranged horizontally
GtkVPaned — A container with two panes arranged vertically
GtkTable — Pack widgets in regular patterns
GtkHSeparator — A horizontal separator
GtkVSeparator — A vertical separator
GtkHScrollbar — A horizontal scrollbar
GtkVScrollbar — A vertical scrollbar
GtkUIManager — Constructing menus and toolbars from an XML description
GtkActionGroup — A group of actions
GtkAction — A deprecated action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item
GtkToggleAction — An action which can be toggled between two states
GtkRadioAction — An action of which only one in a group can be active
GtkRecentAction — An action of which represents a list of recently used files
GtkActivatable — An interface for activatable widgets
GtkImageMenuItem — A menu item with an icon
GtkMisc — Base class for widgets with alignments and padding
Stock Items — Prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
Themeable Stock Images — Manipulating stock icons
GtkNumerableIcon — A GIcon that allows numbered emblems
GtkArrow — Displays an arrow
GtkStatusIcon — Display an icon in the system tray
GtkThemingEngine — Theming renderers
GtkAlignment — A widget which controls the alignment and size of its child
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