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Selector Widgets and Dialogs

GtkColorChooser — Interface implemented by widgets for choosing colors
GtkColorButton — A button to launch a color selection dialog
GtkColorChooserWidget — A widget for choosing colors
GtkColorChooserDialog — A dialog for choosing colors
GtkFileChooser — File chooser interface used by GtkFileChooserWidget and GtkFileChooserDialog
GtkFileChooserButton — A button to launch a file selection dialog
GtkFileChooserDialog — A file chooser dialog, suitable for “File/Open” or “File/Save” commands
GtkFileChooserWidget — A file chooser widget
GtkFileFilter — A filter for selecting a file subset
GtkFontChooser — Interface implemented by widgets displaying fonts
GtkFontButton — A button to launch a font chooser dialog
GtkFontChooserWidget — A widget for selecting fonts
GtkFontChooserDialog — A dialog for selecting fonts
GtkPlacesSidebar — Sidebar that displays frequently-used places in the file system
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