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7.38 slopefield
To draw a slope field for the differential equation dy/dx=f(x,y) (or dy/dx=f(x)), use:
picture slopefield(real f(real,real), pair a, pair b, int nx=nmesh, int ny=nx, real tickfactor=0.5, pen p=currentpen, arrowbar arrow=None);
Here, the points a
and b
are the lower left and upper
right corners of the rectangle in which the slope field is to be drawn,
and ny
are the respective number of ticks in the
x and y directions, tickfactor
is the fraction of
the minimum cell dimension to use for drawing ticks, and p
the pen to use for drawing the slope fields.
The return value is a picture that can be added to
via the add(picture)
path curve(pair c, real f(real,real), pair a, pair b);
takes a point (c
) and a slope field-defining function f
and returns, as a path, the curve passing through that point. The points
and b
represent the rectangular boundaries over which
the curve is interpolated.
Both slopefield
and curve
alternatively accept a function
real f(real)
that depends on x only, as seen in this example:
import slopefield; size(200); real func(real x) {return 2x;} add(slopefield(func,(-3,-3),(3,3),20,Arrow)); draw(curve((0,0),func,(-3,-3),(3,3)),red);