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3.2.4 Error Strings

Function: const char * gcry_strerror (gcry_error_t err)

The function gcry_strerror returns a pointer to a statically allocated string containing a description of the error code contained in the error value err. This string can be used to output a diagnostic message to the user.

Function: const char * gcry_strsource (gcry_error_t err)

The function gcry_strsource returns a pointer to a statically allocated string containing a description of the error source contained in the error value err. This string can be used to output a diagnostic message to the user.

The following example illustrates the use of the functions described above:

  gcry_cipher_hd_t handle;
  gcry_error_t err = 0;

  err = gcry_cipher_open (&handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES,
                          GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0);
  if (err)
      fprintf (stderr, "Failure: %s/%s\n",
               gcry_strsource (err),
               gcry_strerror (err));

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