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12 MPI library
12.1 Data types | MPI related data types. | |
12.2 Basic functions | First steps with MPI numbers. | |
12.3 MPI formats | External representation of MPIs. | |
12.4 Calculations | Performing MPI calculations. | |
12.5 Comparisons | How to compare MPI values. | |
12.6 Bit manipulations | How to access single bits of MPI values. | |
12.7 EC functions | Elliptic curve related functions. | |
12.8 Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous MPI functions. |
Public key cryptography is based on mathematics with large numbers. To implement the public key functions, a library for handling these large numbers is required. Because of the general usefulness of such a library, its interface is exposed by Libgcrypt. In the context of Libgcrypt and in most other applications, these large numbers are called MPIs (multi-precision-integers).
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