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A.1.1 Symmetric Cipher Algorithm Power-Up Tests

The following symmetric encryption algorithm tests are run during power-up:


To test the 3DES 3-key EDE encryption in ECB mode these tests are run:

  1. A known answer test is run on a 64 bit test vector processed by 64 rounds of Single-DES block encryption and decryption using a key changed with each round.
  2. A known answer test is run on a 64 bit test vector processed by 16 rounds of 2-key and 3-key Triple-DES block encryption and decryptions using a key changed with each round.
  3. 10 known answer tests using 3-key Triple-DES EDE encryption, comparing the ciphertext to the known value, then running a decryption and comparing it to the initial plaintext.



A known answer tests is run using one test vector and one test key with AES in ECB mode. (cipher/rijndael.c:selftest_basic_128)


A known answer tests is run using one test vector and one test key with AES in ECB mode. (cipher/rijndael.c:selftest_basic_192)


A known answer tests is run using one test vector and one test key with AES in ECB mode. (cipher/rijndael.c:selftest_basic_256)

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