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1.4.8 New or revised terminal drivers

The ‘qt‘ driver implements an interactive terminal on top of the Qt graphics layer. It can function either as a window in a full-featured desktop enviroment or as a full-screen application on a Qt-based embedded device. The ‘qt‘ terminal is new and may still have some rough edges.

Two terminal types support web-based interactive display. The HTML5 ‘canvas‘ terminal was introduced in version 4.4. The ‘svg‘ terminal has been extensively revised to include support for mousing and better incorporation of svg plots from gnuplot into larger svg/xml documents.

The ‘canvas‘ terminal driver produces javascript output that draws onto the HTML canvas element of a web page. It can produce either a complete web page containing a single plot, or a script that can be embedded as part of an externally generated HTML document that perhaps contains multiple plots. The embedded plots support browser-side mousing, including zoom/unzoom.

The ‘lua‘ terminal driver creates data intended to be further processed by a script in the lua programming language. At this point only one such lua script, gnuplot-tikz.lua, is available. It produces a TeX document suitable for use with the latex TikZ package. Other lua scripts could be written to process the gnuplot output for use with other TeX packages, or with other non-TeX tools.

‘set term tikz‘ is shorthand for ‘set term lua tikz‘. As decribed above, it uses the generic lua terminal and an external lua script to produce a latex document.

The ‘context‘ terminal driver creates output to be further processed by the ConTeXt TeX macro package. To process its output, you additionally require the gnuplot module for ConTeXt available at

The ‘epscairo‘ terminal uses the cairo and pango libraries to create encapsulated postscript (eps) ouput. It is an alternative to the ‘postscript‘ terminal driver for those who would like to have their eps files look equal to e.g. screen output by the ‘wxt‘ terminal.

The ‘cairolatex‘ terminal uses the cairo backend of the ‘pdfcairo‘ or ‘epscairo‘ terminal to produce graphs for inclusion in LaTeX documents. It creates pdf or eps graphics but transfers texts to LaTeX in the same way as the ‘epslatex‘ terminal.

The ‘windows‘ terminal driver has been revised to suport transparency, antialiasing, buffered output, multiple graph windows and copying to clipboard and saving of graphs as emf files. It has many new options and a revised user interface. Additionaly, the code of the text console has been largely rewritten to support wrapping of long lines. Help is now provided via HTML.

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