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    set object <index> ellipse {at|center} <position> size <w>,<h>
        {angle <orientation>} {units xy|xx|yy}

The position of the ellipse is specified by giving the center followed by the width and the height (actually the major and minor axes). The keywords ‘at‘ and ‘center‘ are synonyms. The center position may be given in axis, graph, or screen coordinates. See ‘coordinates‘. The major and minor axis lengths must be given in axis coordinates. The orientation of the ellipse is specified by the angle between the horizontal axis and the major diameter of the ellipse. If no angle is given, the default ellipse orientation will be used instead (see ‘set style ellipse‘). The ‘units‘ keyword controls the scaling of the axes of the ellipse. ‘units xy‘ means that the major axis is interpreted in terms of units along the x axis, while the minor axis in that of the y axis. ‘units xx‘ means that both axes of the ellipses are scaled in the units of the x axis, while ‘units yy‘ means that both axes are in units of the y axis. The default is ‘xy‘ or whatever ‘set style ellipse units‘ was set to.

NB: If the x and y axis scales are not equal, (e.g. ‘units xy‘ is in effect) then the major/minor axis ratio will no longer be correct after rotation.

Note that ‘set object ellipse size <2r>,<2r>‘ does not in general produce the same result as ‘set object circle <r>‘. The circle radius is always interpreted in terms of units along the x axis, and will always produce a circle even if the x and y axis scales are different and even if the aspect ratio of your plot is not 1. If ‘units‘ is set to ‘xy‘, then ’set object ellipse’ interprets the first <2r> in terms of x axis units and the second <2r> in terms of y axis units. This will only produce a circle if the x and y axis scales are identical and the plot aspect ratio is 1. On the other hand, if ‘units‘ is set to ‘xx‘ or ‘yy‘, then the diameters specified in the ’set object’ command will be interpreted in the same units, so the ellipse will have the correct aspect ratio, and it will maintain its aspect ratio even if the plot is resized.

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