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3.4.2 Class Slots

Slots whose allocation is per-class rather than per-instance can be referenced and set without needing to specify any particular instance.

procedure: class-slot-ref class slot-name

Return the value of the slot named slot-name in class class. The named slot must have #:class or #:each-subclass allocation (see section allocation).

If there is no such slot with #:class or #:each-subclass allocation, class-slot-ref calls the slot-missing generic function with arguments class and slot-name. Otherwise, if the slot value is unbound, class-slot-ref calls the slot-missing generic function, with the same arguments.

procedure: class-slot-set! class slot-name value

Set the value of the slot named slot-name in class class to value. The named slot must have #:class or #:each-subclass allocation (see section allocation).

If there is no such slot with #:class or #:each-subclass allocation, class-slot-ref calls the slot-missing generic function with arguments class and slot-name.

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