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3.11.3 Object Comparisons
- generic: eqv?
- method: eqv? ((x <top>) (y <top>))
- generic: equal?
- method: equal? ((x <top>) (y <top>))
- generic: =
- method: = ((x <number>) (y <number>))
Generic functions and default (unspecialized) methods for comparing two GOOPS objects.
The default method for
for all values that are equal in the sense defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual, otherwise#f
. The default method forequal?
in the sense defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual. If no such comparison is defined,equal?
returns the result of a call toeqv?
. The default method for = returns#t
if x and y are numerically equal, otherwise#f
.Application class authors may wish to define specialized methods for
that compare instances of the same class for equality in whatever sense is useful to the application. Such methods will only be called if the arguments have the same class and the result of the comparison isn't defined by R5RS and the Guile reference manual.