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4.3 How to get started with libguile

Here is an elementary first program, learn0, to get going with libguile. The program (which uses Scheme as a master world) is in a single source file, learn0.c:

/* test the new libgh.a (Guile High-level library) with a trivial
   program */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <guile/gh.h>

void main_prog(int argc, char *argv[]);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  gh_enter(argc, argv, main_prog);

void main_prog(int argc, char *argv[])
  int done;
  char input_str[200];

  gh_eval_str("(display \"hello Guile\")");

  /* for fun, evaluate some simple Scheme expressions here */
  gh_eval_str("(define (square x) (* x x))");
  gh_eval_str("(define (fact n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))");
  gh_eval_str("(square 9)");

  /* now sit in a Scheme eval loop: I input the expressions, have
     Guile evaluate them, and then get another expression. */
  done = 0;
  fputs("learn0> ", stdout);
  while (fgets(input_str, 199, stdin) != NULL) {
    fputs("\nlearn0> ", stdout);


If you name this program learn0.c, it can now be compiled with:

gcc -g -c learn0.c -o learn0.o
gcc -o learn0 learn0.o -lguile -lm

The program is simple: it creates a Scheme interpreter, passes a couple of strings to it that define new Scheme functions square and factorial, and then a couple of strings that invoke those functions.

It then goes into a read-eval-print-loop (REPL), so you could type one-line Scheme expressions to it and have them evaluated. For example:

<shell-prompt> ./learn0
hello Guile
learn0> (display (sin 1.3))
learn0> (display (fact 10))
learn0> (quit)

You should notice the key steps involved in this learn0 program:

  1. #include <guile/gh.h>
  2. You need to invoke the initialization routine gh_enter(). This starts up a Scheme interpreter, handling many implementation-specific details.
  3. Your main() function should be almost empty: the real main program goes in a separate function main_prog() which is passed to gh_enter(). This rather arcane convention is due to the way Guile's garbage collector works: the whole program has to run in the dynamic context of gh_enter().
  4. You pass strings to the Scheme interpreter with the gh_eval_str() routine.
  5. You link your program with -lguile.

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