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17.3 Solution for foreach

The foreach and foreachq macros (see section Iteration by list contents) as presented earlier each have flaws. First, we will examine and fix the quadratic behavior of foreachq:

$ m4 -I examples
foreachq(`x', ``1', `2', `3', `4'', `x
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -5- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -6- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -5- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`4')

Each successive iteration was adding more quoted shift invocations, and the entire list contents were passing through every iteration. In general, when recursing, it is a good idea to make the recursion use fewer arguments, rather than adding additional quoted uses of shift. By doing so, m4 uses less memory, invokes fewer macros, is less likely to run into machine limits, and most importantly, performs faster. The fixed version of foreachq can be found in ‘m4-1.4.17/examples/foreachq2.m4’:

$ m4 -I examples
⇒# foreachq(x, `item_1, item_2, ..., item_n', stmt)
⇒#   quoted list, improved version
⇒define(`foreachq', `pushdef(`$1')_$0($@)popdef(`$1')')
⇒define(`_arg1q', ``$1'')
⇒define(`_rest', `ifelse(`$#', `1', `', `dquote(shift($@))')')
⇒define(`_foreachq', `ifelse(`$2', `', `',
⇒  `define(`$1', _arg1q($2))$3`'$0(`$1', _rest($2), `$3')')')
foreachq(`x', ``1', `2', `3', `4'', `x
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`3', `4')

Note that the fixed version calls unquoted helper macros in _foreachq to trim elements immediately; those helper macros in turn must re-supply the layer of quotes lost in the macro invocation. Contrast the use of _arg1q, which quotes the first list element, with _arg1 of the earlier implementation that returned the first list element directly. Additionally, by calling the helper method immediately, the ‘defn(`iterator')’ no longer contains unexpanded macros.

The astute m4 programmer might notice that the solution above still uses more memory and macro invocations, and thus more time, than strictly necessary. Note that ‘$2’, which contains an arbitrarily long quoted list, is expanded and rescanned three times per iteration of _foreachq. Furthermore, every iteration of the algorithm effectively unboxes then reboxes the list, which costs a couple of macro invocations. It is possible to rewrite the algorithm for a bit more speed by swapping the order of the arguments to _foreachq in order to operate on an unboxed list in the first place, and by using the fixed-length ‘$#’ instead of an arbitrary length list as the key to end recursion. The result is an overhead of six macro invocations per loop (excluding any macros in text), instead of eight. This alternative approach is available as ‘m4-1.4.17/examples/foreach3.m4’:

$ m4 -I examples
⇒# foreachq(x, `item_1, item_2, ..., item_n', stmt)
⇒#   quoted list, alternate improved version
⇒define(`foreachq', `ifelse(`$2', `', `',
⇒  `pushdef(`$1')_$0(`$1', `$3', `', $2)popdef(`$1')')')
⇒define(`_foreachq', `ifelse(`$#', `3', `',
⇒  `define(`$1', `$4')$2`'$0(`$1', `$2',
⇒    shift(shift(shift($@))))')')
foreachq(`x', ``1', `2', `3', `4'', `x
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`x', `x
error-->', `', `1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`x
error-->', `', `1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`', `1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`x', `x
error-->', `1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`x
error-->', `1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`x', `x
error-->', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`x
error-->', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`x', `x
error-->', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(`x
error-->', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -2- shift(`3', `4')

In the current version of M4, every instance of ‘$@’ is rescanned as it is encountered. Thus, the ‘foreachq3.m4’ alternative uses much less memory than ‘foreachq2.m4’, and executes as much as 10% faster, since each iteration encounters fewer ‘$@’. However, the implementation of rescanning every byte in ‘$@’ is quadratic in the number of bytes scanned (for example, making the broken version in ‘foreachq.m4’ cubic, rather than quadratic, in behavior). A future release of M4 will improve the underlying implementation by reusing results of previous scans, so that both styles of foreachq can become linear in the number of bytes scanned. Notice how the implementation injects an empty argument prior to expanding ‘$2’ within foreachq; the helper macro _foreachq then ignores the third argument altogether, and ends recursion when there are three arguments left because there was nothing left to pass through shift. Thus, each iteration only needs one ifelse, rather than the two conditionals used in the version from ‘foreachq2.m4’.

So far, all of the implementations of foreachq presented have been quadratic with M4 1.4.x. But forloop is linear, because each iteration parses a constant amount of arguments. So, it is possible to design a variant that uses forloop to do the iteration, then uses ‘$@’ only once at the end, giving a linear result even with older M4 implementations. This implementation relies on the GNU extension that ‘$10’ expands to the tenth argument rather than the first argument concatenated with ‘0’. The trick is to define an intermediate macro that repeats the text m4_define(`$1', `$n')$2`', with ‘n’ set to successive integers corresponding to each argument. The helper macro _foreachq_ is needed in order to generate the literal sequences such as ‘$1’ into the intermediate macro, rather than expanding them as the arguments of _foreachq. With this approach, no shift calls are even needed! Even though there are seven macros of overhead per iteration instead of six in ‘foreachq3.m4’, the linear scaling is apparent at relatively small list sizes. However, this approach will need adjustment when a future version of M4 follows POSIX by no longer treating ‘$10’ as the tenth argument; the anticipation is that ‘${10}’ can be used instead, although that alternative syntax is not yet supported.

$ m4 -I examples
⇒# foreachq(x, `item_1, item_2, ..., item_n', stmt)
⇒#   quoted list, version based on forloop
⇒`ifelse(`$2', `', `', `_$0(`$1', `$3', $2)')')
⇒`pushdef(`$1', forloop(`$1', `3', `$#',
⇒  `$0_(`1', `2', indir(`$1'))')`popdef(
⇒    `$1')')indir(`$1', $@)')
⇒``define(`$$1', `$$3')$$2`''')
foreachq(`x', ``1', `2', `3', `4'', `x

For yet another approach, the improved version of foreach, available in ‘m4-1.4.17/examples/foreach2.m4’, simply overquotes the arguments to _foreach to begin with, using dquote_elt. Then _foreach can just use _arg1 to remove the extra layer of quoting that was added up front:

$ m4 -I examples
⇒# foreach(x, (item_1, item_2, ..., item_n), stmt)
⇒#   parenthesized list, improved version
⇒define(`foreach', `pushdef(`$1')_$0(`$1',
⇒  (dquote(dquote_elt$2)), `$3')popdef(`$1')')
⇒define(`_arg1', `$1')
⇒define(`_foreach', `ifelse(`$2', `(`')', `',
⇒  `define(`$1', _arg1$2)$3`'$0(`$1', (dquote(shift$2)), `$3')')')
foreach(`x', `(`1', `2', `3', `4')', `x
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`1', `2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`2', `3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -4- shift(`3', `4')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(``1'', ``2'', ``3'', ``4'')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(``2'', ``3'', ``4'')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(``3'', ``4'')
error-->m4trace: -3- shift(``4'')

It is likewise possible to write a variant of foreach that performs in linear time on M4 1.4.x; the easiest method is probably writing a version of foreach that unboxes its list, then invokes _foreachq as previously defined in ‘foreachq4.m4’.

In summary, recursion over list elements is trickier than it appeared at first glance, but provides a powerful idiom within m4 processing. As a final demonstration, both list styles are now able to handle several scenarios that would wreak havoc on one or both of the original implementations. This points out one other difference between the list styles. foreach evaluates unquoted list elements only once, in preparation for calling _foreach, similary for foreachq as provided by ‘foreachq3.m4’ or ‘foreachq4.m4’. But foreachq, as provided by ‘foreachq2.m4’, evaluates unquoted list elements twice while visiting the first list element, once in _arg1q and once in _rest. When deciding which list style to use, one must take into account whether repeating the side effects of unquoted list elements will have any detrimental effects.

$ m4 -I examples
dnl 0-element list:
foreach(`x', `', `<x>') / foreachq(`x', `', `<x>')
⇒ / 
dnl 1-element list of empty element
foreach(`x', `()', `<x>') / foreachq(`x', ``'', `<x>')
⇒<> / <>
dnl 2-element list of empty elements
foreach(`x', `(`',`')', `<x>') / foreachq(`x', ``',`'', `<x>')
⇒<><> / <><>
dnl 1-element list of a comma
foreach(`x', `(`,')', `<x>') / foreachq(`x', ``,'', `<x>')
⇒<,> / <,>
dnl 2-element list of unbalanced parentheses
foreach(`x', `(`(', `)')', `<x>') / foreachq(`x', ``(', `)'', `<x>')
⇒<(><)> / <(><)>
define(`ab', `oops')dnl using defn(`iterator')
foreach(`x', `(`a', `b')', `defn(`x')') /dnl
 foreachq(`x', ``a', `b'', `defn(`x')')
⇒ab / ab
define(`active', `ACT, IVE')
dnl list of unquoted macros; expansion occurs before recursion
foreach(`x', `(active, active)', `<x>
error-->m4trace: -4- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -4- active -> `ACT, IVE'
foreachq(`x', `active, active', `<x>
error-->m4trace: -3- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -3- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -3- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -3- active -> `ACT, IVE'
dnl list of quoted macros; expansion occurs during recursion
foreach(`x', `(`active', `active')', `<x>
error-->m4trace: -1- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -1- active -> `ACT, IVE'
foreachq(`x', ``active', `active'', `<x>
error-->m4trace: -1- active -> `ACT, IVE'
error-->m4trace: -1- active -> `ACT, IVE'
dnl list of double-quoted macro names; no expansion
foreach(`x', `(``active'', ``active'')', `<x>
foreachq(`x', ```active'', ``active''', `<x>

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