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4.10 1D plotting

These functions perform plotting of 1D data. 1D means that data depended from only 1 parameter like parametric curve {x[i],y[i],z[i]}, i=1...n. By default (if absent) values of x[i] are equidistantly distributed in axis range, and z[i]=Min.z. The plots are drawn for each row if one of the data is the matrix. By any case the sizes of 1st dimension must be equal for all arrays x.nx=y.nx=z.nx.

String pen specifies the color and style of line and marks (see Line styles). By default (pen="") solid line with color from palette is used (see Palette and colors). Symbol ‘!’ set to use new color from palette for each point (not for each curve, as default). String opt contain command options (see Command options). See section 1D samples, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: plot ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: plot xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: plot xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Plot (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Plot (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Plot (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_plot (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_plot_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_plot_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw continuous lines between points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. See also area, step, stem, tube, mark, error, belt, tens, tape. See section Plot sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: radar adat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Radar (const mglDataA &a, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_radar (HMGL gr, HCDT a, const char *pen, const char *opt)

This functions draws radar chart which is continuous lines between points located on an radial lines (like plot in Polar coordinates). Option value set the additional shift of data (i.e. the data a+value is used instead of a). If value<0 then r=max(0, -min(value). If pen containt ‘#’ symbol then "grid" (radial lines and circle for r) is drawn. See also plot. See section Radar sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: step ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: step xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: step xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Step (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Step (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Step (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_step (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_step_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_step_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw continuous stairs for points to axis plane. See also plot, stem, tile, boxs. See section Step sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tens ydat cdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tens xdat ydat cdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tens xdat ydat zdat cdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Tens (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tens (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tens (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_tens (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT c, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tens_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT c, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tens_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT c, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw continuous lines between points {x[i], y[i], z[i]} with color defined by the special array c[i] (look like tension plot). String pen specifies the color scheme (see Color scheme) and style and/or width of line (see Line styles). See also plot, mesh, fall. See section Tens sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tape ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tape xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tape xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Tape (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tape (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tape (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_tape (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tape_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tape_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw tapes of normals for curve between points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. Initial tape(s) was selected in x-y plane (for ‘x’ in pen) and/or y-z plane (for ‘x’ in pen). The width of tape is proportional to barwidth and can be changed by option value. See also plot, flow, barwidth. See section Tape sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: area ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: area xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: area xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Area (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Area (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Area (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_area (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_area_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_area_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw continuous lines between points and fills it to axis plane. Also you can use gradient filling if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. See also plot, bars, stem, region. See section Area sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: region ydat1 ydat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: region xdat ydat1 ydat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: region xdat1 ydat1 xdat2 ydat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: region xdat1 ydat1 zdat1 xdat2 ydat2 zdat2 ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Region (const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Region (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Region (const mglDataA &x1, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &x2, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Region (const mglDataA &x1, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &z1, const mglDataA &x2, const mglDataA &y2, const mglDataA &z2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_region (HMGL gr, HCDT y1, HCDT y2, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_region_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y1, HCDT y2, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_region_3d (HMGL gr, HCDT x1, HCDT y1, HCDT z1, HCDT x2, HCDT y2, HCDT z2, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions fill area between 2 curves. Dimensions of arrays y1 and y2 must be equal. Also you can use gradient filling if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. If pen contain symbol ‘i’ then only area with y1<y<y2 will be filled else the area with y2<y<y1 will be filled too. See also area, bars, stem. See section Region sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: stem ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: stem xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: stem xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Stem (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Stem (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Stem (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_stem (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_stem_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_stem_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw vertical lines from points to axis plane. See also area, bars, plot, mark. See section Stem sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: bars ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: bars xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: bars xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Bars (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Bars (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Bars (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_bars (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_bars_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_bars_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw vertical bars from points to axis plane. If string pen contain symbol ‘a’ then lines are drawn one above another (like summation). If string contain symbol ‘f’ then waterfall chart is drawn for determining the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. You can give different colors for positive and negative values if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. If pen contain ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ then boxes will be aligned left, right or centered at its x-coordinates. See also barh, cones, area, stem, chart, barwidth. See section Bars sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: barh vdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: barh ydat vdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Barh (const mglDataA &v, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Barh (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &v, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_barh (HMGL gr, HCDT v, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_barh_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT v, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw horizontal bars from points to axis plane. If string contain symbol ‘a’ then lines are drawn one above another (like summation). If string contain symbol ‘f’ then waterfall chart is drawn for determining the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. You can give different colors for positive and negative values if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. If pen contain ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ then boxes will be aligned left, right or centered at its x-coordinates. See also bars, barwidth. See section Barh sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: cones ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: cones xdat ydat ['stl'='']
MGL command: cones xdat ydat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Cones (const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Cones (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Cones (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_cones (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_cones_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_cones_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw cones from points to axis plane. If string contain symbol ‘a’ then cones are drawn one above another (like summation). You can give different colors for positive and negative values if number of specified colors is equal to 2*number of curves. Parameter pen can contain:

  • @’ for drawing edges;
  • #’ for wired cones;
  • t’ for drawing tubes/cylinders instead of cones/prisms;
  • 4’, ‘6’, ‘8’, ‘t’ for drawing square, hex- or octo-prism instead of cones;
  • <’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ for aligning boxes left, right or centering them at its x-coordinates.

See also bars, cone, barwidth. See section Cones sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: chart adat ['col'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Chart (const mglDataA &a, const char *col="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_chart (HMGL gr, HCDT a, const char *col, const char *opt)

The function draws colored stripes (boxes) for data in array a. The number of stripes is equal to the number of rows in a (equal to a.ny). The color of each next stripe is cyclically changed from colors specified in string col or in palette Pal (see Palette and colors). Spaces in colors denote transparent “color” (i.e. corresponding stripe(s) are not drawn). The stripe width is proportional to value of element in a. Chart is plotted only for data with non-negative elements. If string col have symbol ‘#’ then black border lines are drawn. The most nice form the chart have in 3d (after rotation of coordinates) or in cylindrical coordinates (becomes so called Pie chart). See section Chart sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: boxplot adat ['stl'='']
MGL command: boxplot xdat adat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void BoxPlot (const mglDataA &a, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void BoxPlot (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &a, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_boxplot (HMGL gr, HCDT a, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_boxplot_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT a, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw boxplot (also known as a box-and-whisker diagram) at points x[i]. This is five-number summaries of data a[i,j] (minimum, lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3) and maximum) along second (j-th) direction. If pen contain ‘<’, ‘^’ or ‘>’ then boxes will be aligned left, right or centered at its x-coordinates. See also plot, error, bars, barwidth. See section BoxPlot sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: candle vdat1 ['stl'='']
MGL command: candle vdat1 vdat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: candle vdat1 ydat1 ydat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: candle vdat1 vdat2 ydat1 ydat2 ['stl'='']
MGL command: candle xdat vdat1 vdat2 ydat1 ydat2 ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Candle (const mglDataA &v1, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Candle (const mglDataA &v1, const mglDataA &v2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Candle (const mglDataA &v1, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Candle (const mglDataA &v1, const mglDataA &v2, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Candle (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &v1, const mglDataA &v2, const mglDataA &y1, const mglDataA &y2, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_candle (HMGL gr, HCDT v1, HCDT y1, HCDT y2, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_candle_yv (HMGL gr, HCDT v1, HCDT v2, HCDT y1, HCDT y2, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_candle_xyv (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT v1, HCDT v2, HCDT y1, HCDT y2, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw candlestick chart at points x[i]. This is a combination of a line-chart and a bar-chart, in that each bar represents the range of price movement over a given time interval. Wire (or white) candle correspond to price growth v1[i]<v2[i], opposite case – solid (or dark) candle. "Shadows" show the minimal y1 and maximal y2 prices. If v2 is absent then it is determined as v2[i]=v1[i+1]. See also plot, bars, ohlc, barwidth. See section Candle sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: ohlc odat hdat ldat cdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: ohlc xdat odat hdat ldat cdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void OHLC (const mglDataA &o, const mglDataA &h, const mglDataA &l, const mglDataA &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void OHLC (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &o, const mglDataA &h, const mglDataA &l, const mglDataA &c, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_ohlc (HMGL gr, HCDT o, HCDT h, HCDT l, HCDT c, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_ohlc_x (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT o, HCDT h, HCDT l, HCDT c, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw Open-High-Low-Close diagram. This diagram show vertical line for between maximal(high h) and minimal(low l) values, as well as horizontal lines before/after vertical line for initial(open o)/final(close c) values of some process (usually price). See also candle, plot, barwidth. See section OHLC sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: error ydat yerr ['stl'='']
MGL command: error xdat ydat yerr ['stl'='']
MGL command: error xdat ydat xerr yerr ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Error (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Error (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Error (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &ex, const mglDataA &ey, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_error (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT ey, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_error_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT ey, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_error_exy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT ex, HCDT ey, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw error boxes {ex[i], ey[i]} at points {x[i], y[i]}. This can be useful, for example, in experimental points, or to show numeric error or some estimations and so on. If string pen contain symbol ‘@’ than large semitransparent mark is used instead of error box. See also plot, mark. See section Error sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: mark ydat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: mark xdat ydat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: mark xdat ydat zdat rdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Mark (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Mark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Mark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_mark_y (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_mark_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_mark_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw marks with size r[i]*marksize at points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. If you need to draw markers of the same size then you can use plot function with empty line style ‘ ’. For markers with size in axis range use error with style ‘@’. See also plot, textmark, error, stem. See section Mark sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: textmark ydat 'txt' ['stl'='']
MGL command: textmark ydat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='']
MGL command: textmark xdat ydat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='']
MGL command: textmark xdat ydat zdat rdat 'txt' ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &y, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &r, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void TextMark (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_textmark (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmarkw (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmark_yr (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmarkw_yr (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmark_xyr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmarkw_xyr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmark_xyzr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT r, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_textmarkw_xyzr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT r, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)

These functions draw string txt as marks with size proportional to r[i]*marksize at points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. By default (if omitted) r[i]=1. See also plot, mark, stem. See section TextMark sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: label ydat 'txt' ['stl'='']
MGL command: label xdat ydat 'txt' ['stl'='']
MGL command: label xdat ydat zdat 'txt' ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &y, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Label (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_label (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_labelw (HMGL gr, HCDT y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_label_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_labelw_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_label_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_labelw_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)

These functions draw string txt at points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. If string txt contain ‘%x’, ‘%y’, ‘%z’ or ‘%n’ then it will be replaced by the value of x-,y-,z-coordinate of the point or its index. See also plot, mark, textmark, table. See section Label sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: table vdat 'txt' ['stl'='#']
MGL command: table x y vdat 'txt' ['stl'='#']
Method on mglGraph: void Table (const mglDataA &val, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Table (const mglDataA &val, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Table (mreal x, mreal y, const mglDataA &val, const char *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Table (mreal x, mreal y, const mglDataA &val, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_table (HMGL gr, mreal x, mreal y, HCDT val, const char *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tablew (HMGL gr, mreal x, mreal y, HCDT val, const wchar_t *txt, const char *fnt, const char *opt)

These functions draw table with values of val and captions from string txt (separated by newline symbol ‘\n’) at points {x, y} (default at {0,0}) related to current subplot. If string fnt contain ‘#’ then cell border will be drawn. If string fnt contain ‘|’ then table width is limited by subplot width (equivalent option ‘value 1’). If string fnt contain ‘=’ then widths of all cells are the same. Option value set the width of the table (default is 1). See also plot, label. See section Table sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: tube ydat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube ydat rval ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube xdat ydat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube xdat ydat rval ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube xdat ydat zdat rdat ['stl'='']
MGL command: tube xdat ydat zdat rval ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &y, mreal r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, mreal r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, const mglDataA &r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
Method on mglGraph: void Tube (const mglDataA &x, const mglDataA &y, const mglDataA &z, mreal r, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_tube_r (HMGL gr, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tube (HMGL gr, HCDT y, mreal r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tube_xyr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tube_xy (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, mreal r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tube_xyzr (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, HCDT r, const char *pen, const char *opt)
C function: void mgl_tube_xyz (HMGL gr, HCDT x, HCDT y, HCDT z, mreal r, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw the tube with variable radius r[i] along the curve between points {x[i], y[i], z[i]}. See also plot. See section Tube sample, for sample code and picture.

MGL command: torus rdat zdat ['stl'='']
Method on mglGraph: void Torus (const mglDataA &r, const mglDataA &z, const char *pen="", const char *opt="")
C function: void mgl_torus (HMGL gr, HCDT r, HCDT z, const char *pen, const char *opt)

These functions draw surface which is result of curve {r, z} rotation around axis. If string pen contain symbols ‘x’ or ‘z’ then rotation axis will be set to specified direction (default is ‘y’). If string pen have symbol ‘#’ then wire plot is produced. If string pen have symbol ‘.’ then plot by dots is produced. See also plot, axial. See section Torus sample, for sample code and picture.

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