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6.5 File I/O

MGL command: read DAT 'fname'
Method on mglData: bool Read (const char *fname)
Method on mglDataC: bool Read (const char *fname)
C function: int mgl_data_read (HMDT dat, const char *fname)
C function: int mgl_datac_read (HADT dat, const char *fname)

Reads data from tab-separated text file with auto determining sizes of the data. Double newline means the beginning of new z-slice.

MGL command: read DAT 'fname' mx [my=1 mz=1]
Method on mglData: bool Read (const char *fname, int mx, int my=1, int mz=1)
Method on mglDataC: bool Read (const char *fname, int mx, int my=1, int mz=1)
C function: int mgl_data_read_dim (HMDT dat, const char *fname, int mx, int my, int mz)
C function: int mgl_datac_read_dim (HADT dat, const char *fname, int mx, int my, int mz)

Reads data from text file with specified data sizes. This function does nothing if one of parameters mx, my or mz is zero or negative.

MGL command: readmat DAT 'fname' [dim=2]
Method on mglData: bool ReadMat (const char *fname, int dim=2)
Method on mglDataC: bool ReadMat (const char *fname, int dim=2)
C function: int mgl_data_read_mat (HMDT dat, const char *fname, int dim)
C function: int mgl_datac_read_mat (HADT dat, const char *fname, int dim)

Read data from text file with size specified at beginning of the file by first dim numbers. At this, variable dim set data dimensions.

MGL command: readall DAT 'templ' v1 v2 [dv=1 slice=off]
Method on mglData: void ReadRange (const char *templ, mreal from, mreal to, mreal step=1, bool as_slice=false)
Method on mglDataC: void ReadRange (const char *templ, mreal from, mreal to, mreal step=1, bool as_slice=false)
C function: int mgl_data_read_range (HMDT dat, const char *templ, mreal from, mreal to, mreal step, int as_slice)
C function: int mgl_datac_read_range (HADT dat, const char *templ, mreal from, mreal to, mreal step, int as_slice)

Join data arrays from several text files. The file names are determined by function call sprintf(fname,templ,val);, where val changes from from to to with step step. The data load one-by-one in the same slice if as_slice=false or as slice-by-slice if as_slice=true.

MGL command: readall DAT 'templ' [slice=off]
Method on mglData: void ReadAll (const char *templ, bool as_slice=false)
Method on mglDataC: void ReadAll (const char *templ, bool as_slice=false)
C function: int mgl_data_read_all (HMDT dat, const char *templ, int as_slice)
C function: int mgl_datac_read_all (HADT dat, const char *templ, int as_slice)

Join data arrays from several text files which filenames satisfied the template templ (for example, templ="t_*.dat"). The data load one-by-one in the same slice if as_slice=false or as slice-by-slice if as_slice=true.

MGL command: save dat 'fname'
Method on mglData: void Save (const char *fname, int ns=-1) const
Method on mglDataC: void Save (const char *fname, int ns=-1) const
C function: void mgl_data_save (HCDT dat, const char *fname, int ns)
C function: void mgl_datac_save (HCDT dat, const char *fname, int ns)

Saves the whole data array (for ns=-1) or only ns-th slice to text file.

MGL command: readhdf DAT 'fname' 'dname'
Method on mglData: void ReadHDF (const char *fname, const char *dname)
Method on mglDataC: void ReadHDF (const char *fname, const char *dname)
C function: void mgl_data_read_hdf (HMDT dat, const char *fname, const char *dname)
C function: void mgl_datac_read_hdf (HADT dat, const char *fname, const char *dname)

Reads data array named dname from HDF5 or HDF4 file. This function does nothing if HDF5|HDF4 was disabled during library compilation.

MGL command: savehdf dat 'fname' 'dname'
Method on mglData: void SaveHDF (const char *fname, const char *dname, bool rewrite=false) const
Method on mglDataC: void SaveHDF (const char *fname, const char *dname, bool rewrite=false) const
C function: void mgl_data_save_hdf (HCDT dat, const char *fname, const char *dname, int rewrite)
C function: void mgl_datac_save_hdf (HCDT dat, const char *fname, const char *dname, int rewrite)

Saves data array named dname to HDF5 file. This function does nothing if HDF5 was disabled during library compilation.

MGL command: datas 'fname'
Method on mglData: int DatasHDF (const char *fname, char *buf, long size) static
Method on mglDataC: int DatasHDF (const char *fname, char *buf, long size) static
C function: int mgl_datas_hdf (const char *fname, char *buf, long size)

Put data names from HDF5 file fname into buf as ’\t’ separated fields. In MGL version the list of data names will be printed as message. This function does nothing if HDF5 was disabled during library compilation.

MGL command: import DAT 'fname' 'sch' [v1=0 v2=1]
Method on mglData: void Import (const char *fname, const char *scheme, mreal v1=0, mreal v2=1)
C function: void mgl_data_import (HMDT dat, const char *fname, const char *scheme, mreal v1, mreal v2)

Reads data from bitmap file (now support only PNG format). The RGB values of bitmap pixels are transformed to mreal values in range [v1, v2] using color scheme scheme (see section Color scheme).

MGL command: export dat 'fname' 'sch' [v1=0 v2=0]
Method on mglData: void Export (const char *fname, const char *scheme, mreal v1=0, mreal v2=0, int ns=-1) const
C function: void mgl_data_export (HMDT dat, const char *fname, const char *scheme, mreal v1, mreal v2, int ns) const

Saves data matrix (or ns-th slice for 3d data) to bitmap file (now support only PNG format). The data values are transformed from range [v1, v2] to RGB pixels of bitmap using color scheme scheme (see section Color scheme). If v1>=v2 then the values of v1, v2 are automatically determined as minimal and maximal value of the data array.

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