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9.4 mglPoint class

Structure describes point in space. This structure is defined in #include <mgl2/type.h>

Parameter of mglPoint: mreal x, y, z, c

Point coordinates {x,y,z} and one extra value c used for amplitude, transparency and so on. By default all values are zero.

Method on mglPoint: mglPoint (mreal X=0, mreal Y=0, mreal Z=0, mreal C=0)

Constructor sets the color by mreal values of Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels. These values should be in interval [0,1].

Method on mglPoint: bool IsNAN ()

Returns true if point contain NAN values.

Method on mglPoint: mreal norm ()

Returns the norm \sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2} of vector.

Method on mglPoint: void Normalize ()

Normalizes vector to be unit vector.

Method on mglPoint: mreal val (int i)

Returns point component: x for i=0, y for i=1, z for i=2, c for i=3.

Library Function: mglPoint operator+ (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Point of summation (summation of vectors).

Library Function: mglPoint operator- (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Point of difference (difference of vectors).

Library Function: mglPoint operator* (mreal a, const mglPoint &b)
Library Function: mglPoint operator* (const mglPoint &a, mreal b)

Multiplies (scale) points by number.

Library Function: mglPoint operator/ (const mglPoint &a, mreal b)

Multiplies (scale) points by number 1/b.

Library Function: mreal operator* (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Scalar product of vectors.

Library Function: mglPoint operator/ (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Return vector of element-by-element product.

Library Function: mglPoint operator^ (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Cross-product of vectors.

Library Function: mglPoint operator& (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

The part of a which is perpendicular to vector b.

Library Function: mglPoint operator| (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

The part of a which is parallel to vector b.

Library Function: mglPoint operator! (const mglPoint &a)

Return vector perpendicular to vector a.

Library Function: mreal mgl_norm (const mglPoint &a)

Return the norm sqrt(|a|^2) of vector a.

Library Function: bool operator== (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Return true if points are the same.

Library Function: bool operator!= (const mglPoint &a, const mglPoint &b)

Return true if points are different.

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