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Function File: cylinder
Function File: cylinder (r)
Function File: cylinder (r, n)
Function File: [x, y, z] = cylinder (…)
Function File: cylinder (ax, …)

Generates three matrices in meshgrid format, such that surf (x, y, z) generates a unit cylinder. The matrices are of size n+1-by-n+1. r is a vector containing the radius along the z-axis. If n or r are omitted then default values of 20 or [1 1] are assumed.

Called with no return arguments, cylinder calls directly surf (x, y, z). If an axes handle ax is passed as the first argument, the surface is plotted to this set of axes.


disp ("plotting a cone")
[x, y, z] = cylinder (10:-1:0,50);
surf (x, y, z);

See also: sphere.

Function File: [x, y, z] = sphere (n)
Function File: sphere (h, …)

Generates three matrices in meshgrid format, such that surf (x, y, z) generates a unit sphere. The matrices of n+1-by-n+1. If n is omitted then a default value of 20 is assumed.

Called with no return arguments, sphere call directly surf (x, y, z). If an axes handle is passed as the first argument, the surface is plotted to this set of axes.

See also: peaks.

Function File: [x, y, z] = ellipsoid (xc,yc, zc, xr, yr, zr, n)
Function File: ellipsoid (h, …)

Generate three matrices in meshgrid format that define an ellipsoid. Called with no return arguments, ellipsoid calls directly surf (x, y, z). If an axes handle is passed as the first argument, the surface is plotted to this set of axes.

See also: sphere.

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