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9.1.6 @verb{chartextchar}

Use the @verb command to print a verbatim sequence of characters.

Like LaTeX’s \verb command, the verbatim text can be quoted using any unique delimiter character. Enclose the verbatim text, including the delimiters, in braces. Text is printed in a fixed-width font:

How many @verb{|@|}-escapes does one need to print this
@verb{.@a @b.@c.} string or @verb{+@'e?`{}!`\+} this?


How many @-escapes does one need to print this
@a @b.@c string or @'e?`{}!`\ this?

This is in contrast to @samp (see the previous section), @code, and similar commands; in those cases, the argument is normal Texinfo text, where the three characters @{} are special, as usual. With @verb, nothing is special except the delimiter character you choose.

The delimiter character itself may appear inside the verbatim text, as shown above. As another example, ‘@verb{...}’ prints a single (fixed-width) period.

It is not reliable to use @verb inside other Texinfo constructs. In particular, it does not work to use @verb in anything related to cross referencing, such as section titles or figure captions.

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