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9.1.14 @acronym{acronym[, meaning]}

You can use the @acronym command for abbreviations written in all capital letters, such as ‘NASA’. The abbreviation is given as the single argument in braces, as in ‘@acronym{NASA}’. As a matter of style, or for particular acronyms, you may prefer to use periods, as in ‘@acronym{N.A.S.A.}’.

@acronym accepts an optional second argument, intended to be used for the meaning of the acronym.

If the acronym is at the end of a sentence, and if there is no second argument, remember to use the @. or similar command (see section Ending a Sentence) to get the correct spacing.

In TeX, the acronym is printed in slightly smaller font. In the Info output, the argument is printed as-is. In either format, if the second argument is present, it is printed in parentheses after the acronym. In HTML and Docbook the <acronym> tag is used.

For instance (since GNU is a recursive acronym, we use @acronym recursively):

@acronym{GNU, @acronym{GNU}'s Not Unix}


GNU (@acronym{GNU}'s Not Unix)

In some circumstances, it is conventional to print family names in all capitals. Don’t use @acronym for this, since a name is not an acronym. Use @sc instead (see section @sc{text}: The Small Caps Font).

@abbr and @acronym are closely related commands: they both signal to the reader that a shortened form is being used, and possibly give a meaning. When choosing whether to use these two commands, please bear the following in mind.

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