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10.6 @verbatiminclude file: Include a File Verbatim

You can include the exact contents of a file in the document with the @verbatiminclude command:

@verbatiminclude filename

The contents of filename is printed in a verbatim environment (see section @verbatim: Literal Text). Generally, the file is printed exactly as it is, with all special characters and white space retained. No indentation is added; if you want indentation, enclose the @verbatiminclude within @example (see section @example: Example Text).

The name of the file is taken literally, with a single exception: @value{var} references are expanded. This makes it possible to include files in other directories within a distribution, for instance:

@verbatiminclude @value{top_srcdir}/NEWS

(You still have to get top_srcdir defined in the first place.)

For a method on printing the file contents in a smaller font size, see the end of the previous section on @verbatim.

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