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hunspell(5)                    File Formats Manual                   hunspell(5)


       hunspell - format of Hunspell dictionaries and affix files


       hunspell(5) Hunspell requires two files to define the way a language is
       being spell checked: a dictionary file containing words and applicable
       flags, and an affix file that specifies how these flags will control
       spell checking.  An optional file is the personal dictionary file.

Dictionary file

       A dictionary file (*.dic) contains a list of words, one per line.  The
       first line of the dictionaries (except personal dictionaries) contains
       the approximate word count (for optimal hash memory size). Each word may
       optionally be followed by a slash ("/") and one or more flags, which
       represents the word attributes, for example affixes.

       Note: Dictionary words can contain also slashes when escaped like "\/"

       It's worth to add not only words, but word pairs to the dictionary to get
       correct suggestions for common misspellings with missing space, as in the
       following example, for the bad "alot" and "inspite" (see also "REP" and
       field "ph:" about correct suggestions for common misspellings):

              a lot
              in spite

Personal dictionary file

       Personal dictionaries are simple word lists. Asterisk at the first
       character position signs prohibition.  A second word separated by a slash
       sets the affixation.


       In this example, "foo" and "Foo" are personal words, plus Foo will be
       recognized with affixes of Simpson (Foo's etc.) and bar is a forbidden

Short example

       Dictionary file:


       The flags B and A specify attributes of these words.

       Affix file:

              SET UTF-8
              TRY esianrtolcdugmphbyfvkwzESIANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWZ'

              REP 2
              REP f ph
              REP ph f

              PFX A Y 1
              PFX A 0 re .

              SFX B Y 2
              SFX B 0 ed [^y]
              SFX B y ied y

       In the affix file, prefix A and suffix B have been defined.  Flag A
       defines a `re-' prefix. Class B defines two `-ed' suffixes. First B
       suffix can be added to a word if the last character of the word isn't
       `y'.  Second suffix can be added to the words terminated with an `y'.

       All accepted words with this dictionary and affix combination are:
       "hello", "try", "tried", "work", "worked", "rework", "reworked".


       Hunspell source distribution contains more than 80 examples for option

       SET encoding
              Set character encoding of words and morphemes in affix and
              dictionary files.  Possible values: UTF-8, ISO8859-1 - ISO8859-10,
              ISO8859-13 - ISO8859-15, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, cp1251, ISCII-DEVANAGARI.

              SET UTF-8

       FLAG value
              Set flag type. Default type is the extended ASCII (8-bit)
              character.  `UTF-8' parameter sets UTF-8 encoded Unicode character
              flags.  The `long' value sets the double extended ASCII character
              flag type, the `num' sets the decimal number flag type. Decimal
              flags numbered from 1 to 65000, and in flag fields are separated
              by comma.

              FLAG long

              Set twofold prefix stripping (but single suffix stripping) eg. for
              morphologically complex languages with right-to-left writing

       LANG langcode
              Set language code for language-specific functions of Hunspell. Use
              it to activate special casing of Azeri (LANG az), Turkish (LANG
              tr) and Crimean Tatar (LANG crh), also not generalized syllable-
              counting compounding rules of Hungarian (LANG hu).

       IGNORE characters
              Sets characters to ignore dictionary words, affixes and input
              words.  Useful for optional characters, as Arabic (harakat) or
              Hebrew (niqqud) diacritical marks (see tests/ignore.* test
              dictionary in Hunspell distribution).

       AF number_of_flag_vector_aliases

       AF flag_vector
              Hunspell can substitute affix flag sets with ordinal numbers in
              affix rules (alias compression, see makealias tool). First example
              with alias compression:


       AF definitions in the affix file:

              AF 2
              AF A
              AF AB

       It is equivalent of the following dic file:


       See also tests/alias* examples of the source distribution.

       Note I: If affix file contains the FLAG parameter, define it before the
       AF definitions.

       Note II: Use makealias utility in Hunspell distribution to compress aff
       and dic files.

       AM number_of_morphological_aliases

       AM morphological_fields
              Hunspell can substitute also morphological data with ordinal
              numbers in affix rules (alias compression).  See tests/alias*


       Suggestion parameters can optimize the default n-gram (similarity search
       in the dictionary words based on the common 1, 2, 3, 4-character length
       common character-sequences), character swap and deletion suggestions of
       Hunspell.  REP is suggested to fix the typical and especially bad
       language specific bugs, because the REP suggestions have the highest
       priority in the suggestion list.  PHONE is for languages with not
       pronunciation based orthography.

       For short common misspellings, it's important to use the ph: field (see
       later) to give the best suggestions.

       KEY characters_separated_by_vertical_line_optionally
              Hunspell searches and suggests words with one different character
              replaced by a neighbor KEY character. Not neighbor characters in
              KEY string separated by vertical line characters.  Suggested KEY
              parameters for QWERTY and Dvorak keyboard layouts:

              KEY qwertyuiop|asdfghjkl|zxcvbnm
              KEY pyfgcrl|aeouidhtns|qjkxbmwvz

       Using the first QWERTY layout, Hunspell suggests "nude" and "node" for
       "*nide". A character may have more neighbors, too:

              KEY qwertzuop|yxcvbnm|qaw|say|wse|dsx|sy|edr|fdc|dx|rft|gfv|fc|tgz|hgb|gv|zhu|jhn|hb|uji|kjm|jn|iko|lkm

       TRY characters
              Hunspell can suggest right word forms, when they differ from the
              bad input word by one TRY character. The parameter of TRY is case

       NOSUGGEST flag
              Words signed with NOSUGGEST flag are not suggested (but still
              accepted when typed correctly). Proposed flag for vulgar and
              obscene words (see also SUBSTANDARD).

       MAXCPDSUGS num
              Set max. number of suggested compound words generated by compound
              rules. The number of the suggested compound words may be greater
              from the same 1-character distance type.

              Set max. number of n-gram suggestions. Value 0 switches off the n-
              gram suggestions (see also MAXDIFF).

       MAXDIFF [0-10]
              Set the similarity factor for the n-gram based suggestions (5 =
              default value; 0 = fewer n-gram suggestions, but min. 1; 10 =
              MAXNGRAMSUGS n-gram suggestions).

              Remove all bad n-gram suggestions (default mode keeps one, see

              Disable word suggestions with spaces.

              Add dot(s) to suggestions, if input word terminates in dot(s).
              (Not for LibreOffice dictionaries, because LibreOffice has an
              automatic dot expansion mechanism.)

       REP number_of_replacement_definitions

       REP what replacement
              This table specifies modifications to try first.  First REP is the
              header of this table and one or more REP data line are following
              it.  With this table, Hunspell can suggest the right forms for the
              typical spelling mistakes when the incorrect form differs by more
              than 1 letter from the right form (see also "ph:").  The search
              string supports the regex boundary signs (^ and $).  For example a
              possible English replacement table definition to handle misspelled

              REP 5
              REP f ph
              REP ph f
              REP tion$ shun
              REP ^cooccurr co-occurr
              REP ^alot$ a_lot

       Note I: It's very useful to define replacements for the most typical one-
       character mistakes, too: with REP you can add higher priority to a subset
       of the TRY suggestions (suggestion list begins with the REP suggestions).

       Note II: Suggesting separated words, specify spaces with underlines:

              REP 1
              REP onetwothree one_two_three

       Note III: Replacement table can be used for a stricter compound word
       checking with the option CHECKCOMPOUNDREP.

       MAP number_of_map_definitions

       MAP string_of_related_chars_or_parenthesized_character_sequences
              We can define language-dependent information on characters and
              character sequences that should be considered related (i.e. nearer
              than other chars not in the set) in the affix file (.aff)  by a
              map table.  With this table, Hunspell can suggest the right forms
              for words, which incorrectly choose the wrong letter or letter
              groups from a related set more than once in a word (see REP).

              For example a possible mapping could be for the German umlauted u
              versus the regular u; the word Fruhstuck really should be written
              with umlauted u's and not regular ones

              MAP 1
              MAP uu

       Use parenthesized groups for character sequences (eg. for composed
       Unicode characters):

              MAP 3
              MAP ss(ss)  (character sequence)
              MAP fi(fi)  ("fi" compatibility characters for Unicode fi ligature)
              MAP (o<?>)o   (composed Unicode character: o with bottom dot)

       PHONE number_of_phone_definitions

       PHONE what replacement
              PHONE uses a table-driven phonetic transcription algorithm
              borrowed from Aspell. It is useful for languages with not
              pronunciation based orthography. You can add a full alphabet
              conversion and other rules for conversion of special letter
              sequences. For detailed documentation see
              html/Phonetic-Code.html.  Note: Multibyte UTF-8 characters have
              not worked with bracket expression yet. Dash expression has signed
              bytes and not UTF-8 characters yet.

       WARN flag
              This flag is for rare words, which are also often spelling
              mistakes, see option -r of command line Hunspell and FORBIDWARN.

              Words with flag WARN aren't accepted by the spell checker using
              this parameter.


       BREAK number_of_break_definitions

       BREAK character_or_character_sequence
              Define new break points for breaking words and checking word parts
              separately. Use ^ and $ to delete characters at end and start of
              the word. Rationale: useful for compounding with joining character
              or strings (for example, hyphen in English and German or hyphen
              and n-dash in Hungarian). Dashes are often bad break points for
              tokenization, because compounds with dashes may contain not valid
              parts, too.)  With BREAK, Hunspell can check both side of these
              compounds, breaking the words at dashes and n-dashes:

              BREAK 2
              BREAK -
              BREAK --    # n-dash

       Breaking are recursive, so foo-bar, bar-foo and foo-foo--bar-bar would be
       valid compounds.  Note: The default word break of Hunspell is equivalent
       of the following BREAK definition:

              BREAK 3
              BREAK -
              BREAK ^-
              BREAK -$

       Hunspell doesn't accept the "-word" and "word-" forms by this BREAK

              BREAK 1
              BREAK -

       Switching off the default values:

              BREAK 0

       Note II: COMPOUNDRULE is better for handling dashes and other  compound
       joining characters or character strings. Use BREAK, if you want to check
       words with dashes or other joining characters and there is no time or
       possibility to describe precise compound rules with COMPOUNDRULE
       (COMPOUNDRULE handles only the suffixation of the last word part of a
       compound word).

       Note III: For command line spell checking of words with extra characters,
       set WORDCHARS parameters: WORDCHARS --- (see tests/break.*) example

       COMPOUNDRULE number_of_compound_definitions

       COMPOUNDRULE compound_pattern
              Define custom compound patterns with a regex-like syntax.  The
              first COMPOUNDRULE is a header with the number of the following
              COMPOUNDRULE definitions. Compound patterns consist compound
              flags, parentheses, star and question mark meta characters. A flag
              followed by a `*' matches a word sequence of 0 or more matches of
              words signed with this compound flag.  A flag followed by a `?'
              matches a word sequence of 0 or 1 matches of a word signed with
              this compound flag.  See tests/compound*.* examples.

              Note: en_US dictionary of uses COMPOUNDRULE for
              ordinal number recognition (1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 22nd, 112th,
              1000122nd etc.).

              Note II: In the case of long and numerical flag types use only
              parenthesized flags: (1500)*(2000)?

              Note III: COMPOUNDRULE flags work completely separately from the
              compounding mechanisms using COMPOUNDFLAG, COMPOUNDBEGIN, etc.
              compound flags. (Use these flags on different entries for words).

       COMPOUNDMIN num
              Minimum length of words used for compounding.  Default value is 3

       COMPOUNDFLAG flag
              Words signed with COMPOUNDFLAG may be in compound words (except
              when word shorter than COMPOUNDMIN). Affixes with COMPOUNDFLAG
              also permits compounding of affixed words.

              Words signed with COMPOUNDBEGIN (or with a signed affix) may be
              first elements in compound words.

       COMPOUNDLAST flag
              Words signed with COMPOUNDLAST (or with a signed affix) may be
              last elements in compound words.

              Words signed with COMPOUNDMIDDLE (or with a signed affix) may be
              middle elements in compound words.

              Suffixes signed with ONLYINCOMPOUND flag may be only inside of
              compounds (Fuge-elements in German, fogemorphemes in Swedish).
              ONLYINCOMPOUND flag works also with words (see
              tests/onlyincompound.*).  Note: also valuable to flag compounding
              parts which are not correct as a word by itself.

              Prefixes are allowed at the beginning of compounds, suffixes are
              allowed at the end of compounds by default.  Affixes with
              COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG may be inside of compounds.

              Suffixes with this flag forbid compounding of the affixed word.
              Dictionary words with this flag are removed from the beginning and
              middle of compound words, overriding the effect of

              Allow twofold suffixes within compounds.

       COMPOUNDROOT flag
              COMPOUNDROOT flag signs the compounds in the dictionary (Now it is
              used only in the Hungarian language specific code).

              Set maximum word count in a compound word. (Default is unlimited.)

              Forbid word duplication in compounds (e.g. foofoo).

              Forbid compounding, if the (usually bad) compound word may be a
              non-compound word with a REP fault. Useful for languages with
              `compound friendly' orthography.

              Forbid upper case characters at word boundaries in compounds.

              Forbid compounding, if compound word contains triple repeating
              letters (e.g. foo|ox or xo|oof). Bug: missing multi-byte character
              support in UTF-8 encoding (works only for 7-bit ASCII characters).

              Allow simplified 2-letter forms of the compounds forbidden by
              CHECKCOMPOUNDTRIPLE.  It's useful for Swedish and Norwegian (and
              for the old German orthography: Schiff|fahrt -> Schiffahrt).

       CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN number_of_checkcompoundpattern_definitions

       CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN endchars[/flag] beginchars[/flag] [replacement]
              Forbid compounding, if the first word in the compound ends with
              endchars, and next word begins with beginchars and (optionally)
              they have the requested flags.  The optional replacement parameter
              allows simplified compound form.

              The special "endchars" pattern 0 (zero) limits the rule to the
              unmodified stems (stems and stems with zero affixes):

              CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN 0/x /y

       Note: COMPOUNDMIN doesn't work correctly with the compound word
       alternation, so it may need to set COMPOUNDMIN to lower value.

       FORCEUCASE flag
              Last word part of a compound with flag FORCEUCASE forces
              capitalization of the whole compound word. Eg. Dutch word "straat"
              (street) with FORCEUCASE flags will allowed only in capitalized
              compound forms, according to the Dutch spelling rules for proper

       COMPOUNDSYLLABLE max_syllable vowels
              Need for special compounding rules in Hungarian.  First parameter
              is the maximum syllable number, that may be in a compound, if
              words in compounds are more than COMPOUNDWORDMAX.  Second
              parameter is the list of vowels (for calculating syllables).

       SYLLABLENUM flags
              Need for special compounding rules in Hungarian.


       PFX flag cross_product number

       PFX flag stripping prefix [condition [morphological_fields...]]

       SFX flag cross_product number

       SFX flag stripping suffix [condition [morphological_fields...]]
              An affix is either a prefix or a suffix attached to root words to
              make other words. We can define affix classes with arbitrary
              number affix rules.  Affix classes are signed with affix flags.
              The first line of an affix class definition is the header. The
              fields of an affix class header:

              (0) Option name (PFX or SFX)

              (1) Flag (name of the affix class)

              (2) Cross product (permission to combine prefixes and suffixes).
              Possible values: Y (yes) or N (no)

              (3) Line count of the following rules.

              Fields of an affix rules:

              (0) Option name

              (1) Flag

              (2) stripping characters from beginning (at prefix rules) or end
              (at suffix rules) of the word

              (3) affix (optionally with flags of continuation classes,
              separated by a slash)

              (4) condition.

              Zero stripping or affix are indicated by zero. Zero condition is
              indicated by dot.  Condition is a simplified, regular expression-
              like pattern, which must be met before the affix can be applied.
              (Dot signs an arbitrary character. Characters in braces sign an
              arbitrary character from the character subset. Dash hasn't got
              special meaning, but circumflex (^) next the first brace sets the
              complementer character set.)

              (5) Optional morphological fields separated by spaces or


       CIRCUMFIX flag
              Affixes signed with CIRCUMFIX flag may be on a word when this word
              also has a prefix with CIRCUMFIX flag and vice versa (see
              circumfix.* test files in the source distribution).

              This flag signs forbidden word form. Because affixed forms are
              also forbidden, we can subtract a subset from set of the accepted
              affixed and compound words.  Note: usefull to forbid erroneous
              words, generated by the compounding mechanism.

              With FULLSTRIP, affix rules can strip full words, not only one
              less characters, before adding the affixes, see fullstrip.* test
              files in the source distribution).  Note: conditions may be word
              length without FULLSTRIP, too.

       KEEPCASE flag
              Forbid uppercased and capitalized forms of words signed with
              KEEPCASE flags. Useful for special orthographies (measurements and
              currency often keep their case in uppercased texts) and writing
              systems (e.g. keeping lower case of IPA characters).  Also
              valuable for words erroneously written in the wrong case.

              Note: With CHECKSHARPS declaration, words with sharp s and
              KEEPCASE flag may be capitalized and uppercased, but uppercased
              forms of these words may not contain sharp s, only SS. See
              germancompounding example in the tests directory of the Hunspell

       ICONV number_of_ICONV_definitions

       ICONV pattern pattern2
              Define input conversion table.  Note: useful to convert one type
              of quote to another one, or change ligature.

       OCONV number_of_OCONV_definitions

       OCONV pattern pattern2
              Define output conversion table.

       LEMMA_PRESENT flag
              Deprecated. Use "st:" field instead of LEMMA_PRESENT.

       NEEDAFFIX flag
              This flag signs virtual stems in the dictionary, words only valid
              when affixed.  Except, if the dictionary word has a homonym or a
              zero affix.  NEEDAFFIX works also with prefixes and prefix +
              suffix combinations (see tests/needaffix5.*).

       PSEUDOROOT flag
              Deprecated. (Former name of the NEEDAFFIX option.)

       SUBSTANDARD flag
              SUBSTANDARD flag signs affix rules and dictionary words
              (allomorphs) not used in morphological generation and root words
              removed from suggestion. See also NOSUGGEST.

       WORDCHARS characters
              WORDCHARS extends tokenizer of Hunspell command line interface
              with additional word character. For example, dot, dash, n-dash,
              numbers, percent sign are word character in Hungarian.

              SS letter pair in uppercased (German) words may be upper case
              sharp s (ss).  Hunspell can handle this special casing with the
              CHECKSHARPS declaration (see also KEEPCASE flag and
              tests/germancompounding example) in both spelling and suggestion.

Morphological analysis

       Hunspell's dictionary items and affix rules may have optional space or
       tabulator separated morphological description fields, started with
       3-character (two letters and a colon) field IDs:

               word/flags po:noun is:nom

       Example: We define a simple resource with morphological informations, a
       derivative suffix (ds:) and a part of speech category (po:):

       Affix file:

               SFX X Y 1
               SFX X 0 able . ds:able

       Dictionary file:

               drink/X po:verb

       Test file:



               $ analyze test.aff test.dic test.txt
               > drink
               analyze(drink) = po:verb
               stem(drink) = po:verb
               > drinkable
               analyze(drinkable) = po:verb ds:able
               stem(drinkable) = drinkable

       You can see in the example, that the analyzer concatenates the
       morphological fields in item and arrangement style.

Optional data fields

       Default morphological and other IDs (used in suggestion, stemming and
       morphological generation):

       ph:    Alternative transliteration for better suggestions, ie.
              misspellings related to the special orthography and pronunciation
              of the word. The best way to handle common misspellings, so it's
              worth to add ph: field to the most affected few thousand
              dictionary words (or word pairs etc.) to get correct suggestions
              for their misspellings.

              For example:

              Wednesday ph:wendsay ph:wensday
              Marseille ph:maarsayl

       Hunspell adds all ph: transliterations to the inner REP table, so it will
       always suggest the correct word for the specified misspellings with the
       highest priority.

       The previous example is equivalent of the following REP definition:

              REP 6
              REP wendsay Wednesday
              REP Wendsay Wednesday
              REP wensday Wednesday
              REP Wensday Wednesday
              REP maarsayl Marseille
              REP Maarsayl Marseille

       The asterisk at the end of the ph: pattern means stripping the
       terminating character both from the pattern and the word in the
       associated REP rule:

              pretty ph:prity*

       will result

              REP 1
              REP prit prett

       REP rule, resulting the following correct suggestions

              *prity -> pretty
              *pritier -> prettier
              *pritiest -> prettiest

       Moreover, ph: fields can handle suggestions with more than two words,
       also different suggestions for the same misspelling:

              do not know ph:dunno
              don't know ph:dunno


              *dunno -> do not know, don't know

       Note: if available, ph: is used in n-gram similarity, too.

       The ASCII arrow "->" in a ph: pattern means a REP rule (see REP),
       creating arbitrary replacement rule associated to the dictionary item:

              happy/B ph:hepy ph:hepi->happi


              *hepy -> happy
              *hepiest -> happiest

       st:    Stem. Optional: default stem is the dictionary item in
              morphological analysis. Stem field is useful for virtual stems
              (dictionary words with NEEDAFFIX flag) and morphological
              exceptions instead of new, single used morphological rules.

              feet  st:foot  is:plural
              mice  st:mouse is:plural
              teeth st:tooth is:plural

       Word forms with multiple stems need multiple dictionary items:

              lay po:verb st:lie is:past_2
              lay po:verb is:present
              lay po:noun

       al:    Allomorph(s). A dictionary item is the stem of its allomorphs.
              Morphological generation needs stem, allomorph and affix fields.

              sing al:sang al:sung
              sang st:sing
              sung st:sing

       po:    Part of speech category.

       ds:    Derivational suffix(es).  Stemming doesn't remove derivational
              suffixes.  Morphological generation depends on the order of the
              suffix fields.

              In affix rules:

              SFX Y Y 1
              SFX Y 0 ly . ds:ly_adj

       In the dictionary:

              ably st:able ds:ly_adj
              able al:ably

       is:    Inflectional suffix(es).  All inflectional suffixes are removed by
              stemming.  Morphological generation depends on the order of the
              suffix fields.

              feet st:foot is:plural

       ts:    Terminal suffix(es).  Terminal suffix fields are inflectional
              suffix fields "removed" by additional (not terminal) suffixes.

              Useful for zero morphemes and affixes removed by splitting rules.

              work/D ts:present

              SFX D Y 2
              SFX D   0 ed . is:past_1
              SFX D   0 ed . is:past_2

       Typical example of the terminal suffix is the zero morpheme of the
       nominative case.

       sp:    Surface prefix. Temporary solution for adding prefixes to the
              stems and generated word forms. See tests/morph.* example.

       pa:    Parts of the compound words. Output fields of morphological
              analysis for stemming.

       dp:    Planned: derivational prefix.

       ip:    Planned: inflectional prefix.

       tp:    Planned: terminal prefix.

Twofold suffix stripping

       Ispell's original algorithm strips only one suffix. Hunspell can strip
       another one yet (or a plus prefix in COMPLEXPREFIXES mode).

       The twofold suffix stripping is a significant improvement in handling of
       immense number of suffixes, that characterize agglutinative languages.

       A second `s' suffix (affix class Y) will be the continuation class of the
       suffix `able' in the following example:

               SFX Y Y 1
               SFX Y 0 s .

               SFX X Y 1
               SFX X 0 able/Y .

       Dictionary file:


       Test file:



               $ hunspell -m -d test <test.txt
               drink st:drink
               drinkable st:drink fl:X
               drinkables st:drink fl:X fl:Y

       Theoretically with the twofold suffix stripping needs only the square
       root of the number of suffix rules, compared with a Hunspell
       implementation. In our practice, we could have elaborated the Hungarian
       inflectional morphology with twofold suffix stripping.

Extended affix classes

       Hunspell can handle more than 65000 affix classes.  There are three new
       syntax for giving flags in affix and dictionary files.

       FLAG long command sets 2-character flags:

                FLAG long
                SFX Y1 Y 1
                SFX Y1 0 s 1

       Dictionary record with the Y1, Z3, F? flags:


       FLAG num command sets numerical flags separated by comma:

                FLAG num
                SFX 65000 Y 1
                SFX 65000 0 s 1

       Dictionary example:


       The third one is the Unicode character flags.


       Hunspell's dictionary can contain repeating elements that are homonyms:

               work/A    po:verb
               work/B    po:noun

       An affix file:

               SFX A Y 1
               SFX A 0 s . sf:sg3

               SFX B Y 1
               SFX B 0 s . is:plur

       Test file:



               $ hunspell -d test -m <testwords
               work st:work po:verb is:sg3
               work st:work po:noun is:plur

       This feature also gives a way to forbid illegal prefix/suffix

Prefix--suffix dependencies

       An interesting side-effect of multi-step stripping is, that the
       appropriate treatment of circumfixes now comes for free.  For instance,
       in Hungarian, superlatives are formed by simultaneous prefixation of leg-
       and suffixation of -bb to the adjective base.  A problem with the one-
       level architecture is that there is no way to render lexical licensing of
       particular prefixes and suffixes interdependent, and therefore incorrect
       forms are recognized as valid, i.e. *legv'<i>en = leg + v'<i>en `old'. Until the
       introduction of clusters, a special treatment of the superlative had to
       be hardwired in the earlier HunSpell code. This may have been legitimate
       for a single case, but in fact prefix--suffix dependences are ubiquitous
       in category-changing derivational patterns (cf. English payable, non-
       payable but *non-pay or drinkable, undrinkable but *undrink). In simple
       words, here, the prefix un- is legitimate only if the base drink is
       suffixed with -able. If both these patters are handled by on-line affix
       rules and affix rules are checked against the base only, there is no way
       to express this dependency and the system will necessarily over- or

       In next example, suffix class R have got a prefix `continuation' class
       (class P).

              PFX P Y 1
              PFX P   0 un . [prefix_un]+

              SFX S Y 1
              SFX S   0 s . +PL

              SFX Q Y 1
              SFX Q   0 s . +3SGV

              SFX R Y 1
              SFX R   0 able/PS . +DER_V_ADJ_ABLE


              drink/RQ  [verb]
              drink/S   [noun]

       Morphological analysis:

              > drink
              > drinks
              > drinkable
              > drinkables
              > undrinkable
              > undrinkables
              > undrink
              Unknown word.
              > undrinks
              Unknown word.


       Conditional affixes implemented by a continuation class are not enough
       for circumfixes, because a circumfix is one affix in morphology. We also
       need CIRCUMFIX option for correct morphological analysis.

              # circumfixes: ~ obligate prefix/suffix combinations
              # superlative in Hungarian: leg- (prefix) AND -bb (suffix)
              # nagy, nagyobb, legnagyobb, legeslegnagyobb
              # (great, greater, greatest, most greatest)

              CIRCUMFIX X

              PFX A Y 1
              PFX A 0 leg/X .

              PFX B Y 1
              PFX B 0 legesleg/X .

              SFX C Y 3
              SFX C 0 obb . +COMPARATIVE
              SFX C 0 obb/AX . +SUPERLATIVE
              SFX C 0 obb/BX . +SUPERSUPERLATIVE


              nagy/C    [MN]


              > nagy
              > nagyobb
              > legnagyobb
              > legeslegnagyobb


       Allowing free compounding yields decrease in precision of recognition,
       not to mention stemming and morphological analysis.  Although lexical
       switches are introduced to license compounding of bases by Ispell, this
       proves not to be restrictive enough. For example:

              # affix file
              COMPOUNDFLAG X


       With this resource, foobar and barfoo also are accepted words.

       This has been improved upon with the introduction of direction-sensitive
       compounding, i.e., lexical features can specify separately whether a base
       can occur as leftmost or rightmost constituent in compounds.  This,
       however, is still insufficient to handle the intricate patterns of
       compounding, not to mention idiosyncratic (and language specific) norms
       of hyphenation.

       The Hunspell algorithm currently allows any affixed form of words, which
       are lexically marked as potential members of compounds. Hunspell improved
       this, and its recursive compound checking rules makes it possible to
       implement the intricate spelling conventions of Hungarian compounds. For
       SYLLABLENUM options can be set the noteworthy Hungarian `6-3' rule.
       Further example in Hungarian, derivate suffixes often modify compounding
       properties. Hunspell allows the compounding flags on the affixes, and
       there are two special flags (COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG and (COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG)
       to permit or prohibit compounding of the derivations.

       Suffixes with this flag forbid compounding of the affixed word.

       We also need several Hunspell features for handling German compounding:

              # German compounding

              # set language to handle special casing of German sharp s

              LANG de_DE

              # compound flags

              COMPOUNDBEGIN U
              COMPOUNDMIDDLE V
              COMPOUNDEND W

              # Prefixes are allowed at the beginning of compounds,
              # suffixes are allowed at the end of compounds by default:
              # (prefix)?(root)+(affix)?
              # Affixes with COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG may be inside of compounds.

              # for German fogemorphemes (Fuge-element)
              # Hint: ONLYINCOMPOUND is not required everywhere, but the
              # checking will be a little faster with it.

              ONLYINCOMPOUND X

              # forbid uppercase characters at compound word bounds

              # for handling Fuge-elements with dashes (Arbeits-)
              # dash will be a special word

              COMPOUNDMIN 1
              WORDCHARS -

              # compound settings and fogemorpheme for `Arbeit'

              SFX A Y 3
              SFX A 0 s/UPX .
              SFX A 0 s/VPDX .
              SFX A 0 0/WXD .

              SFX B Y 2
              SFX B 0 0/UPX .
              SFX B 0 0/VWXDP .

              # a suffix for `Computer'

              SFX C Y 1
              SFX C 0 n/WD .

              # for forbid exceptions (*Arbeitsnehmer)

              FORBIDDENWORD Z

              # dash prefix for compounds with dash (Arbeits-Computer)

              PFX - Y 1
              PFX - 0 -/P .

              # decapitalizing prefix
              # circumfix for positioning in compounds

              PFX D Y 29
              PFX D A a/PX A
              PFX D A a/PX A
              PFX D Y y/PX Y
              PFX D Z z/PX Z

       Example dictionary:


       Accepted compound compound words with the previous resource:


       Not accepted compoundings:


       This solution is still not ideal, however, and will be replaced by a
       pattern-based compound-checking algorithm which is closely integrated
       with input buffer tokenization. Patterns describing compounds come as a
       separate input resource that can refer to high-level properties of
       constituent parts (e.g. the number of syllables, affix flags, and
       containment of hyphens). The patterns are matched against potential
       segmentations of compounds to assess wellformedness.

Unicode character encoding

       Both Ispell and Myspell use 8-bit ASCII character encoding, which is a
       major deficiency when it comes to scalability.  Although a language like
       Hungarian has a standard ASCII character set (ISO 8859-2), it fails to
       allow a full implementation of Hungarian orthographic conventions.  For
       instance, the '--' symbol (n-dash) is missing from this character set
       contrary to the fact that it is not only the official symbol to delimit
       parenthetic clauses in the language, but it can be in compound words as a
       special 'big' hyphen.

       MySpell has got some 8-bit encoding tables, but there are languages
       without standard 8-bit encoding, too. For example, a lot of African
       languages have non-latin or extended latin characters.

       Similarly, using the original spelling of certain foreign names like
       o<i>Angstr"<i>om or Moli`<i>ere is encouraged by the Hungarian spelling norm, and,
       since characters 'A' and 'e' are not part of ISO 8859-2, when they
       combine with inflections containing characters only in ISO 8859-2 (like
       elative -bol, allative -tol or delative -rol with double acute), these
       result in words (like o<i>Angstr"<i>omrol or Moli`<i>ere-tol.) that can not be
       encoded using any single ASCII encoding scheme.

       The problems raised in relation to 8-bit ASCII encoding have long been
       recognized by proponents of Unicode. It is clear that trading efficiency
       for encoding-independence has its advantages when it comes a truly multi-
       lingual application. There is implemented a memory and time efficient
       Unicode handling in Hunspell. In non-UTF-8 character encodings Hunspell
       works with the original 8-bit strings. In UTF-8 encoding, affixes and
       words are stored in UTF-8, during the analysis are handled in mostly
       UTF-8, under condition checking and suggestion are converted to UTF-16.
       Unicode text analysis and spell checking have a minimal (0-20%) time
       overhead and minimal or reasonable memory overhead depends from the
       language (its UTF-8 encoding and affixation).

Conversion of aspell dictionaries

       Aspell dictionaries can be easily converted into hunspell. Conversion

       dictionary (xx.cwl -> xx.wl):

       preunzip xx.cwl
       wc -l < xx.wl > xx.dic
       cat xx.wl >> xx.dic

       affix file

       If the affix file exists, copy it:
       cp xx_affix.dat xx.aff
       If not, create it with the suitable character encoding (see xx.dat)
       echo "SET ISO8859-x" > xx.aff
       echo "SET UTF-8" > xx.aff

       It's useful to add a TRY option with the characters of the dictionary
       with frequency order to set edit distance suggestions:
       echo "TRY qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnmQWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLYXCVBNM" >>xx.aff


       hunspell (1), ispell (1), ispell (4)

                                   2017-09-20                        hunspell(5)

hunspell 1.7.2 - Generated Sat Jan 14 09:23:50 CST 2023
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