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GeoclueGeocode — Geoclue geocode client API


void                (*GeoclueGeocodeCallback)           (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GeocluePositionFields fields,
                                                         double latitude,
                                                         double longitude,
                                                         double altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer userdata);
GeocluePositionFields geoclue_geocode_address_to_position
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GHashTable *details,
                                                         double *latitude,
                                                         double *longitude,
                                                         double *altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy **accuracy,
                                                         GError **error);
void                geoclue_geocode_address_to_position_async
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GHashTable *details,
                                                         GeoclueGeocodeCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer userdata);
GeocluePositionFields geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         const char *address,
                                                         double *latitude,
                                                         double *longitude,
                                                         double *altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy **accuracy,
                                                         GError **error);
void                geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position_async
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         const char *address,
                                                         GeoclueGeocodeCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer userdata);
GeoclueGeocode *    geoclue_geocode_new                 (const char *service,
                                                         const char *path);

Object Hierarchy



GeoclueGeocode contains geocoding methods. It is part of the Geoclue public C client API which uses D-Bus to communicate with the actual provider.

After a GeoclueGeocode is created with geoclue_geocode_new(), the geoclue_geocode_address_to_position(), geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position() methods and their asynchronous counterparts can be used to obtain the position (coordinates) of the given address.

Address GHashTable keys are defined in geoclue-types.h. See also convenience functions in geoclue-address-details.h.



#define GEOCLUE_GEOCODE_INTERFACE_NAME "org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Geocode"


typedef struct _GeoclueGeocode GeoclueGeocode;

GeoclueGeocodeCallback ()

void                (*GeoclueGeocodeCallback)           (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GeocluePositionFields fields,
                                                         double latitude,
                                                         double longitude,
                                                         double altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy,
                                                         GError *error,
                                                         gpointer userdata);

Callback function for the asynchronous methods.

geocode :

A GeoclueGeocode object

fields :

A GeocluePositionFields bitfield representing the validity of the position values

latitude :

Latitude in degrees

longitude :

Longitude in degrees

altitude :

Altitude in meters

accuracy :

Accuracy of measurement as GeoclueAccuracy

error :

Error as Gerror or NULL

userdata :

User data pointer


typedef struct {
	GeoclueProviderClass provider_class;
} GeoclueGeocodeClass;

geoclue_geocode_address_to_position ()

GeocluePositionFields geoclue_geocode_address_to_position
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GHashTable *details,
                                                         double *latitude,
                                                         double *longitude,
                                                         double *altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy **accuracy,
                                                         GError **error);

Geocodes given address to coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude). see geoclue-types.h for the hashtable keys usable in details. accuracy is a rough estimate of the accuracy of the returned position.

If the caller is not interested in some values, the pointers can be left NULL.

geocode :

A GeoclueGeocode object

details :

Hashtable with address data

latitude :

Pointer to returned latitude in degrees or NULL

longitude :

Pointer to returned longitude in degrees or NULL

altitude :

Pointer to returned altitude in meters or NULL

accuracy :

Pointer to returned GeoclueAccuracy or NULL

error :

Pointer to returned Gerror or NULL

Returns :

A GeocluePositionFields bitfield representing the validity of the returned coordinates.

geoclue_geocode_address_to_position_async ()

void                geoclue_geocode_address_to_position_async
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         GHashTable *details,
                                                         GeoclueGeocodeCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer userdata);

Function returns (essentially) immediately and calls callback when the geocoded position data is available or when D-Bus timeouts.

see geoclue-types.h for the hashtable keys usable in details.

geocode :

A Geocluegeocode object

details :

A GHashTable with address data

callback :

A GeoclueAddressCallback function that should be called when return values are available

userdata :

pointer for user specified data

geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position ()

GeocluePositionFields geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         const char *address,
                                                         double *latitude,
                                                         double *longitude,
                                                         double *altitude,
                                                         GeoclueAccuracy **accuracy,
                                                         GError **error);

Geocodes given address to coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude). accuracy is a rough estimate of the accuracy of the returned position.

If the caller is not interested in some values, the pointers can be left NULL.

geocode :

A GeoclueGeocode object

address :

freeform address

latitude :

Pointer to returned latitude in degrees or NULL

longitude :

Pointer to returned longitude in degrees or NULL

altitude :

Pointer to returned altitude in meters or NULL

accuracy :

Pointer to returned GeoclueAccuracy or NULL

error :

Pointer to returned Gerror or NULL

Returns :

A GeocluePositionFields bitfield representing the validity of the returned coordinates.

geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position_async ()

void                geoclue_geocode_freeform_address_to_position_async
                                                        (GeoclueGeocode *geocode,
                                                         const char *address,
                                                         GeoclueGeocodeCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer userdata);

Function returns (essentially) immediately and calls callback when the geocoded position data is available or when D-Bus timeouts.

geocode :

A Geocluegeocode object

address :

freeform address

callback :

A GeoclueAddressCallback function that should be called when return values are available

userdata :

pointer for user specified data

geoclue_geocode_new ()

GeoclueGeocode *    geoclue_geocode_new                 (const char *service,
                                                         const char *path);

Creates a GeoclueGeocode with given D-Bus service name and path.

service :

D-Bus service name

path :

D-Bus path name

Returns :

Pointer to a new GeoclueGeocode
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