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Hostname Utilities

Hostname Utilities — Internet hostname utilities


#include <glib.h>

gchar *             g_hostname_to_ascii                 (const gchar *hostname);
gchar *             g_hostname_to_unicode               (const gchar *hostname);

gboolean            g_hostname_is_non_ascii             (const gchar *hostname);
gboolean            g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded         (const gchar *hostname);

gboolean            g_hostname_is_ip_address            (const gchar *hostname);


Functions for manipulating internet hostnames; in particular, for converting between Unicode and ASCII-encoded forms of Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).

The Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) standards allow for the use of Unicode domain names in applications, while providing backward-compatibility with the old ASCII-only DNS, by defining an ASCII-Compatible Encoding of any given Unicode name, which can be used with non-IDN-aware applications and protocols. (For example, "Παν語.org" maps to "".)


g_hostname_to_ascii ()

gchar *             g_hostname_to_ascii                 (const gchar *hostname);

Converts hostname to its canonical ASCII form; an ASCII-only string containing no uppercase letters and not ending with a trailing dot.

hostname :

a valid UTF-8 or ASCII hostname

Returns :

an ASCII hostname, which must be freed, or NULL if hostname is in some way invalid.

Since 2.22

g_hostname_to_unicode ()

gchar *             g_hostname_to_unicode               (const gchar *hostname);

Converts hostname to its canonical presentation form; a UTF-8 string in Unicode normalization form C, containing no uppercase letters, no forbidden characters, and no ASCII-encoded segments, and not ending with a trailing dot.

Of course if hostname is not an internationalized hostname, then the canonical presentation form will be entirely ASCII.

hostname :

a valid UTF-8 or ASCII hostname

Returns :

a UTF-8 hostname, which must be freed, or NULL if hostname is in some way invalid.

Since 2.22

g_hostname_is_non_ascii ()

gboolean            g_hostname_is_non_ascii             (const gchar *hostname);

Tests if hostname contains Unicode characters. If this returns TRUE, you need to encode the hostname with g_hostname_to_ascii() before using it in non-IDN-aware contexts.

Note that a hostname might contain a mix of encoded and unencoded segments, and so it is possible for g_hostname_is_non_ascii() and g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded() to both return TRUE for a name.

hostname :

a hostname

Returns :

TRUE if hostname contains any non-ASCII characters

Since 2.22

g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded ()

gboolean            g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded         (const gchar *hostname);

Tests if hostname contains segments with an ASCII-compatible encoding of an Internationalized Domain Name. If this returns TRUE, you should decode the hostname with g_hostname_to_unicode() before displaying it to the user.

Note that a hostname might contain a mix of encoded and unencoded segments, and so it is possible for g_hostname_is_non_ascii() and g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded() to both return TRUE for a name.

hostname :

a hostname

Returns :

TRUE if hostname contains any ASCII-encoded segments.

Since 2.22

g_hostname_is_ip_address ()

gboolean            g_hostname_is_ip_address            (const gchar *hostname);

Tests if hostname is the string form of an IPv4 or IPv6 address. (Eg, "".)

hostname :

a hostname (or IP address in string form)

Returns :

TRUE if hostname is an IP address

Since 2.22

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