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Message Output and Debugging Functions

Message Output and Debugging Functions — functions to output messages and help debug applications


#include <glib.h>

void                g_print                             (const gchar *format,
GPrintFunc          g_set_print_handler                 (GPrintFunc func);
void                (*GPrintFunc)                       (const gchar *string);

void                g_printerr                          (const gchar *format,
GPrintFunc          g_set_printerr_handler              (GPrintFunc func);

#define             g_return_if_fail                    (expr)
#define             g_return_val_if_fail                (expr,
#define             g_return_if_reached
#define             g_return_val_if_reached             (val)
#define             g_warn_if_fail                      (expr)
#define             g_warn_if_reached

void                g_on_error_query                    (const gchar *prg_name);
void                g_on_error_stack_trace              (const gchar *prg_name);

#define             G_BREAKPOINT


These functions provide support for outputting messages.

The g_return family of macros (g_return_if_fail(), g_return_val_if_fail(), g_return_if_reached(), g_return_val_if_reached()) should only be used for programming errors, a typical use case is checking for invalid parameters at the beginning of a public function. They should not be used if you just mean "if (error) return", they should only be used if you mean "if (bug in program) return". The program behavior is generally considered undefined after one of these checks fails. They are not intended for normal control flow, only to give a perhaps-helpful warning before giving up.


g_print ()

void                g_print                             (const gchar *format,

Outputs a formatted message via the print handler. The default print handler simply outputs the message to stdout.

g_print() should not be used from within libraries for debugging messages, since it may be redirected by applications to special purpose message windows or even files. Instead, libraries should use g_log(), or the convenience functions g_message(), g_warning() and g_error().

format :

the message format. See the printf() documentation.

... :

the parameters to insert into the format string.

g_set_print_handler ()

GPrintFunc          g_set_print_handler                 (GPrintFunc func);

Sets the print handler. Any messages passed to g_print() will be output via the new handler. The default handler simply outputs the message to stdout. By providing your own handler you can redirect the output, to a GTK+ widget or a log file for example.

func :

the new print handler.

Returns :

the old print handler.

GPrintFunc ()

void                (*GPrintFunc)                       (const gchar *string);

Specifies the type of the print handler functions. These are called with the complete formatted string to output.

string :

the message to be output.

g_printerr ()

void                g_printerr                          (const gchar *format,

Outputs a formatted message via the error message handler. The default handler simply outputs the message to stderr.

g_printerr() should not be used from within libraries. Instead g_log() should be used, or the convenience functions g_message(), g_warning() and g_error().

format :

the message format. See the printf() documentation.

... :

the parameters to insert into the format string.

g_set_printerr_handler ()

GPrintFunc          g_set_printerr_handler              (GPrintFunc func);

Sets the handler for printing error messages. Any messages passed to g_printerr() will be output via the new handler. The default handler simply outputs the message to stderr. By providing your own handler you can redirect the output, to a GTK+ widget or a log file for example.

func :

the new error message handler.

Returns :

the old error message handler.


#define             g_return_if_fail(expr)

Returns from the current function if the expression is not true. If the expression evaluates to FALSE, a critical message is logged and the function returns. This can only be used in functions which do not return a value.

expr :

the expression to check.


#define             g_return_val_if_fail(expr,val)

Returns from the current function, returning the value val, if the expression is not true. If the expression evaluates to FALSE, a critical message is logged and val is returned.

expr :

the expression to check.

val :

the value to return from the current function if the expression is not true.


#define             g_return_if_reached()

Logs a critical message and returns from the current function. This can only be used in functions which do not return a value.


#define             g_return_val_if_reached(val)

Logs a critical message and returns val.

val :

the value to return from the current function.


#define             g_warn_if_fail(expr)

Logs a warning if the expression is not true.

expr :

the expression to check

Since 2.16


#define             g_warn_if_reached()

Logs a critical warning.

Since 2.16

g_on_error_query ()

void                g_on_error_query                    (const gchar *prg_name);

Prompts the user with [E]xit, [H]alt, show [S]tack trace or [P]roceed. This function is intended to be used for debugging use only. The following example shows how it can be used together with the g_log() functions.

#include <glib.h>
static void
log_handler (const gchar   *log_domain,
         GLogLevelFlags log_level,
         const gchar   *message,
         gpointer       user_data)
  g_log_default_handler (log_domain, log_level, message, user_data);
  g_on_error_query (MY_PROGRAM_NAME);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  g_log_set_handler (MY_LOG_DOMAIN,
             G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING |
                     G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR |
 /* ... */

If [E]xit is selected, the application terminates with a call to _exit(0).

If [H]alt is selected, the application enters an infinite loop. The infinite loop can only be stopped by killing the application, or by setting glib_on_error_halt to FALSE (possibly via a debugger).

If [S]tack trace is selected, g_on_error_stack_trace() is called. This invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows a stack trace. The prompt is then shown again.

If [P]roceed is selected, the function returns.

This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.

prg_name :

the program name, needed by gdb for the [S]tack trace option. If prg_name is NULL, g_get_prgname() is called to get the program name (which will work correctly if gdk_init() or gtk_init() has been called).

g_on_error_stack_trace ()

void                g_on_error_stack_trace              (const gchar *prg_name);

Invokes gdb, which attaches to the current process and shows a stack trace. Called by g_on_error_query() when the [S]tack trace option is selected.

This function may cause different actions on non-UNIX platforms.

prg_name :

the program name, needed by gdb for the [S]tack trace option. If prg_name is NULL, g_get_prgname() is called to get the program name (which will work correctly if gdk_init() or gtk_init() has been called).


#define             G_BREAKPOINT()

Inserts a breakpoint instruction into the code. On x86 and alpha systems this is implemented as a soft interrupt and on other architectures it raises a SIGTRAP signal.

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