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GP11Session — Represents an open PKCS11 session.


GP11Session*        gp11_session_from_handle            (GP11Slot *slot,
                                                         CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle);
GP11Module*         gp11_session_get_module             (GP11Session *self);
GP11Slot*           gp11_session_get_slot               (GP11Session *self);
CK_SESSION_HANDLE   gp11_session_get_handle             (GP11Session *self);
GP11SessionInfo*    gp11_session_get_info               (GP11Session *self);
gboolean            gp11_session_login                  (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gp11_session_login_full             (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_login_async            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            gp11_session_login_finish           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gp11_session_logout                 (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gp11_session_logout_full            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_logout_async           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            gp11_session_logout_finish          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);
GP11Object*         gp11_session_create_object          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err,
void                gp11_session_create_object_async    (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Attributes *attrs,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GP11Object*         gp11_session_create_object_finish   (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);
GList*              gp11_session_find_objects           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err,
void                gp11_session_find_objects_async     (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Attributes *attrs,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
GList*              gp11_session_find_objects_finish    (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt                (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt_full           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_encrypt_async          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt_finish         (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt                (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt_full           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_decrypt_async          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt_finish         (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_sign                   (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
guchar*             gp11_session_sign_full              (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_sign_async             (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guchar*             gp11_session_sign_finish            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gp11_session_verify                 (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gp11_session_verify_full            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_verify_async           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
gboolean            gp11_session_verify_finish          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);
void                gp11_session_info_free              (GP11SessionInfo *session_info);

Object Hierarchy



  "handle"                   gulong                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "module"                   GP11Module*           : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "slot"                     GP11Slot*             : Read / Write / Construct Only


  "discard-handle"                                 : Run Last


Before performing any PKCS11 operations, a session must be opened. This is analogous to an open database handle, or a file handle.



typedef struct _GP11Session GP11Session;

Represents an open PKCS11 session.

gp11_session_from_handle ()

GP11Session*        gp11_session_from_handle            (GP11Slot *slot,
                                                         CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle);

Initialize a GP11Session object from a raw PKCS11 session handle. Usually one would use the gp11_slot_open_session() function to create a session.

slot :

The slot which the session belongs to.

handle :

The raw PKCS11 handle of the session.

Returns :

The new GP11Session object.

gp11_session_get_module ()

GP11Module*         gp11_session_get_module             (GP11Session *self);

Get the PKCS11 module to which this session belongs.

self :

The session object.

Returns :

The module, which should be unreffed after use.

gp11_session_get_slot ()

GP11Slot*           gp11_session_get_slot               (GP11Session *self);

Get the PKCS11 slot to which this session belongs.

self :

The session object.

Returns :

The slot, which should be unreffed after use.

gp11_session_get_handle ()

CK_SESSION_HANDLE   gp11_session_get_handle             (GP11Session *self);

Get the raw PKCS11 session handle from a GP11Session object.

self :

The session object.

Returns :

The raw session handle.

gp11_session_get_info ()

GP11SessionInfo*    gp11_session_get_info               (GP11Session *self);

Get information about the session.

self :

The session object.

Returns :

The session info. Use the gp11_session_info_free() to release when done.

gp11_session_login ()

gboolean            gp11_session_login                  (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GError **err);

Login the user on the session. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

Log in to this session.

user_type :

The type of login user.

pin :

The user's PIN, or NULL for protected authentication path.

n_pin :

The length of the PIN.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether successful or not.

gp11_session_login_full ()

gboolean            gp11_session_login_full             (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Login the user on the session. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

Log in to this session.

user_type :

The type of login user.

pin :

The user's PIN, or NULL for protected authentication path.

n_pin :

The length of the PIN.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object, or NULL.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether successful or not.

gp11_session_login_async ()

void                gp11_session_login_async            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         gulong user_type,
                                                         const guchar *pin,
                                                         gsize n_pin,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Login the user on the session. This call will return immediately and completes asynchronously.

self :

Log in to this session.

user_type :

The type of login user.

pin :

The user's PIN, or NULL for protected authentication path.

n_pin :

The length of the PIN.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object, or NULL.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

Data to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_login_finish ()

gboolean            gp11_session_login_finish           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of a login operation.

self :

The session logged into.

result :

The result passed to the callback.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether the operation was successful or not.

gp11_session_logout ()

gboolean            gp11_session_logout                 (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err);

Log out of the session. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

Logout of this session.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether the logout was successful or not.

gp11_session_logout_full ()

gboolean            gp11_session_logout_full            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Log out of the session. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

Logout of this session.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object, or NULL.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether the logout was successful or not.

gp11_session_logout_async ()

void                gp11_session_logout_async           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Log out of the session. This call returns immediately and completes asynchronously.

self :

Logout of this session.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object, or NULL.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

Data to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_logout_finish ()

gboolean            gp11_session_logout_finish          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of logging out of a session.

self :

Logout of this session.

result :

The result passed to the callback.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

Whether the logout was successful or not.

gp11_session_create_object ()

GP11Object*         gp11_session_create_object          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err,

Create a new PKCS11 object. This call may block for an indefinite period.

The arguments must be triples of: attribute type, data type, value

The variable argument list should contain:


The gulong attribute type (ie: CKA_LABEL).


The attribute data type (one of GP11_BOOLEAN, GP11_ULONG, GP11_STRING, GP11_DATE) orthe raw attribute value length.


The attribute value, either a gboolean, gulong, gchar*, GDate* or a pointer to a raw attribute value.

The variable argument list should be terminated with GP11_INVALID.

self :

The session to create the object on.

err :

A location to store an error.

... :

The attributes to create the new object with.

Returns :

The newly created object, or NULL if an error occurred.

gp11_session_create_object_async ()

void                gp11_session_create_object_async    (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Attributes *attrs,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Create a new PKCS11 object. This call will return immediately and complete asynchronously.

self :

The session to create the object on.

attrs :

The attributes to create the object with.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object or NULL.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

Data to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_create_object_finish ()

GP11Object*         gp11_session_create_object_finish   (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of creating a new PKCS11 object.

self :

The session to create the object on.

result :

The result passed to the callback.

err :

A location to return an error, or NULL.

Returns :

The newly created object or NULL if an error occurred.

gp11_session_find_objects ()

GList*              gp11_session_find_objects           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GError **err,

Find objects matching the passed attributes. This call may block for an indefinite period.

The arguments must be triples of: attribute type, data type, value

The variable argument list should contain:


The gulong attribute type (ie: CKA_LABEL).


The attribute data type (one of GP11_BOOLEAN, GP11_ULONG, GP11_STRING, GP11_DATE) orthe raw attribute value length.


The attribute value, either a gboolean, gulong, gchar*, GDate* or a pointer to a raw attribute value.

The variable argument list should be terminated with GP11_INVALID.

self :

The session to find objects on.

err :

A location to return an error or NULL.

... :

The attributes to match.

Returns :

A list of the matching objects, which may be empty.

gp11_session_find_objects_async ()

void                gp11_session_find_objects_async     (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Attributes *attrs,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Find the objects matching the passed attributes. This call will return immediately and complete asynchronously.

self :

The session to find objects on.

attrs :

The attributes to match.

cancellable :

Optional cancellation object or NULL.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

Data to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_find_objects_finish ()

GList*              gp11_session_find_objects_finish    (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of a find operation.

self :

The session to find objects on.

result :

The attributes to match.

err :

A location to return an error.

Returns :

A list of the matching objects, which may be empty.

gp11_session_encrypt ()

guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt                (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Encrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to encrypt with.

mech_type :

The mechanism type to use for encryption.

input :

The data to encrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to encrypt.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was encrypted, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_encrypt_full ()

guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt_full           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Encrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to encrypt with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for encryption.

input :

The data to encrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to encrypt.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was encrypted, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_encrypt_async ()

void                gp11_session_encrypt_async          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Encrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call will return immediately and complete asynchronously.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to encrypt with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for encryption.

input :

The data to encrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to encrypt.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

A pointer to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_encrypt_finish ()

guchar*             gp11_session_encrypt_finish         (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of an encryption operation.

self :

The session.

result :

The result object passed to the callback.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was encrypted, or NULL if an error occurred.

gp11_session_decrypt ()

guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt                (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Decrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to decrypt with.

mech_type :

The mechanism type to use for decryption.

input :

The data to decrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to decrypt.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place an error.

Returns :

The data that was decrypted, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_decrypt_full ()

guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt_full           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Decrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to decrypt with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for decryption.

input :

The data to decrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to decrypt.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was decrypted, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_decrypt_async ()

void                gp11_session_decrypt_async          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Decrypt data in a mechanism specific manner. This call will return immediately and complete asynchronously.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to decrypt with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for decryption.

input :

The data to decrypt.

n_input :

The length of the data to decrypt.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

A pointer to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_decrypt_finish ()

guchar*             gp11_session_decrypt_finish         (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of an decryption operation.

self :

The session.

result :

The result object passed to the callback.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was decrypted, or NULL if an error occurred.

gp11_session_sign ()

guchar*             gp11_session_sign                   (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Sign data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to sign with.

mech_type :

The mechanism type to use for signing.

input :

The data to sign.

n_input :

The length of the data to sign.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place an error.

Returns :

The data that was signed, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_sign_full ()

guchar*             gp11_session_sign_full              (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Sign data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to sign with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for signing.

input :

The data to sign.

n_input :

The length of the data to sign.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was signed, or NULL if an error occured.

gp11_session_sign_async ()

void                gp11_session_sign_async             (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Sign data in a mechanism specific manner. This call will return immediately and complete asynchronously.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to sign with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for signing.

input :

The data to sign.

n_input :

The length of the data to sign.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

A pointer to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_sign_finish ()

guchar*             gp11_session_sign_finish            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *n_result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of an signing operation.

self :

The session.

result :

The result object passed to the callback.

n_result :

A location to store the length of the result data.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

The data that was signed, or NULL if an error occurred.

gp11_session_verify ()

gboolean            gp11_session_verify                 (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         gulong mech_type,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GError **err);

Verify data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to verify with.

mech_type :

The mechanism type to use for verifying.

input :

The data to verify.

n_input :

The length of the data to verify.

signature :

The signature.

n_signature :

The length of the signature.

err :

A location to place an error.

Returns :

TRUE if the data verified correctly, otherwise a failure or error occurred.

gp11_session_verify_full ()

gboolean            gp11_session_verify_full            (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GError **err);

Verify data in a mechanism specific manner. This call may block for an indefinite period.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to verify with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for signing.

input :

The data to verify.

n_input :

The length of the data to verify.

signature :

The signature.

n_signature :

The length of the signature.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

err :

A location to place an error.

Returns :

TRUE if the data verified correctly, otherwise a failure or error occurred.

gp11_session_verify_async ()

void                gp11_session_verify_async           (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GP11Object *key,
                                                         GP11Mechanism *mechanism,
                                                         const guchar *input,
                                                         gsize n_input,
                                                         const guchar *signature,
                                                         gsize n_signature,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Verify data in a mechanism specific manner. This call returns immediately and completes asynchronously.

self :

The session.

key :

The key to verify with.

mechanism :

The mechanism type and parameters to use for signing.

input :

The data to verify.

n_input :

The length of the data to verify.

signature :

The signature.

n_signature :

The length of the signature.

cancellable :

A GCancellable which can be used to cancel the operation.

callback :

Called when the operation completes.

user_data :

A pointer to pass to the callback.

gp11_session_verify_finish ()

gboolean            gp11_session_verify_finish          (GP11Session *self,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         GError **err);

Get the result of an verify operation.

self :

The session.

result :

The result object passed to the callback.

err :

A location to place error information.

Returns :

TRUE if the data verified correctly, otherwise a failure or error occurred.


typedef struct {
	gulong slot_id;
	gulong state;
	gulong flags;
	gulong device_error;
} GP11SessionInfo;

Information about the session. This is analogous to a CK_SESSION_INFO structure.

When done with this structure, release it using gp11_session_info_free().

gulong slot_id;

The handle of the PKCS11 slot that this session is opened on.

gulong state;

The user login state of the session.

gulong flags;

Various PKCS11 flags.

gulong device_error;

The last device error that occurred from an operation on this session.

gp11_session_info_free ()

void                gp11_session_info_free              (GP11SessionInfo *session_info);

Free the GP11SessionInfo structure and all associated memory.

session_info :

Session info to free.


typedef struct {
	gulong type;
	gpointer parameter;
	gulong n_parameter;
} GP11Mechanism;

Represents a mechanism used with crypto operations.

gulong type;

The mechanism type

gpointer parameter;

Mechanism specific data.

gulong n_parameter;

Length of mechanism specific data.

Property Details

The "handle" property

  "handle"                   gulong                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The raw CK_SESSION_HANDLE handle of this session.

The "module" property

  "module"                   GP11Module*           : Read / Write / Construct Only

The GP11Module that this session is opened on.

The "slot" property

  "slot"                     GP11Slot*             : Read / Write / Construct Only

The GP11Slot this session is opened on.

Signal Details

The "discard-handle" signal

gboolean            user_function                      (GP11Session *session,
                                                        gulong       handle,
                                                        gpointer     user_data)      : Run Last

When a GP11Session is being disposed of it emits this signal to allow a session pool to pick up the handle and keep it around.

If no signal handler claims the handle, then it is closed. This is used by gp11_module_set_pool_sessions() to implement the module session pool.

session :

The session.

handle :

The handle being discarded.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Returns :

Whether or not this handle was claimed.
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