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GtkAction — A deprecated action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item


GtkAction * gtk_action_new ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_name ()
gboolean gtk_action_is_sensitive ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_sensitive ()
void gtk_action_set_sensitive ()
gboolean gtk_action_is_visible ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_visible ()
void gtk_action_set_visible ()
void gtk_action_activate ()
GtkWidget * gtk_action_create_icon ()
GtkWidget * gtk_action_create_menu_item ()
GtkWidget * gtk_action_create_tool_item ()
GtkWidget * gtk_action_create_menu ()
GSList * gtk_action_get_proxies ()
void gtk_action_connect_accelerator ()
void gtk_action_disconnect_accelerator ()
void gtk_action_block_activate ()
void gtk_action_unblock_activate ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_always_show_image ()
void gtk_action_set_always_show_image ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_accel_path ()
void gtk_action_set_accel_path ()
GClosure * gtk_action_get_accel_closure ()
void gtk_action_set_accel_group ()
void gtk_action_set_label ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_label ()
void gtk_action_set_short_label ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_short_label ()
void gtk_action_set_tooltip ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_tooltip ()
void gtk_action_set_stock_id ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_stock_id ()
void gtk_action_set_gicon ()
GIcon * gtk_action_get_gicon ()
void gtk_action_set_icon_name ()
const gchar * gtk_action_get_icon_name ()
void gtk_action_set_visible_horizontal ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_visible_horizontal ()
void gtk_action_set_visible_vertical ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_visible_vertical ()
void gtk_action_set_is_important ()
gboolean gtk_action_get_is_important ()


GtkActionGroup * action-group Read / Write
gboolean always-show-image Read / Write / Construct
GIcon * gicon Read / Write
gboolean hide-if-empty Read / Write
gchar * icon-name Read / Write
gboolean is-important Read / Write
gchar * label Read / Write
gchar * name Read / Write / Construct Only
gboolean sensitive Read / Write
gchar * short-label Read / Write
gchar * stock-id Read / Write
gchar * tooltip Read / Write
gboolean visible Read / Write
gboolean visible-horizontal Read / Write
gboolean visible-overflown Read / Write
gboolean visible-vertical Read / Write


void activate No Recursion

Types and Values

struct GtkAction
struct GtkActionClass

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GtkAction
        ├── GtkToggleAction
        ╰── GtkRecentAction

Implemented Interfaces

GtkAction implements GtkBuildable.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>


In GTK+ 3.10, GtkAction has been deprecated. Use GAction instead, and associate actions with GtkActionable widgets. Use GMenuModel for creating menus with gtk_menu_new_from_model().

Actions represent operations that the user can be perform, along with some information how it should be presented in the interface. Each action provides methods to create icons, menu items and toolbar items representing itself.

As well as the callback that is called when the action gets activated, the following also gets associated with the action:

  • a name (not translated, for path lookup)

  • a label (translated, for display)

  • an accelerator

  • whether label indicates a stock id

  • a tooltip (optional, translated)

  • a toolbar label (optional, shorter than label)

The action will also have some state information:

  • visible (shown/hidden)

  • sensitive (enabled/disabled)

Apart from regular actions, there are toggle actions, which can be toggled between two states and radio actions, of which only one in a group can be in the “active” state. Other actions can be implemented as GtkAction subclasses.

Each action can have one or more proxy widgets. To act as an action proxy, widget needs to implement GtkActivatable interface. Proxies mirror the state of the action and should change when the action’s state changes. Properties that are always mirrored by proxies are “sensitive” and “visible”. “gicon”, “icon-name”, “label”, “short-label” and “stock-id” properties are only mirorred if proxy widget has “use-action-appearance” property set to TRUE.

When the proxy is activated, it should activate its action.


gtk_action_new ()

GtkAction *
gtk_action_new (const gchar *name,
                const gchar *label,
                const gchar *tooltip,
                const gchar *stock_id);

gtk_action_new has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, associating it to a widget with GtkActionable or creating a GtkMenu with gtk_menu_new_from_model()

Creates a new GtkAction object. To add the action to a GtkActionGroup and set the accelerator for the action, call gtk_action_group_add_action_with_accel(). See the UI Definition section for information on allowed action names.



A unique name for the action



the label displayed in menu items and on buttons, or NULL.



a tooltip for the action, or NULL.



the stock icon to display in widgets representing the action, or NULL.



a new GtkAction

Since 2.4

gtk_action_get_name ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_name (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_name has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_action_get_name() on a GAction instead

Returns the name of the action.



the action object



the name of the action. The string belongs to GTK+ and should not be freed.

Since 2.4

gtk_action_is_sensitive ()

gtk_action_is_sensitive (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_is_sensitive has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_action_get_enabled() on a GAction instead

Returns whether the action is effectively sensitive.



the action object



TRUE if the action and its associated action group are both sensitive.

Since 2.4

gtk_action_get_sensitive ()

gtk_action_get_sensitive (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_sensitive has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_action_get_enabled() on a GAction instead

Returns whether the action itself is sensitive. Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean effective sensitivity. See gtk_action_is_sensitive() for that.



the action object



TRUE if the action itself is sensitive.

Since 2.4

gtk_action_set_sensitive ()

gtk_action_set_sensitive (GtkAction *action,
                          gboolean sensitive);

gtk_action_set_sensitive has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_simple_action_set_enabled() on a GSimpleAction instead

Sets the :sensitive property of the action to sensitive . Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean effective sensitivity. See gtk_action_is_sensitive() for that.



the action object



TRUE to make the action sensitive


Since 2.6

gtk_action_is_visible ()

gtk_action_is_visible (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_is_visible has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the state of GtkActionable widgets directly

Returns whether the action is effectively visible.



the action object



TRUE if the action and its associated action group are both visible.

Since 2.4

gtk_action_get_visible ()

gtk_action_get_visible (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_visible has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the state of GtkActionable widgets directly

Returns whether the action itself is visible. Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean effective visibility. See gtk_action_is_sensitive() for that.



the action object



TRUE if the action itself is visible.

Since 2.4

gtk_action_set_visible ()

gtk_action_set_visible (GtkAction *action,
                        gboolean visible);

gtk_action_set_visible has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the state of GtkActionable widgets directly

Sets the :visible property of the action to visible . Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean effective visibility. See gtk_action_is_visible() for that.



the action object



TRUE to make the action visible


Since 2.6

gtk_action_activate ()

gtk_action_activate (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_activate has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_action_group_activate_action() on a GAction instead

Emits the “activate” signal on the specified action, if it isn't insensitive. This gets called by the proxy widgets when they get activated.

It can also be used to manually activate an action.



the action object


Since 2.4

gtk_action_create_icon ()

GtkWidget *
gtk_action_create_icon (GtkAction *action,
                        GtkIconSize icon_size);

gtk_action_create_icon has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_menu_item_set_icon() to set an icon on a GMenuItem, or gtk_container_add() to add a GtkImage to a GtkButton

This function is intended for use by action implementations to create icons displayed in the proxy widgets.



the action object



the size of the icon that should be created.

[type int]


a widget that displays the icon for this action.

[transfer none]

Since 2.4

gtk_action_create_menu_item ()

GtkWidget *
gtk_action_create_menu_item (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_create_menu_item has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_menu_item_new() and associate it with a GAction instead.

Creates a menu item widget that proxies for the given action.



the action object



a menu item connected to the action.

[transfer none]

Since 2.4

gtk_action_create_tool_item ()

GtkWidget *
gtk_action_create_tool_item (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_create_tool_item has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use a GtkToolItem and associate it with a GAction using gtk_actionable_set_action_name() instead

Creates a toolbar item widget that proxies for the given action.



the action object



a toolbar item connected to the action.

[transfer none]

Since 2.4

gtk_action_create_menu ()

GtkWidget *
gtk_action_create_menu (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_create_menu has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and GMenuModel instead, and create a GtkMenu with gtk_menu_new_from_model()

If action provides a GtkMenu widget as a submenu for the menu item or the toolbar item it creates, this function returns an instance of that menu.



a GtkAction



the menu item provided by the action, or NULL.

[transfer none]

Since 2.12

gtk_action_get_proxies ()

GSList *
gtk_action_get_proxies (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_proxies has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Returns the proxy widgets for an action. See also gtk_activatable_get_related_action().



the action object



a GSList of proxy widgets. The list is owned by GTK+ and must not be modified.

[element-type GtkWidget][transfer none]

Since 2.4

gtk_action_connect_accelerator ()

gtk_action_connect_accelerator (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_connect_accelerator has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and the accelerator group on an associated GtkMenu instead

Installs the accelerator for action if action has an accel path and group. See gtk_action_set_accel_path() and gtk_action_set_accel_group()

Since multiple proxies may independently trigger the installation of the accelerator, the action counts the number of times this function has been called and doesn’t remove the accelerator until gtk_action_disconnect_accelerator() has been called as many times.



a GtkAction


Since 2.4

gtk_action_disconnect_accelerator ()

gtk_action_disconnect_accelerator (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_disconnect_accelerator has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and the accelerator group on an associated GtkMenu instead

Undoes the effect of one call to gtk_action_connect_accelerator().



a GtkAction


Since 2.4

gtk_action_block_activate ()

gtk_action_block_activate (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_block_activate has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_simple_action_set_enabled() to disable the GSimpleAction instead

Disable activation signals from the action

This is needed when updating the state of your proxy GtkActivatable widget could result in calling gtk_action_activate(), this is a convenience function to avoid recursing in those cases (updating toggle state for instance).



a GtkAction


Since 2.16

gtk_action_unblock_activate ()

gtk_action_unblock_activate (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_unblock_activate has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_simple_action_set_enabled() to enable the GSimpleAction instead

Reenable activation signals from the action



a GtkAction


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_always_show_image ()

gtk_action_get_always_show_image (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_always_show_image has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_menu_item_get_attribute_value() on a GMenuItem instead

Returns whether action 's menu item proxies will always show their image, if available.



a GtkAction



TRUE if the menu item proxies will always show their image

Since 2.20

gtk_action_set_always_show_image ()

gtk_action_set_always_show_image (GtkAction *action,
                                  gboolean always_show);

gtk_action_set_always_show_image has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use g_menu_item_set_icon() on a GMenuItem instead, if the item should have an image

Sets whether action 's menu item proxies will ignore the “gtk-menu-images” setting and always show their image, if available.

Use this if the menu item would be useless or hard to use without their image.



a GtkAction



TRUE if menuitem proxies should always show their image


Since 2.20

gtk_action_get_accel_path ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_accel_path (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_accel_path has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and the accelerator path on an associated GtkMenu instead

Returns the accel path for this action.



the action object



the accel path for this action, or NULL if none is set. The returned string is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed or modified.

Since 2.6

gtk_action_set_accel_path ()

gtk_action_set_accel_path (GtkAction *action,
                           const gchar *accel_path);

gtk_action_set_accel_path has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and the accelerator path on an associated GtkMenu instead

Sets the accel path for this action. All proxy widgets associated with the action will have this accel path, so that their accelerators are consistent.

Note that accel_path string will be stored in a GQuark. Therefore, if you pass a static string, you can save some memory by interning it first with g_intern_static_string().



the action object



the accelerator path


Since 2.4

gtk_action_get_accel_closure ()

GClosure *
gtk_action_get_accel_closure (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_accel_closure has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and GtkMenu instead, which have no equivalent for getting the accel closure

Returns the accel closure for this action.



the action object



the accel closure for this action. The returned closure is owned by GTK+ and must not be unreffed or modified.

[transfer none]

Since 2.8

gtk_action_set_accel_group ()

gtk_action_set_accel_group (GtkAction *action,
                            GtkAccelGroup *accel_group);

gtk_action_set_accel_group has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction and the accelerator group on an associated GtkMenu instead

Sets the GtkAccelGroup in which the accelerator for this action will be installed.



the action object



a GtkAccelGroup or NULL.


Since 2.4

gtk_action_set_label ()

gtk_action_set_label (GtkAction *action,
                      const gchar *label);

gtk_action_set_label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and set a label on a menu item with g_menu_item_set_label(). For GtkActionable widgets, use the widget-specific API to set a label

Sets the label of action .



a GtkAction



the label text to set


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_label ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_label (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and get a label from a menu item with g_menu_item_get_attribute_value(). For GtkActionable widgets, use the widget-specific API to get a label

Gets the label text of action .



a GtkAction



the label text

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_short_label ()

gtk_action_set_short_label (GtkAction *action,
                            const gchar *short_label);

gtk_action_set_short_label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, which has no equivalent of short labels

Sets a shorter label text on action .



a GtkAction



the label text to set


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_short_label ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_short_label (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_short_label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, which has no equivalent of short labels

Gets the short label text of action .



a GtkAction



the short label text.

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_tooltip ()

gtk_action_set_tooltip (GtkAction *action,
                        const gchar *tooltip);

gtk_action_set_tooltip has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and set tooltips on associated GtkActionable widgets with gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text()

Sets the tooltip text on action



a GtkAction



the tooltip text


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_tooltip ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_tooltip (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_tooltip has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and get tooltips from associated GtkActionable widgets with gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text()

Gets the tooltip text of action .



a GtkAction



the tooltip text

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_stock_id ()

gtk_action_set_stock_id (GtkAction *action,
                         const gchar *stock_id);

gtk_action_set_stock_id has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, which has no equivalent of stock items

Sets the stock id on action



a GtkAction



the stock id


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_stock_id ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_stock_id (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_stock_id has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, which has no equivalent of stock items

Gets the stock id of action .



a GtkAction



the stock id

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_gicon ()

gtk_action_set_gicon (GtkAction *action,
                      GIcon *icon);

gtk_action_set_gicon has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and g_menu_item_set_icon() to set an icon on a GMenuItem associated with a GAction, or gtk_container_add() to add a GtkImage to a GtkButton

Sets the icon of action .



a GtkAction



the GIcon to set


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_gicon ()

GIcon *
gtk_action_get_gicon (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_gicon has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and g_menu_item_get_attribute_value() to get an icon from a GMenuItem associated with a GAction

Gets the gicon of action .



a GtkAction



The action’s GIcon if one is set.

[transfer none]

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_icon_name ()

gtk_action_set_icon_name (GtkAction *action,
                          const gchar *icon_name);

gtk_action_set_icon_name has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and g_menu_item_set_icon() to set an icon on a GMenuItem associated with a GAction, or gtk_container_add() to add a GtkImage to a GtkButton

Sets the icon name on action



a GtkAction



the icon name to set


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_icon_name ()

const gchar *
gtk_action_get_icon_name (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_icon_name has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and g_menu_item_get_attribute_value() to get an icon from a GMenuItem associated with a GAction

Gets the icon name of action .



a GtkAction



the icon name

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_visible_horizontal ()

gtk_action_set_visible_horizontal (GtkAction *action,
                                   gboolean visible_horizontal);

gtk_action_set_visible_horizontal has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the visibility of associated widgets and menu items directly

Sets whether action is visible when horizontal



a GtkAction



whether the action is visible horizontally


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_visible_horizontal ()

gtk_action_get_visible_horizontal (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_visible_horizontal has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the visibility of associated widgets and menu items directly

Checks whether action is visible when horizontal



a GtkAction



whether action is visible when horizontal

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_visible_vertical ()

gtk_action_set_visible_vertical (GtkAction *action,
                                 gboolean visible_vertical);

gtk_action_set_visible_vertical has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the visibility of associated widgets and menu items directly

Sets whether action is visible when vertical



a GtkAction



whether the action is visible vertically


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_visible_vertical ()

gtk_action_get_visible_vertical (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_visible_vertical has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor the visibility of associated widgets and menu items directly

Checks whether action is visible when horizontal



a GtkAction



whether action is visible when horizontal

Since 2.16

gtk_action_set_is_important ()

gtk_action_set_is_important (GtkAction *action,
                             gboolean is_important);

gtk_action_set_is_important has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor whether labels are shown directly

Sets whether the action is important, this attribute is used primarily by toolbar items to decide whether to show a label or not.



the action object



TRUE to make the action important


Since 2.16

gtk_action_get_is_important ()

gtk_action_get_is_important (GtkAction *action);

gtk_action_get_is_important has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use GAction instead, and control and monitor whether labels are shown directly

Checks whether action is important or not



a GtkAction



whether action is important

Since 2.16

Types and Values

struct GtkAction

struct GtkAction;

struct GtkActionClass

struct GtkActionClass {
  GObjectClass parent_class;

  /* activation signal */
  void       (* activate)           (GtkAction    *action);


GObjectClass parent_class;

The parent class.


activate ()

Signal emitted when the action is activated.


Property Details

The “action-group” property

  “action-group”             GtkActionGroup *

The GtkActionGroup this GtkAction is associated with, or NULL (for internal use).

GtkAction:action-group has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Lookup the GAction using g_action_map_lookup_action() instead

Flags: Read / Write

The “always-show-image” property

  “always-show-image”        gboolean

If TRUE, the action's menu item proxies will ignore the “gtk-menu-images” setting and always show their image, if available.

Use this property if the menu item would be useless or hard to use without their image.

GtkAction:always-show-image has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: FALSE

Since 2.20

The “gicon” property

  “gicon”                    GIcon *

The GIcon displayed in the GtkAction.

Note that the stock icon is preferred, if the “stock-id” property holds the id of an existing stock icon.

This is an appearance property and thus only applies if “use-action-appearance” is TRUE.

GtkAction:gicon has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use the "icon" attribute on a GMenuItem instead

Flags: Read / Write

Since 2.16

The “hide-if-empty” property

  “hide-if-empty”            gboolean

When TRUE, empty menu proxies for this action are hidden.

GtkAction:hide-if-empty has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “icon-name” property

  “icon-name”                gchar *

The name of the icon from the icon theme.

Note that the stock icon is preferred, if the “stock-id” property holds the id of an existing stock icon, and the GIcon is preferred if the “gicon” property is set.

This is an appearance property and thus only applies if “use-action-appearance” is TRUE.

GtkAction:icon-name has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use the "icon" attribute on a GMenuItem instead

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

Since 2.10

The “is-important” property

  “is-important”             gboolean

Whether the action is considered important. When TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action show text in GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ mode.

GtkAction:is-important has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: FALSE

The “label” property

  “label”                    gchar *

The label used for menu items and buttons that activate this action. If the label is NULL, GTK+ uses the stock label specified via the stock-id property.

This is an appearance property and thus only applies if “use-action-appearance” is TRUE.

GtkAction:label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use the "label" attribute on GMenuItem instead

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The “name” property

  “name”                     gchar *

A unique name for the action.

GtkAction:name has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use “name” instead

Flags: Read / Write / Construct Only

Default value: NULL

The “sensitive” property

  “sensitive”                gboolean

Whether the action is enabled.

GtkAction:sensitive has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use “enabled” and “enabled” instead

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “short-label” property

  “short-label”              gchar *

A shorter label that may be used on toolbar buttons.

This is an appearance property and thus only applies if “use-action-appearance” is TRUE.

GtkAction:short-label has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The “stock-id” property

  “stock-id”                 gchar *

The stock icon displayed in widgets representing this action.

This is an appearance property and thus only applies if “use-action-appearance” is TRUE.

GtkAction:stock-id has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The “tooltip” property

  “tooltip”                  gchar *

A tooltip for this action.

GtkAction:tooltip has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text() instead

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: NULL

The “visible” property

  “visible”                  gboolean

Whether the action is visible.

GtkAction:visible has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “visible-horizontal” property

  “visible-horizontal”       gboolean

Whether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a horizontal orientation.

GtkAction:visible-horizontal has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

The “visible-overflown” property

  “visible-overflown”        gboolean

When TRUE, toolitem proxies for this action are represented in the toolbar overflow menu.

GtkAction:visible-overflown has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

Since 2.6

The “visible-vertical” property

  “visible-vertical”         gboolean

Whether the toolbar item is visible when the toolbar is in a vertical orientation.

GtkAction:visible-vertical has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

There is no corresponding replacement when using GAction

Flags: Read / Write

Default value: TRUE

Signal Details

The “activate” signal

user_function (GtkAction *action,
               gpointer   user_data)

The "activate" signal is emitted when the action is activated.

GtkAction::activate has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly-written code.

Use “activate” instead



the GtkAction



user data set when the signal handler was connected.


Flags: No Recursion

Since 2.4

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Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.