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GtkLockButton — A widget to unlock or lock privileged operations


GPermission * permission Read / Write
gchar * text-lock Read / Write / Construct
gchar * text-unlock Read / Write / Construct
gchar * tooltip-lock Read / Write / Construct
gchar * tooltip-not-authorized Read / Write / Construct
gchar * tooltip-unlock Read / Write / Construct

Types and Values

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── GtkWidget
            ╰── GtkContainer
                ╰── GtkBin
                    ╰── GtkButton
                        ╰── GtkLockButton

Implemented Interfaces

GtkLockButton implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable, GtkActionable and GtkActivatable.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>


GtkLockButton is a widget that can be used in control panels or preference dialogs to allow users to obtain and revoke authorizations needed to operate the controls. The required authorization is represented by a GPermission object. Concrete implementations of GPermission may use PolicyKit or some other authorization framework. To obtain a PolicyKit-based GPermission, use polkit_permission_new().

If the user is not currently allowed to perform the action, but can obtain the permission, the widget looks like this:

and the user can click the button to request the permission. Depending on the platform, this may pop up an authentication dialog or ask the user to authenticate in some other way. Once the user has obtained the permission, the widget changes to this:

and the permission can be dropped again by clicking the button. If the user is not able to obtain the permission at all, the widget looks like this:

If the user has the permission and cannot drop it, the button is hidden.

The text (and tooltips) that are shown in the various cases can be adjusted with the “text-lock”, “text-unlock”, “tooltip-lock”, “tooltip-unlock” and “tooltip-not-authorized” properties.


gtk_lock_button_new ()

GtkWidget *
gtk_lock_button_new (GPermission *permission);

Creates a new lock button which reflects the permission .



a GPermission.



a new GtkLockButton

Since 3.2

gtk_lock_button_get_permission ()

GPermission *
gtk_lock_button_get_permission (GtkLockButton *button);

Obtains the GPermission object that controls button .



a GtkLockButton



the GPermission of button .

[transfer none]

Since 3.2

gtk_lock_button_set_permission ()

gtk_lock_button_set_permission (GtkLockButton *button,
                                GPermission *permission);

Sets the GPermission object that controls button .



a GtkLockButton



a GPermission object, or NULL.


Since 3.2

Types and Values

struct GtkLockButton

struct GtkLockButton;

struct GtkLockButtonClass

struct GtkLockButtonClass {
  GtkButtonClass parent_class;


GtkButtonClass parent_class;

The parent class.


Property Details

The “permission” property

  “permission”               GPermission *

The GPermission object controlling this button.

Flags: Read / Write

The “text-lock” property

  “text-lock”                gchar *

The text to display when prompting the user to lock.

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: "Lock"

The “text-unlock” property

  “text-unlock”              gchar *

The text to display when prompting the user to unlock.

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: "Unlock"

The “tooltip-lock” property

  “tooltip-lock”             gchar *

The tooltip to display when prompting the user to lock.

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: "Dialog is unlocked.\nClick to prevent further changes"

The “tooltip-not-authorized” property

  “tooltip-not-authorized”   gchar *

The tooltip to display when prompting the user cannot obtain authorization.

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: "System policy prevents changes.\nContact your system administrator"

The “tooltip-unlock” property

  “tooltip-unlock”           gchar *

The tooltip to display when prompting the user to unlock.

Flags: Read / Write / Construct

Default value: "Dialog is locked.\nClick to make changes"

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