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Input from unstructured files

Input from unstructured files


guint8 const *      gsf_input_read                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         size_t num_bytes,
                                                         guint8 *optional_buffer);
gsf_off_t           gsf_input_tell                      (GsfInput *input);
gboolean            gsf_input_seek                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         gsf_off_t offset,
                                                         GSeekType whence);
GsfInfile *         gsf_input_container                 (GsfInput *input);
GsfInput *          gsf_input_dup                       (GsfInput *input,
                                                         GError **err);
gsf_off_t           gsf_input_size                      (GsfInput *input);
gboolean            gsf_input_eof                       (GsfInput *input);
gsf_off_t           gsf_input_remaining                 (GsfInput *input);
GQuark              gsf_input_error_id                  (void);
GsfInput *          gsf_input_sibling                   (GsfInput const *input,
                                                         char const *name,
                                                         GError **err);
GQuark              gsf_input_error                     (void);
char const   *      gsf_input_name                      (GsfInput *input);
gboolean            gsf_input_set_name_from_filename    (GsfInput *input,
                                                         char const *filename);

GsfInput *          gsf_input_proxy_new                 (GsfInput *source);
GsfInput *          gsf_input_proxy_new_section         (GsfInput *source,
                                                         gsf_off_t offset,
                                                         gsf_off_t size);

gboolean            gsf_input_copy                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         GsfOutput *output);
GsfInput *          gsf_input_uncompress                (GsfInput *src);

Object Hierarchy



  "container"                GsfInfile*            : Read
  "eof"                      gboolean              : Read
  "modtime"                  GDateTime*            : Read
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read
  "position"                 gint64                : Read
  "remaining"                gint64                : Read
  "size"                     gint64                : Read




typedef struct _GsfInput GsfInput;

Class representing an input stream.

gsf_input_read ()

guint8 const *      gsf_input_read                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         size_t num_bytes,
                                                         guint8 *optional_buffer);

Read at least num_bytes. Does not change the current position if there is an error. Will only read if the entire amount can be read. Invalidates the buffer associated with previous calls to gsf_input_read.

input :

the input stream

num_bytes :

number of bytes to read

optional_buffer :

Pointer to destination memory area

Returns :

pointer to the buffer or NULL if there is an error or 0 bytes are requested.

gsf_input_tell ()

gsf_off_t           gsf_input_tell                      (GsfInput *input);

input :

the input stream

Returns :

the current offset in the file.

gsf_input_seek ()

gboolean            gsf_input_seek                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         gsf_off_t offset,
                                                         GSeekType whence);

Move the current location in the input stream.

input :

the input stream

offset :

target offset

whence :

determines whether the offset is relative to the beginning or the end of the stream, or to the current location.

Returns :

TRUE on error.

gsf_input_container ()

GsfInfile *         gsf_input_container                 (GsfInput *input);

input :

the input stream

Returns :

input's container, potentially NULL. [transfer none]

gsf_input_dup ()

GsfInput *          gsf_input_dup                       (GsfInput *input,
                                                         GError **err);

Duplicates input src leaving the new one at the same offset.

input :

The input to duplicate

err :

place to store a GError if anything goes wrong. [allow-none]

Returns :

the duplicate, or NULL on error. [transfer full]

gsf_input_size ()

gsf_off_t           gsf_input_size                      (GsfInput *input);

input :

The input

Returns :

the total number of bytes in the input or -1 on error

gsf_input_eof ()

gboolean            gsf_input_eof                       (GsfInput *input);

Are we at the end of the file?

input :

the input

Returns :

TRUE if the input is at the eof.

gsf_input_remaining ()

gsf_off_t           gsf_input_remaining                 (GsfInput *input);

input :

the input stream

Returns :

the number of bytes left in the file.

gsf_input_error_id ()

GQuark              gsf_input_error_id                  (void);

Returns :

A utility quark to flag a GError as being an input problem.

gsf_input_sibling ()

GsfInput *          gsf_input_sibling                   (GsfInput const *input,
                                                         char const *name,
                                                         GError **err);

UNIMPLEMENTED BY ANY BACKEND and it is probably unnecessary. gsf_input_get_container provides enough power to do what is necessary.

Attempts to open a 'sibling' of input. The caller is responsible for managing the resulting object.

input :

The input

name :


err :

place to store a GError if anything goes wrong. [allow-none]

Returns :

A related GsfInput or NULL on failure. [transfer full]

gsf_input_error ()

GQuark              gsf_input_error                     (void);


gsf_input_error is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Deprecated as of GSF 1.12.0; use gsf_input_error_id() instead.

Returns :

A utility quark to flag a GError as being an input problem.

gsf_input_name ()

char const   *      gsf_input_name                      (GsfInput *input);

The name of the input stream.

input :

the input stream

Returns :

input's name in utf8 form, or NULL if it has no name. [transfer none]

gsf_input_set_name_from_filename ()

gboolean            gsf_input_set_name_from_filename    (GsfInput *input,
                                                         char const *filename);


input :

the input stream

filename :

the (fs-sys encoded) filename

Returns :

TRUE if the assignment was ok.


typedef struct _GsfInputProxy GsfInputProxy;

gsf_input_proxy_new ()

GsfInput *          gsf_input_proxy_new                 (GsfInput *source);

This creates a new proxy to the entire, given input source. See gsf_input_proxy_new_section for details.

source :

The underlying data source.

Returns :

a new input object.

gsf_input_proxy_new_section ()

GsfInput *          gsf_input_proxy_new_section         (GsfInput *source,
                                                         gsf_off_t offset,
                                                         gsf_off_t size);

This creates a new proxy to a section of the given source. The new object will have its own current position, but any operation on it can change the source's position.

If a proxy to a proxy is created, the intermediate proxy is short- circuited.

This function will ref the source.

source :

The underlying data source.

offset :

Offset into source for start of section.

size :

Length of section.

Returns :

a new input object.

gsf_input_copy ()

gboolean            gsf_input_copy                      (GsfInput *input,
                                                         GsfOutput *output);

Copy the contents from input to output from their respective current positions. So if you want to be sure to copy *everything*, make sure to call gsf_input_seek (input, 0, G_SEEK_SET) and gsf_output_seek (output, 0, G_SEEK_SET) first, if applicable.

input :

a non-null GsfInput

output :

a non-null GsfOutput

Returns :

TRUE on success

gsf_input_uncompress ()

GsfInput *          gsf_input_uncompress                (GsfInput *src);

This functions takes ownership of the incoming reference and yields a new one as its output.

src :

stream to be uncompressed. [transfer full]

Returns :

A stream equivalent to the source stream, but uncompressed if the source was compressed. [transfer full]

Property Details

The "container" property

  "container"                GsfInfile*            : Read

The container, optionally NULL, in which this input lives.

The "eof" property

  "eof"                      gboolean              : Read

TRUE if the end of the file has been reached.

Default value: FALSE

The "modtime" property

  "modtime"                  GDateTime*            : Read

The time the input was last updated. This represents the timestamp from the originating file or GsfInfile member. It is not supported by all derived classes.

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read

The input's name.

Default value: NULL

The "position" property

  "position"                 gint64                : Read

The current position in the input.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "remaining" property

  "remaining"                gint64                : Read

The number of bytes remaining in the file.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "size" property

  "size"                     gint64                : Read

The total number of bytes in the file.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

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