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TpBaseCallChannel — base class for TpSvcChannelTypeCall implementations


#include <telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib.h>

struct              TpBaseCallChannelClass;
void                (*TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc)        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
TpBaseCallContent * (*TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc)  (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         TpMediaStreamType media,
                                                         TpMediaStreamDirection initial_direction,
                                                         GError **error);
void                (*TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc)      (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *detailed_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);
TpCallState         tp_base_call_channel_get_state      (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
void                tp_base_call_channel_set_state      (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpCallState state,
                                                         guint actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);
gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_audio
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar **initial_audio_name);
gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_video
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar **initial_video_name);
gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_mutable_contents
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
GList *             tp_base_call_channel_get_contents   (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
void                tp_base_call_channel_add_content    (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpBaseCallContent *content);
void                tp_base_call_channel_remove_content (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpBaseCallContent *content,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);
void                tp_base_call_channel_update_member_flags
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpHandle contact,
                                                         TpCallMemberFlags new_flags,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);
void                tp_base_call_channel_remove_member  (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpHandle contact,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);
GHashTable *        tp_base_call_channel_get_call_members
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
void                tp_base_call_channel_remote_accept  (TpBaseCallChannel *self);
gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted    (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

Object Hierarchy



  "call-flags"               guint                 : Read
  "call-members"             GHashTable_guint+guint_*  : Read
  "call-state"               guint                 : Read
  "call-state-details"       GHashTable_gchararray+GValue_*  : Read
  "call-state-reason"        GValueArray_guint+guint+gchararray+gchararray_*  : Read
  "contents"                 GPtrArray_DBusGObjectPath_*  : Read
  "hardware-streaming"       gboolean              : Read
  "initial-audio"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "initial-audio-name"       gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "initial-tones"            gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "initial-transport"        guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "initial-video"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "initial-video-name"       gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "member-identifiers"       GHashTable_guint+gchararray_*  : Read
  "mutable-contents"         gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only


This base class makes it easier to write TpSvcChannelTypeCall implementations by implementing its properties, and some of its methods.

Subclasses should fill in TpBaseCallChannelClass.accept, TpBaseCallChannelClass.add_content and TpBaseCallChannelClass.hangup virtual function.



typedef struct _TpBaseCallChannel TpBaseCallChannel;

A base class for call channel implementations

Since 0.17.5

struct TpBaseCallChannelClass

struct TpBaseCallChannelClass {
  TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc set_ringing;
  TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc set_queued;
  TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc accept;
  TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc add_content;
  TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc hangup;

The class structure for TpBaseCallChannel

TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc set_ringing;

Notify members that client is ringing.

TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc set_queued;

Notify members that call is queued.

TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc accept;

accept the call. Note that TpBaseMediaCallChannel subclasses should not override this virtual method, but TpBaseMediaCallChannelClass.accept instead.

TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc add_content;

add content to the call. Implementation must call tp_base_call_channel_add_content(). Can be NULL if "mutable-contents" is FALSE.

TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc hangup;

hangup the call.

Since 0.17.5

TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc ()

void                (*TpBaseCallChannelVoidFunc)        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

Signature of an implementation of TpBaseCallChannelClass.set_ringing, TpBaseCallChannelClass.set_queued and TpBaseCallChannelClass.accept.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Since 0.17.5

TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc ()

TpBaseCallContent * (*TpBaseCallChannelAddContentFunc)  (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         TpMediaStreamType media,
                                                         TpMediaStreamDirection initial_direction,
                                                         GError **error);

Signature of an implementation of TpBaseCallChannelClass.add_content.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

name :

the name for the new content

media :

a TpMediaStreamType

initial_direction :

the desired initial direction of streams in the new content

error :

a GError to fill

Returns :

a borrowed TpBaseCallContent.

Since 0.17.5

TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc ()

void                (*TpBaseCallChannelHangupFunc)      (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *detailed_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Signature of an implementation of TpBaseCallChannelClass.hangup.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

reason :

the TpCallStateChangeReason of the change

detailed_reason :

a more specific reason for the call hangup, if one is available, or an empty string otherwise.

message :

a human-readable message to be sent to the remote contact(s).

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_get_state ()

TpCallState         tp_base_call_channel_get_state      (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Returns :

the value of "call-state"

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_set_state ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_set_state      (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpCallState state,
                                                         guint actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Changes the call state and emit StateChanged signal with the new state.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

state :

the new TpCallState

actor_handle :

the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was responsible.

reason :

the TpCallStateChangeReason of the change

dbus_reason :

a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the state change was not an error.

message :

an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially many processes involved in a call.

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_audio ()

gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_audio
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar **initial_audio_name);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

initial_audio_name :

a place to set the value of "initial-audio-name". [out][allow-none][transfer none]

Returns :

the value of "initial-audio"

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_video ()

gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_initial_video
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         const gchar **initial_video_name);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

initial_video_name :

a place to set the value of "initial-video-name". [out][allow-none][transfer none]

Returns :

the value of "initial-video"

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_has_mutable_contents ()

gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_has_mutable_contents
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Returns :

the value of "mutable-contents"

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_get_contents ()

GList *             tp_base_call_channel_get_contents   (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

Get the contents of this call. The GList and its elements must not be freed and should be copied before doing any modification.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Returns :

a GList of TpBaseCallContent

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_add_content ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_add_content    (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpBaseCallContent *content);

Add content to self. If content's "disposition" is TP_CALL_CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INITIAL, also set "initial-audio" and "initial-audio-name" properties (or "initial-video" and "initial-video-name"). Note that it is not allowed to add INITIAL contents after having registered self on the bus.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

content :

a TpBaseCallContent to add

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_remove_content ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_remove_content (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpBaseCallContent *content,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Remove content from self.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

content :

a TpBaseCallContent to remove

actor_handle :

the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was responsible.

reason :

the TpCallStateChangeReason of the change

dbus_reason :

a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the state change was not an error.

message :

an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially many processes involved in a call.

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_update_member_flags ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_update_member_flags
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpHandle contact,
                                                         TpCallMemberFlags new_flags,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Add or update contact call member with flags flags.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

contact :

the contact to update

new_flags :

the new TpCallMemberFlags of contact

actor_handle :

the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was responsible.

reason :

the TpCallStateChangeReason of the change

dbus_reason :

a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the state change was not an error.

message :

an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially many processes involved in a call.

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_remove_member ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_remove_member  (TpBaseCallChannel *self,
                                                         TpHandle contact,
                                                         TpHandle actor_handle,
                                                         TpCallStateChangeReason reason,
                                                         const gchar *dbus_reason,
                                                         const gchar *message);

Remove contact from call members.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

contact :

the contact to remove

actor_handle :

the contact responsible for the change, or 0 if no contact was responsible.

reason :

the TpCallStateChangeReason of the change

dbus_reason :

a specific reason for the change, which may be a D-Bus error in the Telepathy namespace, a D-Bus error in any other namespace (for implementation-specific errors), or the empty string to indicate that the state change was not an error.

message :

an optional debug message, to expediate debugging the potentially many processes involved in a call.

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_get_call_members ()

GHashTable *        tp_base_call_channel_get_call_members
                                                        (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Returns :

the value of "call-members".

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_remote_accept ()

void                tp_base_call_channel_remote_accept  (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

Must be called when the remote contact accepted the call. "call-state" must be either TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISED or TP_CALL_STATE_INITIALISING and will then change to TP_CALL_STATE_ACCEPTED.

Must be used only for outgoing calls.

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Since 0.17.5

tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted ()

gboolean            tp_base_call_channel_is_accepted    (TpBaseCallChannel *self);

self :

a TpBaseCallChannel

Returns :

Whether or not the call has been remotely accepted.

Since 0.17.5

Property Details

The "call-flags" property

  "call-flags"               guint                 : Read

The flags of this call.

Default value: 0

Since 0.17.5

The "call-members" property

  "call-members"             GHashTable_guint+guint_*  : Read

GHashTable mapping TpHandle of each call member to their TpCallMemberFlags.

Since 0.17.5

The "call-state" property

  "call-state"               guint                 : Read

The state of this call.

Default value: 0

Since 0.17.5

The "call-state-details" property

  "call-state-details"       GHashTable_gchararray+GValue_*  : Read

Details on the call state.

Since 0.17.5

The "call-state-reason" property

  "call-state-reason"        GValueArray_guint+guint+gchararray+gchararray_*  : Read

The reason for last call state change.

Since 0.17.5

The "contents" property

  "contents"                 GPtrArray_DBusGObjectPath_*  : Read

GPtrArray of object-paths of the TpBaseCallContent objects.

Since 0.17.5

The "hardware-streaming" property

  "hardware-streaming"       gboolean              : Read

Indicate to clients whether or not this Connection Manager has hardware streaming.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-audio" property

  "initial-audio"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

If set to TRUE on a requested channel, subclass should immediately attempt to establish an audio stream to the remote contact.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-audio-name" property

  "initial-audio-name"       gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

Name to use to create the audio TpBaseCallContent if "initial-audio" is set to TRUE.

Default value: "audio"

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-tones" property

  "initial-tones"            gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

DTMF Tones to be played on the channel created.

Default value: ""

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-transport" property

  "initial-transport"        guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only

If set to TRUE on a requested channel, this indicates the transport that should be used for this call.

Default value: 0

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-video" property

  "initial-video"            gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

If set to TRUE on a requested channel, subclass should immediately attempt to establish a video stream to the remote contact.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.17.5

The "initial-video-name" property

  "initial-video-name"       gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

Name to use to create the video TpBaseCallContent if "initial-video" is set to TRUE.

Default value: "video"

Since 0.17.5

The "member-identifiers" property

  "member-identifiers"       GHashTable_guint+gchararray_*  : Read

GHashTable mapping TpHandle of each call member to their identifiers.

Since 0.17.5

The "mutable-contents" property

  "mutable-contents"         gboolean              : Read / Write / Construct Only

Indicate to clients whether or not they can add/remove contents.

Default value: FALSE

Since 0.17.5

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