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Text channels

Text channels — service-side interfaces for the Text channel type, and the Chat State, Password and SMS interfaces


#include <telepathy-glib/telepathy-glib-dbus.h>

void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_acknowledge_pending_messages_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         const GArray *in_IDs,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_acknowledge_pending_messages_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_get_message_types_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_get_message_types
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_get_message_types_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_get_message_types
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const GArray *out_Available_Types);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_list_pending_messages_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         gboolean in_Clear,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_list_pending_messages
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_list_pending_messages_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_list_pending_messages
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const GPtrArray *out_Pending_Messages);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_send_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         guint in_Type,
                                                         const gchar *in_Text,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_send
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_send_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_send
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_lost_message
                                                        (gpointer instance);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_received
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_ID,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Sender,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         guint arg_Flags,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_send_error
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Error,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);
void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_sent  (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_set_chat_state_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState *self,
                                                         guint in_State,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_implement_set_chat_state
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatStateClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_set_chat_state_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_return_from_set_chat_state
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_emit_chat_state_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Contact,
                                                         guint arg_State);

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_received
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GPtrArray *arg_Message);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_sent
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GPtrArray *arg_Content,
                                                         guint arg_Flags,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Message_Token);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_pending_messages_removed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GArray *arg_Message_IDs);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_get_pending_message_content_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                         guint in_Message_ID,
                                                         const GArray *in_Parts,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_get_pending_message_content
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_get_pending_message_content_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_send_message
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_send_message_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_get_pending_message_content
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         GHashTable *out_Content);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_send_message
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const gchar *out_Token);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_send_message_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                         const GPtrArray *in_Message,
                                                         guint in_Flags,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_password_get_password_flags_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword *self,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_get_password_flags
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_password_get_password_flags_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_get_password_flags
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         guint out_Password_Flags);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_password_provide_password_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword *self,
                                                         const gchar *in_Password,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_provide_password
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_password_provide_password_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_provide_password
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         gboolean out_Correct);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_emit_password_flags_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Added,
                                                         guint arg_Removed);

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_emit_sms_channel_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         gboolean arg_SMSChannel);
void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_get_sms_length_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS *self,
                                                         const GPtrArray *in_Message,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_implement_get_sms_length
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMSClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_get_sms_length_impl impl);
void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_return_from_get_sms_length
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         guint out_Chunks_Required,
                                                         gint out_Remaining_Characters,
                                                         gint out_Estimated_Cost);

Object Hierarchy



A major use for instant messaging is obviously to send messages. Channels of type Text represent conversations or chat rooms using short real-time messages, including SMS.

This section documents the auto-generated GInterfaces used to implement the Text channel type, and some interfaces used in conjunction with it.



typedef struct _TpSvcChannelTypeText TpSvcChannelTypeText;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass;

The class of TpSvcChannelTypeText.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_channel_type_text (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (acknowledge_pending_messages);
  IMPLEMENT (get_message_types);
  IMPLEMENT (list_pending_messages);
  IMPLEMENT (send);

tp_svc_channel_type_text_acknowledge_pending_messages_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_acknowledge_pending_messages_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         const GArray *in_IDs,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method AcknowledgePendingMessages on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_IDs :

const GArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_acknowledge_pending_messages ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_acknowledge_pending_messages_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the AcknowledgePendingMessages method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the AcknowledgePendingMessages D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_acknowledge_pending_messages ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

tp_svc_channel_type_text_get_message_types_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_get_message_types_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method GetMessageTypes on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

self :

The object implementing this interface

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_get_message_types ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_get_message_types
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_get_message_types_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the GetMessageTypes method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the GetMessageTypes D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_get_message_types ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_get_message_types
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const GArray *out_Available_Types);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Available_Types :

const GArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_type_text_list_pending_messages_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_list_pending_messages_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         gboolean in_Clear,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method ListPendingMessages on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Clear :

gboolean (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_list_pending_messages ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_list_pending_messages
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_list_pending_messages_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the ListPendingMessages method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the ListPendingMessages D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_list_pending_messages ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_list_pending_messages
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const GPtrArray *out_Pending_Messages);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Pending_Messages :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_type_text_send_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_type_text_send_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                         guint in_Type,
                                                         const gchar *in_Text,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method Send on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

in_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_send ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_send
                                                        (TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_type_text_send_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the Send method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the Send D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_send ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_return_from_send
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_lost_message ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_lost_message
                                                        (gpointer instance);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the LostMessage signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_received ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_received
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_ID,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Sender,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         guint arg_Flags,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the Received signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_ID :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Sender :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_send_error ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_send_error
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Error,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the SendError signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Error :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_sent ()

void                tp_svc_channel_type_text_emit_sent  (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Timestamp,
                                                         guint arg_Type,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Text);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the Sent signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatStateClass TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatStateClass;

The class of TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_channel_interface_chat_state (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (set_chat_state);

tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_set_chat_state_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_set_chat_state_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState *self,
                                                         guint in_State,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method SetChatState on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.ChatState.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_State :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_implement_set_chat_state ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_implement_set_chat_state
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatStateClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_set_chat_state_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the SetChatState method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the SetChatState D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_return_from_set_chat_state ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_return_from_set_chat_state
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_emit_chat_state_changed ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_chat_state_emit_chat_state_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Contact,
                                                         guint arg_State);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the ChatStateChanged signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.ChatState.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Contact :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_State :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass;

The class of TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_channel_interface_messages (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (send_message);
  IMPLEMENT (get_pending_message_content);

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_received ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_received
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GPtrArray *arg_Message);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the MessageReceived signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Message :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_sent ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_message_sent
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GPtrArray *arg_Content,
                                                         guint arg_Flags,
                                                         const gchar *arg_Message_Token);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the MessageSent signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Content :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Message_Token :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_pending_messages_removed ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_emit_pending_messages_removed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         const GArray *arg_Message_IDs);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the PendingMessagesRemoved signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Message_IDs :

const GArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_get_pending_message_content_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_get_pending_message_content_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                         guint in_Message_ID,
                                                         const GArray *in_Parts,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method GetPendingMessageContent on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Message_ID :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

in_Parts :

const GArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_get_pending_message_content ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_get_pending_message_content
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_get_pending_message_content_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the GetPendingMessageContent method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the GetPendingMessageContent D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_send_message ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_implement_send_message
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessagesClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_send_message_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the SendMessage method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the SendMessage D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_get_pending_message_content ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_get_pending_message_content
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         GHashTable *out_Content);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Content :

GHashTable * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_send_message ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_return_from_send_message
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const gchar *out_Token);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Token :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_send_message_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_messages_send_message_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                         const GPtrArray *in_Message,
                                                         guint in_Flags,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method SendMessage on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Message :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

in_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass;

The class of TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_channel_interface_password (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (get_password_flags);
  IMPLEMENT (provide_password);

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_get_password_flags_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_password_get_password_flags_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword *self,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method GetPasswordFlags on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Password.

self :

The object implementing this interface

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_get_password_flags ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_get_password_flags
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_password_get_password_flags_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the GetPasswordFlags method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the GetPasswordFlags D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_get_password_flags ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_get_password_flags
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         guint out_Password_Flags);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Password_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_provide_password_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_password_provide_password_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword *self,
                                                         const gchar *in_Password,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method ProvidePassword on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Password.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Password :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_provide_password ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_implement_provide_password
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfacePasswordClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_password_provide_password_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the ProvidePassword method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the ProvidePassword D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_provide_password ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_return_from_provide_password
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         gboolean out_Correct);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Correct :

gboolean (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_password_emit_password_flags_changed ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_password_emit_password_flags_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         guint arg_Added,
                                                         guint arg_Removed);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the PasswordFlagsChanged signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Password.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_Added :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Removed :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMSClass TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMSClass;

The class of TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_channel_interface_sms (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (get_sms_length);

tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_emit_sms_channel_changed ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_emit_sms_channel_changed
                                                        (gpointer instance,
                                                         gboolean arg_SMSChannel);

Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the SMSChannelChanged signal on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.SMS.

instance :

The object implementing this interface

arg_SMSChannel :

gboolean (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_get_sms_length_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_get_sms_length_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS *self,
                                                         const GPtrArray *in_Message,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method GetSMSLength on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.SMS.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Message :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_implement_get_sms_length ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_implement_get_sms_length
                                                        (TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMSClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_get_sms_length_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the GetSMSLength method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the GetSMSLength D-Bus method

tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_return_from_get_sms_length ()

void                tp_svc_channel_interface_sms_return_from_get_sms_length
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         guint out_Chunks_Required,
                                                         gint out_Remaining_Characters,
                                                         gint out_Estimated_Cost);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Chunks_Required :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

out_Remaining_Characters :

gint (FIXME, generate documentation)

out_Estimated_Cost :

gint (FIXME, generate documentation)

Signal Details

The "lost-message" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)      : Has Details

The LostMessage D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "received" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                        guint                 arg_ID,
                                                        guint                 arg_Timestamp,
                                                        guint                 arg_Sender,
                                                        guint                 arg_Type,
                                                        guint                 arg_Flags,
                                                        gchar                *arg_Text,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)          : Has Details

The Received D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_ID :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Sender :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "send-error" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                        guint                 arg_Error,
                                                        guint                 arg_Timestamp,
                                                        guint                 arg_Type,
                                                        gchar                *arg_Text,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)          : Has Details

The SendError D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Error :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "sent" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelTypeText *self,
                                                        guint                 arg_Timestamp,
                                                        guint                 arg_Type,
                                                        gchar                *arg_Text,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)          : Has Details

The Sent D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Timestamp :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Type :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Text :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "chat-state-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfaceChatState *self,
                                                        guint                           arg_Contact,
                                                        guint                           arg_State,
                                                        gpointer                        user_data)        : Has Details

The ChatStateChanged D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Contact :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_State :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "message-received" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                        gpointer                       user_data)      : Has Details

The MessageReceived D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Message :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "message-sent" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                        guint                          arg_Flags,
                                                        gchar                         *arg_Message_Token,
                                                        gpointer                       user_data)              : Has Details

The MessageSent D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Content :

const GPtrArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Flags :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Message_Token :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "pending-messages-removed" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfaceMessages *self,
                                                        GArray_guint_                 *arg_Message_IDs,
                                                        gpointer                       user_data)            : Has Details

The PendingMessagesRemoved D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Message_IDs :

const GArray * (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "password-flags-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfacePassword *self,
                                                        guint                          arg_Added,
                                                        guint                          arg_Removed,
                                                        gpointer                       user_data)        : Has Details

The PasswordFlagsChanged D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_Added :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

arg_Removed :

guint (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "s-ms-channel-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (TpSvcChannelInterfaceSMS *self,
                                                        gboolean                  arg_SMSChannel,
                                                        gpointer                  user_data)           : Has Details

The SMSChannelChanged D-Bus signal is emitted whenever this GObject signal is.

self :

an object

arg_SMSChannel :

gboolean (FIXME, generate documentation)

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also

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Individual documents may contain additional copyright information.