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Service-side Protocol interface

Service-side Protocol interface — GInterface for Telepathy Protocol objects

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

TpSvcProtocol is implemented by TpBaseProtocol.

TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressing is implemented by TpBaseProtocol.

TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresence is implemented by TpBaseProtocol.

TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatars is implemented by TpBaseProtocol.


The TpSvcProtocol interface (auto-generated from the Telepathy spec) makes it easier to export an object implementing the Telepathy Protocol interface.



typedef struct _TpSvcProtocol TpSvcProtocol;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolClass TpSvcProtocolClass;

The class of TpSvcProtocol.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_protocol (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_protocol_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (identify_account);
  IMPLEMENT (normalize_contact);

tp_svc_protocol_identify_account_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_protocol_identify_account_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcProtocol *self,
                                                         GHashTable *in_Parameters,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method IdentifyAccount on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Protocol.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Parameters :

GHashTable * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_protocol_implement_identify_account ()

void                tp_svc_protocol_implement_identify_account
                                                        (TpSvcProtocolClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_protocol_identify_account_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the IdentifyAccount method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the IdentifyAccount D-Bus method

tp_svc_protocol_implement_normalize_contact ()

void                tp_svc_protocol_implement_normalize_contact
                                                        (TpSvcProtocolClass *klass,
                                                         tp_svc_protocol_normalize_contact_impl impl);

Register an implementation for the NormalizeContact method in the vtable of an implementation of this interface. To be called from the interface init function.

klass :

A class whose instances implement this interface

impl :

A callback used to implement the NormalizeContact D-Bus method

tp_svc_protocol_normalize_contact_impl ()

void                (*tp_svc_protocol_normalize_contact_impl)
                                                        (TpSvcProtocol *self,
                                                         const gchar *in_Contact_ID,
                                                         DBusGMethodInvocation *context);

The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method NormalizeContact on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Protocol.

self :

The object implementing this interface

in_Contact_ID :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

context :

Used to return values or throw an error

tp_svc_protocol_return_from_identify_account ()

void                tp_svc_protocol_return_from_identify_account
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const gchar *out_Account_ID);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Account_ID :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)

tp_svc_protocol_return_from_normalize_contact ()

void                tp_svc_protocol_return_from_normalize_contact
                                                        (DBusGMethodInvocation *context,
                                                         const gchar *out_Normalized_Contact_ID);

Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return(). This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.

context :

The D-Bus method invocation context

out_Normalized_Contact_ID :

const gchar * (FIXME, generate documentation)


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressing TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressing;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressingClass TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressingClass;

The class of TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAddressing.

In a full implementation of this interface (i.e. all methods implemented), the interface initialization function used in G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() would typically look like this:

static void
implement_protocol_interface_addressing (gpointer klass,
    gpointer unused G_GNUC_UNUSED)
#define IMPLEMENT(x) tp_svc_protocol_interface_addressing_implement_##x (\
  klass, my_object_##x)
  IMPLEMENT (normalize_vcard_address);
  IMPLEMENT (normalize_contact_uri);


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresence TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresence;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresenceClass TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresenceClass;

The class of TpSvcProtocolInterfacePresence. This interface has no D-Bus methods, so an implementation can typically pass NULL to G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() as the interface initialization function.


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatars TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatars;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatarsClass TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatarsClass;

The class of TpSvcProtocolInterfaceAvatars. This interface has no D-Bus methods, so an implementation can typically pass NULL to G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE() as the interface initialization function.

See Also

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