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26.1.3 Mouse Commands for Words and Lines

These variants of Mouse-1 select entire words or lines at a time.


This key sets the region around the word which you click on. If you click on a character with “symbol” syntax (such as underscore, in C mode), it sets the region around the symbol surrounding that character.

If you click on a character with open-parenthesis or close-parenthesis syntax, it sets the region around the parenthetical grouping which that character starts or ends. If you click on a character with string-delimiter syntax (such as a singlequote or doublequote in C), it sets the region around the string constant (using heuristics to figure out whether that character is the beginning or the end of it).


This key selects a region made up of the words you drag across.


This key sets the region around the line you click on.


This key selects a region made up of the lines you drag across.

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