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5.37 Debugging

          Standard troff voodoo, just put a power of two backslashes in
    front of it until it works and if you still have problems add a \c.
                                                         -- Ron Natalie

   GNU 'troff' is not the easiest language to debug, in part thanks to
its design features of recursive interpolation and the use of
multi-stage pipeline processing in the surrounding system.  Nevertheless
there exist several features useful for troubleshooting.

   Preprocessors use the 'lf' request to preserve the identity of the
line numbers and names of input files.  GNU 'troff' emits a variety of
error diagnostics and supports several categories of warning; the output
of these can be selectively suppressed.  A trace of the formatter's
input processing stack can be emitted when errors or warnings occur by
means of GNU 'troff''s '-b' option, or produced on demand with the
'backtrace' request.  The 'tm' and related requests can be used to emit
customized diagnostic messages or for instrumentation while
troubleshooting.  The 'ex' and 'ab' requests cause early termination
with successful and error exit codes respectively, to halt further
processing when continuing would be fruitless.  Examine the state of the
formatter with requests that write lists of defined names (macros,
strings, and diversions), environments, registers, and page location
traps to the standard error stream.

 -- Request: .lf line [file]
     Set the input line number (and, optionally, the file name) GNU
     'troff' shall use for error and warning messages.  LINE is the
     input line number of the _next_ line.  Without an argument, the
     request is ignored.

     'lf''s primary purpose is to aid the debugging of documents that
     undergo preprocessing.  Programs like 'tbl' that transform input in
     their own languages into 'roff' requests use it so that any
     diagnostic messages emitted by 'troff' correspond to the source

 -- Request: .tm message
 -- Request: .tm1 message
 -- Request: .tmc message
     Send MESSAGE, which consumes the remainder of the input line and
     cannot contain special characters, to the standard error stream,
     followed by a newline.  Leading spaces in MESSAGE are ignored.

     'tm1' is similar, but recognizes and strips a leading neutral
     double quote from MESSAGE to allow the embedding of leading spaces.

     'tmc' works as 'tm1', but does not append a newline.

 -- Request: .ab [message]
     Write any MESSAGE to the standard error stream (like 'tm') and then
     abort GNU 'troff'; that is, stop processing and terminate with a
     failure status.

 -- Request: .ex
     Exit GNU 'troff'; that is, stop processing and terminate with a
     successful status.  To stop processing only the current file, use
     the 'nx' request; see *note I/O::.

   When doing something involved, it is useful to leave the debugging
statements in the code and have them turned on by a command-line flag.

     .if \n[DB] .tm debugging output

To activate such statements, use the '-r' option to set the register.

     groff -rDB=1 file

   If it is known in advance that there are many errors and no useful
output, GNU 'troff' can be forced to suppress formatted output with the
'-z' option.

 -- Request: .pev
     Report the state of the current environment followed by that of all
     other environments to the standard error stream.

 -- Request: .pm
     Report, to the standard error stream, the names of all defined
     macros, strings, and diversions with their sizes in bytes.

 -- Request: .pnr
     Report the names and contents of all currently defined registers to
     the standard error stream.

 -- Request: .ptr
     Report the names and positions of all page location traps to the
     standard error stream.  Empty slots in the list, where a trap has
     been planted but subsequently (re)moved, are printed as well.

 -- Request: .fl
     Instruct 'gtroff' to flush its output immediately.  The intent is
     for interactive use, but this behaviour is currently not
     implemented in 'gtroff'.  Contrary to Unix 'troff', TTY output is
     sent to a device driver also ('grotty'), making it non-trivial to
     communicate interactively.

     This request causes a line break.

 -- Request: .backtrace
     Write the state of the input stack to the standard error stream.

     Consider the following in a file 'test'.

          .de xxx
          .  backtrace
          .de yyy
          .  xxx
              error-> troff: backtrace: 'test':2: macro 'xxx'
              error-> troff: backtrace: 'test':5: macro 'yyy'
              error-> troff: backtrace: file 'test':8

     The '-b' option of GNU 'troff' causes a backtrace to be generated
     on each error or warning.  Some warnings have to be enabled; *Note

 -- Register: \n[slimit]
     If greater than 0, sets the maximum quantity of objects on GNU
     'troff''s internal input stack.  If less than or equal to 0, there
     is no limit: recursion can continue until program memory is
     exhausted.  The default is 1,000.

 -- Request: .warnscale su
     Set the scaling unit used in certain warnings to SU, which can take
     the values 'u', 'i', 'c', 'p', and 'P'.  The default is 'i'.

 -- Request: .spreadwarn [limit]
     Emit a 'break' warning if the additional space inserted for each
     space between words in an output line adjusted to both margins with
     '.ad b' is larger than or equal to LIMIT.  A negative value is
     treated as zero; an absent argument toggles the warning on and off
     without changing LIMIT.  The default scaling unit is 'm'.  At
     startup, 'spreadwarn' is inactive and LIMIT is 3m.

     For example,

          .spreadwarn 0.2m

     causes a warning if 'break' warnings are not suppressed and
     'gtroff' must add 0.2m or more for each inter-word space in a line.
     *Note Warnings::.

   GNU 'troff' has command-line options for reporting warnings ('-w')
and backtraces ('-b') when a warning or an error occurs.

 -- Request: .warn [n]
 -- Register: \n[.warn]
     Select the categories, or "types", of reported warnings.  N is the
     sum of the numeric codes associated with each warning category that
     is to be enabled; all other categories are disabled.  The
     categories and their associated codes are listed in *note
     Warnings::.  For example, '.warn 0' disables all warnings, and
     '.warn 1' disables all warnings except those about missing glyphs.
     If no argument is given, all warning categories are enabled.

     The read-only register '.warn' contains the sum of the numeric
     codes of enabled warning categories.

* Menu:

* Warnings::

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