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5 GNU 'troff' Reference

This chapter covers _all_ of the facilities of the GNU 'troff'
formatting engine.  Users of macro packages may skip it if not
interested in details.

* Menu:

* Text::
* Page Geometry::
* Measurements::
* Numeric Expressions::
* Identifiers::
* Formatter Instructions::
* Comments::
* Registers::
* Manipulating Filling and Adjustment::
* Manipulating Hyphenation::
* Manipulating Spacing::
* Tabs and Fields::
* Character Translations::
* troff and nroff Modes::
* Line Layout::
* Line Continuation::
* Page Layout::
* Page Control::
* Using Fonts::
* Manipulating Type Size and Vertical Spacing::
* Colors::
* Strings::
* Conditionals and Loops::
* Writing Macros::
* Page Motions::
* Drawing Geometric Objects::
* Deferring Output::
* Traps::
* Diversions::
* Punning Names::
* Environments::
* Suppressing Output::
* I/O::
* Postprocessor Access::
* Miscellaneous::
* Gtroff Internals::
* Debugging::
* Implementation Differences::

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