File:, Node: Major Macro Packages, Next: GNU troff Reference, Prev: Tutorial for Macro Users, Up: Top 4 Macro Packages **************** This chapter surveys the "major" macro packages that come with 'groff'. One, 'ms', is presented in detail. Major macro packages are also sometimes described as "full-service" due to the breadth of features they provide and because more than one cannot be used by the same document; for example groff -m man -m ms bar.doc doesn't work. Option arguments are processed before non-option arguments; the above (failing) sample is thus reordered to groff -m man -m ms bar.doc Many auxiliary, or "minor", macro packages are also available. They may in general be used with any full-service macro package and handle a variety of tasks from character encoding selection, to language localization, to inlining of raster images. See the 'groff_tmac(5)' man page for a list. Type 'man groff_tmac' at the command line to view it. * Menu: * man:: * mdoc:: * me:: * mm:: * mom:: * ms::