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GOComponent *       go_component_new_by_mime_type       (char const *mime_type);
void                go_component_set_default_size       (GOComponent *component,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double ascent,
                                                         double descent);
gboolean            go_component_needs_window           (GOComponent *component);
void                go_component_set_window             (GOComponent *component,
                                                         GdkWindow *window);
void                go_component_set_data               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         char const *data,
                                                         int length);
gboolean            go_component_get_data               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         gpointer *data,
                                                         int *length,
                                                         GDestroyNotify *clearfunc,
                                                         gpointer *user_data);
void                go_component_set_size               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);
gboolean            go_component_is_resizable           (GOComponent *component);
gboolean            go_component_is_editable            (GOComponent *component);
GtkWindow*          go_component_edit                   (GOComponent *component);
void                go_component_emit_changed           (GOComponent *component);
void                go_component_set_command_context    (GOCmdContext *cc);
GOCmdContext *      go_component_get_command_context    (void);
void                go_component_render                 (GOComponent *component,
                                                         cairo_t *cr,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);

Object Hierarchy



  "ascent"                   gdouble               : Read / Write
  "descent"                  gdouble               : Read / Write
  "height"                   gdouble               : Read
  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read / Write
  "width"                    gdouble               : Read / Write


  "changed"                                        : Run Last




typedef struct _GOComponent GOComponent;


typedef struct {
	GObjectClass parent_class;

	GtkWindow* (*edit) (GOComponent *component);
	gboolean (*get_data) (GOComponent *component, gpointer *data, int *length,
			      GDestroyNotify *clearfunc, gpointer *user_data);
	void (*mime_type_set) (GOComponent* component);
	void (*set_data) (GOComponent *component);
	void (*set_default_size) (GOComponent* component);
	void (*set_size) (GOComponent *component);
	void (*set_window) (GOComponent *component);
	void (*render) (GOComponent *component, cairo_t *cr,
			    double width, double height);

	/* signals */
	void (*changed) (GOComponent* component);
} GOComponentClass;

The component base object class.

GObjectClass parent_class;

the parent object class.

edit ()

callback for component edition.

get_data ()

returns the data embedded in the component.

mime_type_set ()

sets the mime type.

set_data ()

sets the data embedded in the component.

set_default_size ()

sets the default size for the component.

set_size ()

sets the requested size.

set_window ()

sets the window if the component uses a GdkWindow. The new window is stored in the window field of GOComponent.

render ()

displays the contents.

changed ()

callback called when the component contents changed.

go_component_new_by_mime_type ()

GOComponent *       go_component_new_by_mime_type       (char const *mime_type);

mime_type :

Returns :

go_component_set_default_size ()

void                go_component_set_default_size       (GOComponent *component,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double ascent,
                                                         double descent);

component :

width :

ascent :

descent :

go_component_needs_window ()

gboolean            go_component_needs_window           (GOComponent *component);

component :


Returns :

TRUE if the component uses its own GtkWindow.

go_component_set_window ()

void                go_component_set_window             (GOComponent *component,
                                                         GdkWindow *window);

component :

window :

go_component_set_data ()

void                go_component_set_data               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         char const *data,
                                                         int length);

component :

data :

length :

go_component_get_data ()

gboolean            go_component_get_data               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         gpointer *data,
                                                         int *length,
                                                         GDestroyNotify *clearfunc,
                                                         gpointer *user_data);

component :

data :

length :

clearfunc :

user_data :

Returns :

go_component_set_size ()

void                go_component_set_size               (GOComponent *component,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);

component :

width :

height :

go_component_is_resizable ()

gboolean            go_component_is_resizable           (GOComponent *component);

component :

Returns :

go_component_is_editable ()

gboolean            go_component_is_editable            (GOComponent *component);

component :

Returns :

go_component_edit ()

GtkWindow*          go_component_edit                   (GOComponent *component);

component :

Returns :

go_component_emit_changed ()

void                go_component_emit_changed           (GOComponent *component);

component :

go_component_set_command_context ()

void                go_component_set_command_context    (GOCmdContext *cc);

cc :

go_component_get_command_context ()

GOCmdContext *      go_component_get_command_context    (void);

Returns :

go_component_render ()

void                go_component_render                 (GOComponent *component,
                                                         cairo_t *cr,
                                                         double width,
                                                         double height);

component :

cr :

width :

height :

Property Details

The "ascent" property

  "ascent"                   gdouble               : Read / Write

Component ascent.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "descent" property

  "descent"                  gdouble               : Read / Write

Component descent.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "height" property

  "height"                   gdouble               : Read

Component height.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "mime-type" property

  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read / Write

mime type of the content of the component.

Default value: NULL

The "width" property

  "width"                    gdouble               : Read / Write

Component width.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

Signal Details

The "changed" signal

void                user_function                      (GOComponent *gocomponent,
                                                        gpointer     user_data)        : Run Last

gocomponent :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.
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