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gpointer            (*GOSelectorDndDataGet)             (GOSelector *selector);
void                (*GOSelectorDndDataReceived)        (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         guchar const *data);
void                (*GOSelectorDndFillIcon)            (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
void                go_selector_activate                (GOSelector *selector);
int                 go_selector_get_active              (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         gboolean *is_auto);
gpointer            go_selector_get_user_data           (GOSelector *selector);
GtkWidget *         go_selector_new                     (GOPalette *palette);
gboolean            go_selector_set_active              (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         int index);
void                go_selector_setup_dnd               (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         char const *dnd_target,
                                                         int dnd_length,
                                                         GOSelectorDndDataGet data_get,
                                                         GOSelectorDndDataReceived data_received,
                                                         GOSelectorDndFillIcon fill_icon);
void                go_selector_update_swatch           (GOSelector *selector);
GtkWidget *         go_gradient_selector_new            (GOGradientDirection initial_direction,
                                                         GOGradientDirection default_direction);
void                go_gradient_selector_set_colors     (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         GOColor start,
                                                         GOColor stop);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GOSelector implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable and GtkOrientable.


  "activate"                                       : Run Last




typedef struct _GOSelector GOSelector;


typedef struct {
	GtkHBoxClass parent_class;

	/* signals */
	void (*activate)		(GtkWidget *selector);
} GOSelectorClass;

GOSelectorDndDataGet ()

gpointer            (*GOSelectorDndDataGet)             (GOSelector *selector);

selector :

Returns :

GOSelectorDndDataReceived ()

void                (*GOSelectorDndDataReceived)        (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         guchar const *data);

selector :

data :

GOSelectorDndFillIcon ()

void                (*GOSelectorDndFillIcon)            (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);

selector :

pixbuf :


typedef struct _GOSelectorPrivate GOSelectorPrivate;

go_selector_activate ()

void                go_selector_activate                (GOSelector *selector);

Updates slector swatch and emits an "activate" signal.

selector :

a GOSelector

go_selector_get_active ()

int                 go_selector_get_active              (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         gboolean *is_auto);

Retrieves current selection index, and set is_auto to TRUE if current selection was set by clicking on automatic palette item.

selector :

a GOSelector

is_auto :


Returns :

current index.

go_selector_get_user_data ()

gpointer            go_selector_get_user_data           (GOSelector *selector);

A convenience function to access user_data of selector palette. (See go_palette_get_user_data).

selector :

a GOSelector

Returns :

a pointer to palette user_data.

go_selector_new ()

GtkWidget *         go_selector_new                     (GOPalette *palette);

Creates a new selector, using palette. Selector button swatch will use swatch render function of palette.

palette :

a GOPalette

Returns :

a new GtkWidget.

go_selector_set_active ()

gboolean            go_selector_set_active              (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         int index);

Sets current selection index, and emits "activate" signal if selection is actually changed.

selector :

a GOSelector

index :

new index

Returns :

TRUE if selection is actually changed.

go_selector_setup_dnd ()

void                go_selector_setup_dnd               (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         char const *dnd_target,
                                                         int dnd_length,
                                                         GOSelectorDndDataGet data_get,
                                                         GOSelectorDndDataReceived data_received,
                                                         GOSelectorDndFillIcon fill_icon);

Setups drag and drop for selector.

selector :

a GOSelector

dnd_target :

drag and drop target type

dnd_length :

length of data transfered on drop

data_get :

a user provided data_get method

data_received :

a user provided data_received method

fill_icon :

a user function for dnd icon creation

go_selector_update_swatch ()

void                go_selector_update_swatch           (GOSelector *selector);

Requests a swatch update.

selector :

a GOSelector

go_gradient_selector_new ()

GtkWidget *         go_gradient_selector_new            (GOGradientDirection initial_direction,
                                                         GOGradientDirection default_direction);

initial_direction :

default_direction :

Returns :

go_gradient_selector_set_colors ()

void                go_gradient_selector_set_colors     (GOSelector *selector,
                                                         GOColor start,
                                                         GOColor stop);

selector :

start :

stop :

Signal Details

The "activate" signal

void                user_function                      (GOSelector *goselector,
                                                        gpointer    user_data)       : Run Last

goselector :

the object which received the signal.

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.
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