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enum                GOFileProbeLevel;
enum                GOFileFormatLevel;
enum                GODotDot;
char *              go_filename_simplify                (const char *filename,
                                                         GODotDot dotdot,
                                                         gboolean make_absolute);
char *              go_filename_from_uri                (const char *uri);
char *              go_filename_to_uri                  (const char *filename);
char *              go_shell_arg_to_uri                 (const char *arg);
char *              go_basename_from_uri                (const char *uri);
char *              go_dirname_from_uri                 (const char *uri,
                                                         gboolean brief);
gchar const **      go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding      (gint argc,
                                                         gchar const **argv);
void                go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding_free (void);
GsfInput *          go_file_open                        (char const *uri,
                                                         GError **err);
GsfOutput *         go_file_create                      (char const *uri,
                                                         GError **err);
GSList *            go_file_split_urls                  (char const *data);
gchar *             go_file_get_owner_name              (char const *uri);
gchar *             go_file_get_group_name              (char const *uri);
GOFilePermissions * go_get_file_permissions             (char const *uri);
void                go_set_file_permissions             (char const *uri,
                                                         GOFilePermissions *file_permissions);
time_t              go_file_get_date_accessed           (char const *uri);
time_t              go_file_get_date_modified           (char const *uri);
time_t              go_file_get_date_changed            (char const *uri);
gint                go_file_access                      (char const *uri,
                                                         gint mode);
gchar *             go_get_mime_type                    (gchar const *uri);
gchar *             go_get_mime_type_for_data           (gconstpointer data,
                                                         int data_size);
gchar *             go_mime_type_get_description        (gchar const *mime_type);




typedef struct {
	gboolean owner_read;
	gboolean owner_write;
	gboolean owner_execute;

	gboolean group_read;
	gboolean group_write;
	gboolean group_execute;

	gboolean others_read;
	gboolean others_write;
	gboolean others_execute;
} GOFilePermissions;

enum GOFileProbeLevel

typedef enum {
	GO_FILE_PROBE_FILE_NAME, /* Test only file name, don't read file contents */
	GO_FILE_PROBE_CONTENT, /* Read the whole file if it's necessary */
} GOFileProbeLevel;

enum GOFileFormatLevel

typedef enum {
	GO_FILE_FL_NONE,            /* No name assigned, won't happen */
	GO_FILE_FL_WRITE_ONLY,      /* PostScript etc, won't be remembered */
	GO_FILE_FL_NEW,             /* Wb just created */
	GO_FILE_FL_MANUAL,          /* Save gets punted to save as */
	GO_FILE_FL_MANUAL_REMEMBER, /* Ditto, but remember in history */
	GO_FILE_FL_AUTO,            /* Save will save to this filename */
} GOFileFormatLevel;

enum GODotDot

typedef enum {
	GO_DOTDOT_SYNTACTIC,    /* Assume no symlinks.  */
	GO_DOTDOT_TEST,         /* Check.  */
	GO_DOTDOT_LEAVE         /* Leave alone.  */
} GODotDot;

go_filename_simplify ()

char *              go_filename_simplify                (const char *filename,
                                                         GODotDot dotdot,
                                                         gboolean make_absolute);

filename :

dotdot :

make_absolute :

Returns :

go_filename_from_uri ()

char *              go_filename_from_uri                (const char *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_filename_to_uri ()

char *              go_filename_to_uri                  (const char *filename);

filename :

Returns :

go_shell_arg_to_uri ()

char *              go_shell_arg_to_uri                 (const char *arg);

arg :

Returns :

go_basename_from_uri ()

char *              go_basename_from_uri                (const char *uri);

Decode the final path component. Returns as UTF-8 encoded suitable for display.

uri :

The uri

Returns :

a string that the caller is responsible for freeing.

go_dirname_from_uri ()

char *              go_dirname_from_uri                 (const char *uri,
                                                         gboolean brief);

Decode the all but the final path component. Returns as UTF-8 encoded suitable for display.

uri :


brief :

if TRUE, hide "file://" if present.

Returns :

dirname which the caller is responsible for freeing.

go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding ()

gchar const **      go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding      (gint argc,
                                                         gchar const **argv);

argc :

argv :

Returns :

go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding_free ()

void                go_shell_argv_to_glib_encoding_free (void);

go_file_open ()

GsfInput *          go_file_open                        (char const *uri,
                                                         GError **err);

Try all available methods to open a file or return an error

uri :

target uri

err :


Returns :

non-NULL on success

go_file_create ()

GsfOutput *         go_file_create                      (char const *uri,
                                                         GError **err);

uri :

err :

Returns :

go_file_split_urls ()

GSList *            go_file_split_urls                  (char const *data);

data :

Returns :

go_file_get_owner_name ()

gchar *             go_file_get_owner_name              (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_file_get_group_name ()

gchar *             go_file_get_group_name              (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_get_file_permissions ()

GOFilePermissions * go_get_file_permissions             (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_set_file_permissions ()

void                go_set_file_permissions             (char const *uri,
                                                         GOFilePermissions *file_permissions);

uri :

file_permissions :

go_file_get_date_accessed ()

time_t              go_file_get_date_accessed           (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_file_get_date_modified ()

time_t              go_file_get_date_modified           (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_file_get_date_changed ()

time_t              go_file_get_date_changed            (char const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_file_access ()

gint                go_file_access                      (char const *uri,
                                                         gint mode);

uri :

mode :

Returns :

go_get_mime_type ()

gchar *             go_get_mime_type                    (gchar const *uri);

uri :

Returns :

go_get_mime_type_for_data ()

gchar *             go_get_mime_type_for_data           (gconstpointer data,
                                                         int data_size);

data :

the data.

data_size :

the data size

Returns :

the mime type for the data as a newly allocated string. Needs to be freed with g_free().

go_mime_type_get_description ()

gchar *             go_mime_type_get_description        (gchar const *mime_type);

mime_type :

the mime type to describe.

Returns :

the description for the mime type as a newly allocated string. Needs to be freed with g_free(). If the description is not found, the mime type itself will be returned.
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