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enum                GOFormatFamily;
enum                GOFormatMagic;
enum                GOFormatNumberError;
int                 (*GOFormatMeasure)                  (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);
int                 go_format_measure_zero              (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);
int                 go_format_measure_pango             (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);
int                 go_format_measure_strlen            (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);
void                go_render_general                   (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         double val,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);
void                go_render_generall                  (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);
GOFormat *          go_format_new_from_XL               (char const *str);
GOFormat *          go_format_new_markup                (PangoAttrList *markup,
                                                         gboolean add_ref);
GOFormat *          go_format_general                   (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_empty                     (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_date              (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_time              (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_date_time         (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_percentage        (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_money             (void);
GOFormat *          go_format_default_accounting        (void);
void                go_format_generate_number_str       (GString *dst,
                                                         int min_digits,
                                                         int num_decimals,
                                                         gboolean thousands_sep,
                                                         gboolean negative_red,
                                                         gboolean negative_paren,
                                                         const char *prefix,
                                                         const char *postfix);
void                go_format_details_init              (GOFormatDetails *details,
                                                         GOFormatFamily family);
void                go_format_generate_str              (GString *dst,
                                                         GOFormatDetails const *details);
char *              go_format_str_localize              (char const *str);
char *              go_format_str_delocalize            (char const *str);
const char*         go_format_as_XL                     (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormat *          go_format_ref                       (GOFormat const *fmt);
void                go_format_unref                     (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_invalid                (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_general                (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_markup                 (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_text                   (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_var_width              (GOFormat const *fmt);
int                 go_format_is_date                   (GOFormat const *fmt);
int                 go_format_is_time                   (GOFormat const *fmt);
int                 go_format_month_before_day          (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_has_hour                  (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_has_minute                (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormatMagic       go_format_get_magic                 (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormat *          go_format_new_magic                 (GOFormatMagic m);
const GOFormat *    go_format_specialize                (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         gboolean *inhibit_minus);
const GOFormat *    go_format_specializel               (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         gboolean *inhibit_minus);
GOFormatFamily      go_format_get_family                (GOFormat const *fmt);
void                go_format_get_details               (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         GOFormatDetails *dst,
                                                         gboolean *exact);
const PangoAttrList * go_format_get_markup              (GOFormat const *fmt);
gboolean            go_format_is_simple                 (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormatNumberError  go_format_value_gstring            (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         const GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         const char *sval,
                                                         GOColor *go_color,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         GODateConventions const *date_conv,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);
char *              go_format_value                     (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val);
GOFormatNumberError  go_format_value_gstringl           (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         const GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         const char *sval,
                                                         GOColor *go_color,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         GODateConventions const *date_conv,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);
char *              go_format_valuel                    (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val);
gboolean            go_format_eq                        (GOFormat const *a,
                                                         GOFormat const *b);
GOFormat *          go_format_inc_precision             (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormat *          go_format_dec_precision             (GOFormat const *fmt);
GOFormat *          go_format_toggle_1000sep            (GOFormat const *fmt);
char *              go_format_odf_style_map             (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         int cond_part);
gboolean            go_format_output_to_odf             (GsfXMLOut *xout,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         int cond_part,
                                                         char const *name,
                                                         gboolean with_extension);
GOFormatCurrency const * go_format_locale_currency      (void);




typedef struct _GOFormat GOFormat;

enum GOFormatFamily

typedef enum {


	GO_FORMAT_MARKUP = 11 /* Internal use only */
} GOFormatFamily;

enum GOFormatMagic

typedef enum {
	GO_FORMAT_MAGIC_NONE            = 0,
	GO_FORMAT_MAGIC_LONG_DATE       = 0xf800,    /* Official */
	GO_FORMAT_MAGIC_LONG_TIME       = 0xf400,    /* Official */
} GOFormatMagic;

enum GOFormatNumberError

typedef enum {
} GOFormatNumberError;


typedef struct {
	gchar const *symbol;
	gchar const *description;
	gboolean precedes;
	gboolean has_space;
} GOFormatCurrency;


typedef struct {
	GOFormatFamily family;
	GOFormatMagic magic;

	int min_digits;
	int num_decimals;

	gboolean thousands_sep;

	gboolean negative_red;
	gboolean negative_paren;

	GOFormatCurrency const *currency;

	/* CURRENCY: */
	gboolean force_quoted;

	int exponent_step;
	gboolean use_markup;
	gboolean simplify_mantissa;
} GOFormatDetails;

GOFormatMeasure ()

int                 (*GOFormatMeasure)                  (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);

str :

layout :

Returns :

go_format_measure_zero ()

int                 go_format_measure_zero              (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);

str :

layout :

Returns :

go_format_measure_pango ()

int                 go_format_measure_pango             (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);

str :

layout :

Returns :

go_format_measure_strlen ()

int                 go_format_measure_strlen            (const GString *str,
                                                         PangoLayout *layout);

str :

layout :

Returns :

go_render_general ()

void                go_render_general                   (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         double val,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);

layout :

str :

measure :

metrics :

val :

col_width :

unicode_minus :

go_render_generall ()

void                go_render_generall                  (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);

layout :

str :

measure :

metrics :

val :

col_width :

unicode_minus :

go_format_new_from_XL ()

GOFormat *          go_format_new_from_XL               (char const *str);

str :

XL descriptor in UTF-8 encoding.

Returns :

Looks up and potentially creates a GOFormat from the supplied string in XL format.

go_format_new_markup ()

GOFormat *          go_format_new_markup                (PangoAttrList *markup,
                                                         gboolean add_ref);

If add_ref is FALSE absorb the reference to markup, otherwise add a reference.

markup :


add_ref :


Returns :

A new format.

go_format_general ()

GOFormat *          go_format_general                   (void);

Returns :

go_format_empty ()

GOFormat *          go_format_empty                     (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_date ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_date              (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_time ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_time              (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_date_time ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_date_time         (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_percentage ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_percentage        (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_money ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_money             (void);

Returns :

go_format_default_accounting ()

GOFormat *          go_format_default_accounting        (void);

Returns :

go_format_generate_number_str ()

void                go_format_generate_number_str       (GString *dst,
                                                         int min_digits,
                                                         int num_decimals,
                                                         gboolean thousands_sep,
                                                         gboolean negative_red,
                                                         gboolean negative_paren,
                                                         const char *prefix,
                                                         const char *postfix);

Generates a format string for a number format with the given parameters and appends it to dst.

dst :

GString to append format string to.

min_digits :

minimum number of digits before decimal separator.

num_decimals :

number of decimals

thousands_sep :

if true, use a thousands separator.

negative_red :

if true, make negative values red.

negative_paren :

if true, enclose negative values in parentheses.

prefix :

optional string to place before number part of the format

postfix :

optional string to place after number part of the format

go_format_details_init ()

void                go_format_details_init              (GOFormatDetails *details,
                                                         GOFormatFamily family);

details :

family :

go_format_generate_str ()

void                go_format_generate_str              (GString *dst,
                                                         GOFormatDetails const *details);

dst :

details :

go_format_str_localize ()

char *              go_format_str_localize              (char const *str);

Localizes the given format string, i.e., changes decimal dots to the locale's notion of that and performs other such transformations.

str :

A *valid* format string

Returns :

a localized format string, or NULL if the format was not valid.

go_format_str_delocalize ()

char *              go_format_str_delocalize            (char const *str);

De-localizes the given format string, i.e., changes locale's decimal separators to dots and performs other such transformations.

str :

A *valid* localized format string

Returns :

a non-local format string, or NULL if the format was not valid.

go_format_as_XL ()

const char*         go_format_as_XL                     (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

a GOFormat

Returns :

the XL style format strint.

go_format_ref ()

GOFormat *          go_format_ref                       (GOFormat const *fmt);

Adds a reference to a GOFormat.

fmt :

a GOFormat

Returns :


go_format_unref ()

void                go_format_unref                     (GOFormat const *fmt);

Removes a reference to fmt, freeing when it goes to zero.

fmt :

a GOFormat

go_format_is_invalid ()

gboolean            go_format_is_invalid                (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if, and if only, the format is invalid

go_format_is_general ()

gboolean            go_format_is_general                (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if the format is "General", possibly with condition, color, and/or locale. ("xGeneral" is thus not considered to be General for the purpose of this function.) Returns FALSE otherwise.

go_format_is_markup ()

gboolean            go_format_is_markup                 (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if the format is a markup format Returns FALSE otherwise.

go_format_is_text ()

gboolean            go_format_is_text                   (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if the format is a text format Returns FALSE otherwise.

go_format_is_var_width ()

gboolean            go_format_is_var_width              (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if the format is variable width, i.e., can stretch. Returns FALSE otherwise.

go_format_is_date ()

int                 go_format_is_date                   (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

+2 if the format is a date format with time +1 if the format is any other date format. 0 if the format is not a date format. -1 if the format is inconsistent.

go_format_is_time ()

int                 go_format_is_time                   (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

+2 if the format is a time format with elapsed hour/minute/second +1 if the format is any other time format 0 if the format is not a time format -1 if the format is inconsistent.

go_format_month_before_day ()

int                 go_format_month_before_day          (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

0, if format is a date format with day and month in that order 1, if format is a date format with month and day in that order, unless 2, if format is a date with year before month before day -1, otherwise.

go_format_has_hour ()

gboolean            go_format_has_hour                  (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if format is a number format with an hour specifier FALSE otherwise.

go_format_has_minute ()

gboolean            go_format_has_minute                (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

TRUE if format is a number format with a minute specifier FALSE otherwise.

go_format_get_magic ()

GOFormatMagic       go_format_get_magic                 (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Format to query

Returns :

a non-zero magic code for certain formats, such as system date.

go_format_new_magic ()

GOFormat *          go_format_new_magic                 (GOFormatMagic m);

m :

Returns :

go_format_specialize ()

const GOFormat *    go_format_specialize                (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         gboolean *inhibit_minus);

fmt :

val :

type :

inhibit_minus :

Returns :

go_format_specializel ()

const GOFormat *    go_format_specializel               (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         gboolean *inhibit_minus);

fmt :

val :

type :

inhibit_minus :

Returns :

go_format_get_family ()

GOFormatFamily      go_format_get_family                (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Returns :

go_format_get_details ()

void                go_format_get_details               (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         GOFormatDetails *dst,
                                                         gboolean *exact);

fmt :

dst :

exact :

go_format_get_markup ()

const PangoAttrList * go_format_get_markup              (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Returns :

go_format_is_simple ()

gboolean            go_format_is_simple                 (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Returns :

go_format_value_gstring ()

GOFormatNumberError  go_format_value_gstring            (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         const GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         const char *sval,
                                                         GOColor *go_color,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         GODateConventions const *date_conv,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);

layout :

str :

measure :

metrics :

fmt :

val :

type :

sval :

go_color :

col_width :

date_conv :

unicode_minus :

Returns :

go_format_value ()

char *              go_format_value                     (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         double val);

Converts val into a string using format specified by fmt.

fmt :

a GOFormat

val :

value to format

Returns :

a newly allocated string containing formated value.

go_format_value_gstringl ()

GOFormatNumberError  go_format_value_gstringl           (PangoLayout *layout,
                                                         GString *str,
                                                         const GOFormatMeasure measure,
                                                         const GOFontMetrics *metrics,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val,
                                                         char type,
                                                         const char *sval,
                                                         GOColor *go_color,
                                                         int col_width,
                                                         GODateConventions const *date_conv,
                                                         gboolean unicode_minus);

layout :

str :

measure :

metrics :

fmt :

val :

type :

sval :

go_color :

col_width :

date_conv :

unicode_minus :

Returns :

go_format_valuel ()

char *              go_format_valuel                    (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         long double val);

fmt :

val :

Returns :

go_format_eq ()

gboolean            go_format_eq                        (GOFormat const *a,
                                                         GOFormat const *b);

a :

b :

Returns :

go_format_inc_precision ()

GOFormat *          go_format_inc_precision             (GOFormat const *fmt);

Increases the displayed precision for fmt by one digit.

fmt :


Returns :

NULL if the new format would not change things

go_format_dec_precision ()

GOFormat *          go_format_dec_precision             (GOFormat const *fmt);

Decreases the displayed precision for fmt by one digit.

fmt :


Returns :

NULL if the new format would not change things

go_format_toggle_1000sep ()

GOFormat *          go_format_toggle_1000sep            (GOFormat const *fmt);

fmt :

Returns :

go_format_odf_style_map ()

char *              go_format_odf_style_map             (GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         int cond_part);

fmt :

cond_part :

Returns :

go_format_output_to_odf ()

gboolean            go_format_output_to_odf             (GsfXMLOut *xout,
                                                         GOFormat const *fmt,
                                                         int cond_part,
                                                         char const *name,
                                                         gboolean with_extension);

xout :

fmt :

cond_part :

name :

with_extension :

Returns :

go_format_locale_currency ()

GOFormatCurrency const * go_format_locale_currency      (void);

Returns :

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