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Version 1.0.3

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I. Tutorial
Writing a UPnP Client
Writing a UPnP Service
II. Reference
Device Information
GUPnPDeviceInfo — Base abstract class for querying device information.
GUPnPServiceInfo — Base abstract class for querying service information.
GUPnPServiceIntrospection — Service introspection class.
Device Control
GUPnPControlPoint — Class for resource discovery.
GUPnPDeviceProxy — Proxy class for remote devices.
GUPnPServiceProxy — Proxy class for remote services.
Device Implementation
GUPnPDevice — Class for device implementations.
GUPnPRootDevice — Class for root device implementations.
GUPnPService — Class for service implementations.
Network context handling
GUPnPContext — Context object wrapping shared networking bits.
GUPnPContextManager — Manages GUPnPContext objects.
Utility Functions
GUPnPAcl — Object providing a simple access control list for GUPnP.
GUPnPWhiteList — Class for network filtering.
GUPnPResourceFactory — Class for resource and resource proxy object creation.
GUPnPXMLDoc — GObject wrapper for xmlDoc.
Error codes — Error domains and codes.
Special UPnP types — Extra types for use when calling UPnP actions.
Utility functions
gupnp-binding-tool — creates C convenience wrappers for UPnP services
III. XML Schemas
Device Description
Service Description
Index of all symbols
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 0.12.3
Index of new symbols in 0.13.0
Index of new symbols in 0.13.3
Index of new symbols in 0.17.0
Index of new symbols in 0.17.2
Index of new symbols in 0.19.1
Index of new symbols in 0.19.2
Index of new symbols in 0.20.3
Index of new symbols in 0.20.4
Index of new symbols in 0.20.5
Index of new symbols in 0.20.8
Index of new symbols in 0.20.9
Index of new symbols in 0.20.11
Index of new symbols in 0.20.12
Annotation Glossary
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