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atspi-collection — An interface designed to allow accessibles which satisfy a set of criteria to be returned.

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

AtspiCollection is implemented by AtspiAccessible.


An interface designed to allow accessibles which satisfy a set of criteria to be returned. This interface can be used to avoid iteration or client-side search of the object tree.



typedef struct _AtspiCollection AtspiCollection;

atspi_collection_is_ancestor_of ()

gboolean            atspi_collection_is_ancestor_of     (AtspiCollection *collection,
                                                         AtspiAccessible *test,
                                                         GError **error);

Not yet implemented.

atspi_collection_get_matches ()

GArray *            atspi_collection_get_matches        (AtspiCollection *collection,
                                                         AtspiMatchRule *rule,
                                                         AtspiCollectionSortOrder sortby,
                                                         gint count,
                                                         gboolean traverse,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets all AtspiAccessible objects from the collection matching a given rule.

collection :

A pointer to the AtspiCollection to query.

rule :

An AtspiMatchRule describing the match criteria.

sortby :

An AtspiCollectionSortOrder specifying the way the results are to be sorted.

count :

The maximum number of results to return, or 0 for no limit.

traverse :

Not supported.

Returns :

All AtspiAccessible objects matching the given match rule. [element-type AtspiAccessible*][transfer full]

atspi_collection_get_matches_to ()

GArray *            atspi_collection_get_matches_to     (AtspiCollection *collection,
                                                         AtspiAccessible *current_object,
                                                         AtspiMatchRule *rule,
                                                         AtspiCollectionSortOrder sortby,
                                                         AtspiCollectionTreeTraversalType tree,
                                                         gboolean limit_scope,
                                                         gint count,
                                                         gboolean traverse,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets all AtspiAccessible objects from the collection, after current_object, matching a given rule.

collection :

A pointer to the AtspiCollection to query.

current_object :

The object at which to start searching.

rule :

An AtspiMatchRule describing the match criteria.

sortby :

An AtspiCollectionSortOrder specifying the way the results are to be sorted.

tree :

An AtspiCollectionTreeTraversalType specifying restrictions on the objects to be traversed.

limit_scope :

If TRUE, only descendants of current_object's parent will be returned. Otherwise (if FALSE), any accessible may be returned if it would preceed current_object in a flattened hierarchy.

count :

The maximum number of results to return, or 0 for no limit.

traverse :

Not supported.

Returns :

All AtspiAccessible objects matching the given match rule after current_object. [element-type AtspiAccessible*][transfer full]

atspi_collection_get_matches_from ()

GArray *            atspi_collection_get_matches_from   (AtspiCollection *collection,
                                                         AtspiAccessible *current_object,
                                                         AtspiMatchRule *rule,
                                                         AtspiCollectionSortOrder sortby,
                                                         AtspiCollectionTreeTraversalType tree,
                                                         gint count,
                                                         gboolean traverse,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets all AtspiAccessible objects from the collection, before current_object, matching a given rule.

collection :

A pointer to the AtspiCollection to query.

current_object :

Upon reaching this object, searching should stop.

rule :

An AtspiMatchRule describing the match criteria.

sortby :

An AtspiCollectionSortOrder specifying the way the results are to be sorted.

tree :

An AtspiCollectionTreeTraversalType specifying restrictions on the objects to be traversed.

count :

The maximum number of results to return, or 0 for no limit.

traverse :

Not supported.

Returns :

All AtspiAccessible objects matching the given match rule that preceed current_object. [element-type AtspiAccessible*][transfer full]

atspi_collection_get_active_descendant ()

AtspiAccessible *   atspi_collection_get_active_descendant
                                                        (AtspiCollection *collection,
                                                         GError **error);

Not yet implemented.

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