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atspi-misc — Miscellaneous methods for using AT-SPI services.


int                 atspi_init                          (void);
void                atspi_event_main                    ();
void                atspi_event_quit                    ();
int                 atspi_exit                          ();


Miscellaneous methods for using AT-SPI services.


atspi_init ()

int                 atspi_init                          (void);

Connects to the accessibility registry and initializes the SPI.

Returns :

0 on success, 1 if already initialized, or an integer error code.

atspi_event_main ()

void                atspi_event_main                    ();

Starts/enters the main event loop for the AT-SPI services.

NOTE: This method does not return control; it is exited via a call to atspi_event_quit from within an event handler.

atspi_event_quit ()

void                atspi_event_quit                    ();

Quits the last main event loop for the AT-SPI services, See: atspi_event_main

atspi_exit ()

int                 atspi_exit                          ();

Disconnects from AtspiRegistry instances and releases any floating resources. Call only once at exit.

Returns :

0 if there were no leaks, otherwise other integer values.
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