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Zip files

Zip files — Utilities for reading and writing ZIP/JAR files


GsfInfile *         gsf_infile_zip_new                  (GsfInput *source,
                                                         GError **err);
GsfOutfile *        gsf_outfile_zip_new                 (GsfOutput *sink,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            gsf_outfile_zip_set_compression_method
                                                        (GsfOutfileZip *zip,
                                                         GsfZipCompressionMethod method);

Object Hierarchy



  "compression-level"        gint                  : Read
  "internal-parent"          GsfInfileZip*         : Write / Construct Only
  "source"                   GsfInput*             : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "compression-level"        gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "entry-name"               gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "sink"                     GsfOutput*            : Read / Write / Construct Only


GsfInfile and GsfOutfile support for zip files.



typedef struct _GsfInfileZip GsfInfileZip;

gsf_infile_zip_new ()

GsfInfile *         gsf_infile_zip_new                  (GsfInput *source,
                                                         GError **err);

Opens the root directory of a Zip file.


This adds a reference to source.

source :

A base GsfInput

err :

place to store a GError if anything goes wrong. [allow-none]

Returns :

the new zip file handler


typedef struct _GsfOutfileZip GsfOutfileZip;

gsf_outfile_zip_new ()

GsfOutfile *        gsf_outfile_zip_new                 (GsfOutput *sink,
                                                         GError **err);

Creates the root directory of a Zip file and manages the addition of children.


This adds a reference to sink.

sink :

a GsfOutput to hold the ZIP file

err :

Location to store error, or NULL; currently unused.

Returns :

the new zip file handler

gsf_outfile_zip_set_compression_method ()

gboolean            gsf_outfile_zip_set_compression_method
                                                        (GsfOutfileZip *zip,
                                                         GsfZipCompressionMethod method);

Property Details

The "compression-level" property

  "compression-level"        gint                  : Read

Controls the level of compression used for new members.

Allowed values: [0,10]

Default value: 0

The "internal-parent" property

  "internal-parent"          GsfInfileZip*         : Write / Construct Only

Internal use only.

The "source" property

  "source"                   GsfInput*             : Read / Write / Construct Only

The archive being interpreted.

The "compression-level" property

  "compression-level"        gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only

The level of compression used, zero meaning none.

Allowed values: [0,10]

Default value: 8

The "entry-name" property

  "entry-name"               gchar*                : Read / Write / Construct Only

The filename of this member in the archive without path.

Default value: NULL

The "sink" property

  "sink"                     GsfOutput*            : Read / Write / Construct Only

Where the archive is written.

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