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pango.Font — a rendering-system independent font representation.


class pango.Font(gobject.GObject):
    def describe()
def get_metrics(language)
def get_glyph_extents(glyph)
def get_font_map()

    def pango.PIXELS(size)
def pango.ASCENT(rect)
def pango.DESCENT(rect)
def pango.RBEARING(rect)
def pango.LBEARING(rect)


+-- gobject.GObject
  +-- pango.Font


A pango.Font object represents a font in a rendering-system independent way. A pango.Font is returned from the pango.Context.load_font(), pango.FontSet.get_font() and pango.FontMap.load_font()) methods.



    def describe()

Returns :

a pango.FontDescription object.

The describe() method returns a description of the font in a pango.FontDescription object.


    def get_metrics(language)

language :

a pango.Language that determines the script to get the metrics for, or None to get the metrics for the entire font.

Returns :

a pango.FontMetrics object.

The get_metrics() method returns a pango.FontMetrics object containing the metric information for a font using the pango.Language specified by language to limit the metrics to the script(s) used by language. If the value of language is None, the font metrics for the entire font is returned.


    def get_glyph_extents(glyph)

glyph :

the glyph index

Returns :

a 2-tuple containing two 4-tuples representing the ink and logical rectangles used to store the extents of glyph as drawn.

The get_glyph_extents() method returns a 2-tuple containing two 4-tuples representing the values of the logical and ink extent rectangles of the specified glyph within a font. The coordinate system for each rectangle has its origin at the base line and horizontal origin of the character with increasing coordinates extending to the right and down. The pango.ASCENT(), pango.DESCENT(), pango.LBEARING(), and pango.RBEARING functions can be used to convert from the extents rectangle to more traditional font metrics. The units of the rectangles are in 1/pango.SCALE of a device unit.


    def get_font_map()

Returns :

the pango.FontMap for the font


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Gets the font map for which the font was created.



    def pango.PIXELS(size)

size :

the integer value to convert to pango pixels

Returns :

the pixel value

The pango.PIXELS() function converts and returns the integer value specified by size to pango pixels.


    def pango.ASCENT(rect)

rect :

a 4-tuple representing an extent rectangle's (x, y, width, height) value

Returns :

the ascent value of rect

The pango.ASCENT() function returns the ascent value of the extent rectangle specified by rect.


    def pango.DESCENT(rect)

rect :

a 4-tuple representing an extent rectangle's (x, y, width, height) value

Returns :

the descent value of rect

The pango.DESCENT() function returns the descent value of the extent rectangle specified by rect.


    def pango.RBEARING(rect)

rect :

a 4-tuple representing an extent rectangle's (x, y, width, height) value

Returns :

the right bearing value of rect

The pango.RBEARING() function returns the right bearing value of the extent rectangle specified by rect.


    def pango.LBEARING(rect)

rect :

a 4-tuple representing an extent rectangle's (x, y, width, height) value

Returns :

the left bearing value of rect

The pango.LBEARING() function returns the left bearing value of the extent rectangle specified by rect.

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