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3.6.2 Parts of a Master Menu

A master menu is the main menu. It is customary to include a detailed menu listing all the nodes in the document in this menu.

Like any other menu, a master menu is enclosed in @menu and @end menu and does not appear in the printed output.

Generally, a master menu is divided into parts.

Each section in the menu can be introduced by a descriptive line. So long as the line does not begin with an asterisk, it will not be treated as a menu entry. (See section Writing a Menu, for more information.)

For example, the master menu for this manual looks like the following (but has many more entries):

* Copying Conditions::  Your rights.
* Overview::            Texinfo in brief.
* Command and Variable Index::
* General Index::
--- The Detailed Node Listing ---

Overview of Texinfo

* Reporting Bugs:: …
Beginning a Texinfo File

* Sample Beginning:: …
@end detailmenu
@end menu

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