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GogPlot — A plot.

Object Hierarchy



  "guru-hints"               gchar*                : Read / Write
  "interpolation"            gchar*                : Read / Write
  "plot-group"               gchar*                : Read / Write
  "vary-style-by-element"    gboolean              : Read / Write
  "x-axis"                   guint                 : Read / Write
  "y-axis"                   guint                 : Read / Write


This is the object that visualizes data. To manipulate the data shown in the plot, use gog_plot_new_series() and gog_plot_clear_series()

Plots are implemented as plug-ins, so make sure the plug-in system is initialized before trying to create one. See go_plugins_init()

GOffice ships a number of common plot implementations by default.



typedef struct _GogPlot GogPlot;


typedef struct {
	GogObjectClass base;

	GogPlotDesc desc;
	GType		series_type;

	GogAxisSet axis_set;

	/* Virtuals */

	GOData	  *(*axis_get_bounds) 	(GogPlot *plot, GogAxisType axis,
					 GogPlotBoundInfo *bounds);

	gboolean   (*supports_vary_style_by_element) (GogPlot const *plot);

	/* %TRUE if the plot prefers to display series in reverse order for
	 * legends (e.g. stacked plots want top element to be the last series) */
	gboolean   (*enum_in_reverse) (GogPlot const *plot);

	void       (*foreach_elem)    	(GogPlot *plot, gboolean only_visible,
					 GogEnumFunc handler, gpointer data);

	void       (*update_3d)		(GogPlot *plot);
	void	   (*guru_helper) (GogPlot *plot, char const *hint);
} GogPlotClass;


typedef struct {
	struct {
		double minima, maxima;
	} val, logical;
	gboolean is_discrete;
	gboolean center_on_ticks;
	GOFormat *fmt;

	const GODateConventions *date_conv;
} GogPlotBoundInfo;

gog_plot_new_by_type ()

GogPlot *           gog_plot_new_by_type                (GogPlotType const *type);

type :

Returns :

gog_plot_new_by_name ()

GogPlot *           gog_plot_new_by_name                (char const *id);

id :

Returns :

gog_plot_request_cardinality_update ()

void                gog_plot_request_cardinality_update (GogPlot *plot);

plot :

gog_plot_get_cardinality ()

void                gog_plot_get_cardinality            (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         unsigned *full,
                                                         unsigned *visible);

Return the number of logical elements in the plot. See gog_chart_get_cardinality.

full and visible may be NULL.

plot :


full :

placeholder for full cardinality

visible :

placeholder for visible cardinality

gog_plot_update_cardinality ()

void                gog_plot_update_cardinality         (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         int index_num);

Update cardinality and cache result. See gog_chart_get_cardinality.

plot :


index_num :

index offset for this plot

gog_plot_foreach_elem ()

void                gog_plot_foreach_elem               (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         gboolean only_visible,
                                                         GogEnumFunc handler,
                                                         gpointer data);

plot :

only_visible :

handler :

data :

gog_plot_get_series ()

GSList const *      gog_plot_get_series                 (GogPlot const *plot);

plot :


Returns :

A list of the series in plot. Do not modify or free the list.

gog_plot_get_axis_bounds ()

GOData *            gog_plot_get_axis_bounds            (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         GogAxisType axis,
                                                         GogPlotBoundInfo *bounds);

Queries plot for its axis preferences for axis and stores the results in bounds. All elements of bounds are initialized to sane values before the query _EXCEPT_ ::fmt. The caller is responsible for initializing it. This is done so that once on plot has selected a format the others need not do the lookup too if so desired.

Caller is responsible for unrefing ::fmt.

plot :


axis :


bounds :


Returns :

The data providing the bound (does not add a ref)

gog_plot_supports_vary_style_by_element ()

gboolean            gog_plot_supports_vary_style_by_element
                                                        (GogPlot const *plot);

plot :

Returns :

gog_plot_new_series ()

GogSeries *         gog_plot_new_series                 (GogPlot *plot);

plot :


Returns :

a new GogSeries of a type consistent with plot.

gog_plot_description ()

GogPlotDesc const * gog_plot_description                (GogPlot const *plot);

plot :

Returns :

gog_plot_axis_set_pref ()

GogAxisSet          gog_plot_axis_set_pref              (GogPlot const *plot);

plot :

Returns :

gog_plot_axis_set_is_valid ()

gboolean            gog_plot_axis_set_is_valid          (GogPlot const *plot,
                                                         GogAxisSet type);

plot :

type :

Returns :

gog_plot_axis_set_assign ()

gboolean            gog_plot_axis_set_assign            (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         GogAxisSet type);

plot :

type :

Returns :

gog_plot_axis_clear ()

void                gog_plot_axis_clear                 (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         GogAxisSet filter);

A utility method to clear all existing axis associations flagged by filter

plot :


filter :


gog_plot_set_axis ()

void                gog_plot_set_axis                   (GogPlot *plot,
                                                         GogAxis *axis);

Connect axis and plot.

plot :


axis :


gog_plot_get_axis ()

GogAxis *           gog_plot_get_axis                   (GogPlot const *plot,
                                                         GogAxisType type);

plot :

type :

Returns :

gog_plot_update_3d ()

void                gog_plot_update_3d                  (GogPlot *plot);

plot :

gog_plot_guru_helper ()

void                gog_plot_guru_helper                (GogPlot *plot);

plot :

gog_plot_clear_series ()

void                gog_plot_clear_series               (GogPlot *plot);

plot :


typedef struct _GogPlotView GogPlotView;

gog_plot_view_get_data_at_point ()

int                 gog_plot_view_get_data_at_point     (GogPlotView *view,
                                                         double x,
                                                         double y,
                                                         GogSeries **series);

Search a data represented at (x,y) in view and set series on success.

view :


x :

x position

y :

y position

series :

where to store the series

Returns :

index of the found data in series or -1.

Property Details

The "guru-hints" property

  "guru-hints"               gchar*                : Read / Write

Semicolon separated list of hints for automatic addition of objects in guru dialog.

Default value: NULL

The "interpolation" property

  "interpolation"            gchar*                : Read / Write

Default type of series line interpolation.

Default value: "linear"

The "plot-group" property

  "plot-group"               gchar*                : Read / Write

Name of plot group if any.

Default value: NULL

The "vary-style-by-element" property

  "vary-style-by-element"    gboolean              : Read / Write

Use a different style for each segments.

Default value: FALSE

The "x-axis" property

  "x-axis"                   guint                 : Read / Write

Reference to X axis.

Allowed values: <= G_MAXLONG

Default value: 0

The "y-axis" property

  "y-axis"                   guint                 : Read / Write

Reference to Y axis.

Allowed values: <= G_MAXLONG

Default value: 0

See Also

GogChart, GogSeries
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